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File 130104693623.gif - (247.17KB , 576x655 , Piston.gif )
4511 No. 4511 [Edit]
Hello Brohnos. I come to you guys for advice.

I'm a NEET and sick of leeching off my parent's income. I want to be at least self-sufficient. But my only skill is tinkering and building things. I have an idea: build dildo machines to sell on ebay. Its a pretty simple mechnism. I just have to get a motor, use a piston to convert rotation to linear motion, and encase the whole thing in a nice box with the plug and pumping arm sticking out of it.

Do you think I could make a living out of making these dildo machines?
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>> No. 4512 [Edit]
>> No. 4513 [Edit]
I think it might be possible. But a few things to consider:
* First you need some money to invest into the parts
* I'm not a lawyer, but the thing probably needs to pass some safety checks before you're allowed to sell it
* there's quite a bit of competition in that market (e.g. Sybian), and those companies probably get their stuff built in China, where the workers can easily live off of a fifth of what you need to make for a livelihood in the US/EU, meaning that you'll have to sell for a very low price.
>> No. 4514 [Edit]
File 130104930534.jpg - (38.14KB , 252x618 , piston.jpg )
Sell pistons with waifus on them instead.
>> No. 4516 [Edit]
The lawsuits resulting from a product malfunction could be horrific. It's probably not a good idea.
>> No. 4519 [Edit]

Some things you could do would be to come up with some Apple/Android app that people buy and enjoy or doing some hip website that hipsters and other normalfags would use. Selling ebooks on Amazon (that you wrote yourself). Be the creator of Tohno-chan.
>> No. 4520 [Edit]
Make a dildo app
>> No. 4526 [Edit]
I've heard a good way to make some money is to go to your local chinatown and buy cheap toys, then sell them for a profit on ebay. Idiots will buy anything

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