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File 130095037091.jpg - (58.06KB , 600x409 , Indomie_pack.jpg )
4473 No. 4473 [Edit]
My god.. This stuff is so.. So tasty! I even drink the soup! Its like.. Its like damn drugs or something!

Ramen thread
>> No. 4474 [Edit]
Meh. I eat it with hardboiled eggs, onions, hot peppers, and some vegitables but it isn't something I eat very often.
>> No. 4475 [Edit]
>mi goreng
>> No. 4476 [Edit]
I love cracking a raw egg into my ramen. Haven't had that in awhile. Unfortunately my grocery store only has Maruchan and Nissin ramen, despite selling some relatively obscure Asian foods.
>> No. 4478 [Edit]
Usually only Mr. Noodles or the generic no name brand here

Whatever crate is cheaper.

I let someone fancy up my ramen one time, never again
>> No. 4479 [Edit]
There's a ramen place right across the street from my dorm, and it's the best ramen I've found outside of Japan. Everyone there knows me because I come in so often.
>> No. 4483 [Edit]
I eat that same brand. I like to use as little hot water as possible so theres no "soup". sometimes I add stuff like a chopped raw onion.
>> No. 4484 [Edit]
I was about to say the same thing. Also, I live off the stuff since I spend all my money on textbooks and figures. So bad for me but it can't be helped, right?
>> No. 5032 [Edit]
I took Shin Ramyun noodles, shin ramyun soup base along with mama clear soup noodle soup base and decided to make my own tsukemen, because the soup was beyond salty (over 150% daily value for sodium). And I get to boil more noodles in my rice cooker and reuse the soup again. Then I boil the noodles without putting soup base in them and strain the oily ramen water. I usually have soup base ingredients in a separate container.

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