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File 130089484424.jpg - (146.06KB , 600x700 , glasses_sadfrog.jpg )
4449 No. 4449 [Edit]
I can't be the only one.
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>> No. 4450 [Edit]
I loathe the fact that I must wear glasses. It's like an admission that something is wrong with me. I actually used to get infuriated whenever I thought about it.
>> No. 4451 [Edit]
I hate when I open a can of soda and it splashes onto my glasses ;_;
>> No. 4452 [Edit]
I'm one of those people whose glasses are usually dirty as fuck so I don't give a shit.
>> No. 4453 [Edit]
I don't even wear my glasses. Ha ha ha, I can't see shit.
>> No. 4454 [Edit]
It's particularly annoying when you're staring at a computer screen, you can see all the dirt and finger prints. This is why I use lenses now, most of the time.
>> No. 4455 [Edit]
but it makes you moe!
>> No. 4456 [Edit]
I've always found it strange how most of the people I know or once knew (that aren't normals) wear glasses, whereas I've never needed to.
>> No. 4457 [Edit]
That was also the case for me until a few years ago when I started living secluded in my room. My eyesight then very quickly deteriorated and about a month later I had to wear glasses at all times.
It was already pretty bad before, though. And I actually had glasses, but I forgot them at home all the time and just didn't bother. When I go take a walk outside nowadays and I actually SEE the faces of the people who pass me by, I get surprised. It was better when I couldn't see those details.
>> No. 4458 [Edit]
File 130092039095.png - (50.46KB , 443x393 , eye.png )
As long as we're talking sight issues.
Fucking keratakonus.
>> No. 4459 [Edit]
I have a ton of eye floaters. Luckily I only notices them when I'm out in sunlight, which isn't often
>> No. 4460 [Edit]
I have an eye floater. I notice it really badly if i'm in the light, luckily my room is usually dark.
>> No. 4461 [Edit]
Mine make it sort of look like a really faint smoke is in the air. As long as it doesn't interfere with my vision at my computer I don't really care
>> No. 4462 [Edit]

You'll look like old snake though!
>> No. 4463 [Edit]
Squinting because he can't afford corrective lenses master race reporting in.
>> No. 4464 [Edit]
perfect eyesight master race reporting in
>> No. 4465 [Edit]
Did you play Pokemon when it first came out (Red/Blue)?
>> No. 4466 [Edit]
I squint even with my glasses because they're almost four years old, the prescription almost five, and I'm too poor to get new ones.
>> No. 4467 [Edit]
Yeah I don't really get how I can use computer for 13 hours a day everyday and not need glasses.
>> No. 4468 [Edit]
Neither do I. I bet I'll start needing them after a few years, though...
>> No. 4469 [Edit]
i played it on a gameboy emulator
>> No. 4470 [Edit]
same, although I do think my eye sight is starting to fail.
>> No. 4471 [Edit]
Because eyesight doesn't work that way.
>> No. 4472 [Edit]
I have contact lenses.
>> No. 4477 [Edit]
File 130095260695.jpg - (39.76KB , 385x294 , eyepatch_escape11.jpg )
It must be comforting to people with eye diseases that at least eyepatches look cool.
>> No. 4486 [Edit]
glasses dont bother me, and i can deal with all the shit on them to a high level that others have noticed instead of me.

fun fact: hipsters wear glasses now because its 'cool'. It might help you with that knowledge, even if it is associated with faggotry....
>> No. 4487 [Edit]
File 130099719744.png - (62.62KB , 441x357 , eye.png )
Almost forgot someone.
>> No. 4488 [Edit]
Am I the only one that is bothered by the use of memes like 'sad frog'?
>> No. 4489 [Edit]
I dislike it too, but I haven't said anything
>> No. 4490 [Edit]
File 130099932760.jpg - (17.57KB , 399x388 , toad reflecting on past.jpg )
I'll stop using sadfrog when Hot Topic starts selling him on t-shirts.
>> No. 4491 [Edit]
>> No. 4492 [Edit]
The "feels good man" face is already on shirts and has been for awhile.

And yes, I do hate that.
>> No. 4493 [Edit]
File 130099998484.gif - (7.61KB , 645x721 , feel.gif )
Fuck. What about that feel? Surely that must still be safe.
>> No. 4494 [Edit]
It's still stupid
>> No. 4495 [Edit]
You're right I guess.
>> No. 4496 [Edit]
I'm really surprised that that feel caught on. It was just one guy trying to force it on /jp/ last year, now it's everywhere.
>> No. 4497 [Edit]
when you get as old as me, you just shrug it off as that silly shit kids do these days.
>> No. 4498 [Edit]
File 130100367341.jpg - (93.16KB , 422x327 , sad-frog-theory.jpg )
I think sadfrog is a tolerable meme because he expresses all those things we will never do or have, he's not obnoxious.
>> No. 4499 [Edit]
It caught on because the majority of people on 4chan are retards who will like anything that is shoved in their face enough. This thread is getting kind of off-topic
>> No. 4500 [Edit]

I thought the feel was a kraut chan meme.
>> No. 4501 [Edit]
It might be. I just know there was a guy that was posting it a lot on /jp/ well before it hit other boards on 4chan.
>> No. 4502 [Edit]
Apparently: >>2698
Either way, this thread is getting rather off-topic.
>> No. 4503 [Edit]
Well its only natural that discussion evolves.
>> No. 4504 [Edit]
Discussing stupid memes is not an evolution
>> No. 4505 [Edit]
No I mean in general. Its unreasonable for people to complain about things getting off topic. First, nobodys even going to listen if they don't want to. Secondly, discussions drift away from the original idea on the internet like they do in real life. Fresh ideas come into the thread, new avenues of discussion are created and enough interest might be garnered to create a new thread in the future (albiet the new thread might be redundant on a board this slow). When people warn that a thread is going off-topic they may desire orderliness in their threads or it may be a reaction to stifle what they perceive as shitty discussion about bad things. In the latter case its improper, it should instead be ignored, hidden or reported.
>> No. 4506 [Edit]
Oh, I see. Sorry for the misinformation. I guess I missed that post.
>> No. 4507 [Edit]
File 130101656655.jpg - (35.09KB , 648x403 , tom-cruise-as-col-claus-von-stauffenberg.jpg )
>> No. 4515 [Edit]
File 130104964667.jpg - (121.94KB , 544x400 , Get this fucking mark offa me!.jpg )
Now you reminded me that I have to watch the German dub of Valkyria. While the original wasn't that bad, except for the FREEEEEEEDOOOOOOOM!!! ending, so much authenticity is lost when the nazis aren't speaking German.
>> No. 4557 [Edit]
Actually, mine are clean. There are only certain things that can do it without smudging though. Like certain kinds of shirt fabrics or paper towels.

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