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File 130082613018.jpg - (81.01KB , 850x637 , 300bb09f3cfd4c7a63658750852bae6c.jpg )
4428 No. 4428 [Edit]
Do you ever feel like if you would make a good wife?

I can cook and I like to clean. I would stay at home and take care of the house. But I have the disadvantage of being a boy.

Do you guys know what I'm talking about?
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>> No. 4432 [Edit]
File 130082674624.jpg - (24.59KB , 380x288 , 1271970979389.jpg )
No, I'm better as a coma patient.
>> No. 4435 [Edit]
be a stay-at-home husband then.
>> No. 4436 [Edit]
Nope. I can maintain a living space, but I would only do it for myself. I don't like doing such things for others.
>> No. 4437 [Edit]
File 130082985670.jpg - (471.55KB , 800x1136 , 91a92854436241d22783fb49e819e861.jpg )
I think I would make a good wife if I were lesbian and a woman.
>> No. 4438 [Edit]
I like to clean and bake, but cooking is a hassle to me. That said, I have fantasies of being a housedad for my waifu and our family.

Being a stay-at-home husband requires:

1) A wife.
2) A wife who doesn't mind making more than her husband.
3) A wife who doesn't mind her husband living off her paycheck.

That said, I'd love to be one.
>> No. 4439 [Edit]
I would rather be a loyal and cute imouto.
>> No. 4440 [Edit]
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Eh, how hard could it be?
>> No. 4442 [Edit]
I'd still sleep in late and then do nothing all day like usual, so probably not.
>> No. 4443 [Edit]
No. I wouldn't even make a good husband. I don't want to pass on my insanity genes so no children. I stay at home for a week and go to work non-stop for a week, due to the nature of work in mining (fly-in fly-out). I get angry easily.
>> No. 4445 [Edit]
I' pretty much am one
I cook, clean and maintain the house and lawn.
the only thing i don't do that a wife does is get dickings, but I'm cool with that.
>> No. 4447 [Edit]

2 is actually becoming more and more common. But good luck with the other two.
>> No. 4448 [Edit]

I'm just too damn lazy.
>> No. 4509 [Edit]
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>> No. 4535 [Edit]
>My 3D

>> No. 4536 [Edit]
My thoughts exactly... has the rule changed?
>> No. 4537 [Edit]
quit posting about your 3DPD
>> No. 4538 [Edit]
>> No. 4539 [Edit]
No. I'd make a decent pet (dog), at the most.
>> No. 4556 [Edit]
God damn, why does this arouse me?
>> No. 4558 [Edit]
I asked myself the same question.
>> No. 4559 [Edit]
you like the idea of kidnapping a little boy from the wild no one would ask or care about, who you would rise and train and bend to your exact will, to make them everything you could ever want?
To have your own personal slave/pet to do with as you please?
>> No. 4560 [Edit]
Maybe, but I would rather be the boy in that case
>> No. 4561 [Edit]
I was thinking it was more about his eyes in the last panel, but that sounds much more reasonable.
>> No. 4575 [Edit]
It has been proved that trying to acclamistise 'wild children' is impossible. If they were raised in the wild, they adopt the mannerisms of the animals which raised them and these animal behaviors imprint inside them permanently. The window of opportunity to instill cultural mores, the capability to comprehend human voices and facial expressions and the capability of communicating in human verbal/body language has forever been lost and these kids are doomed to be animals until they die.
>> No. 4580 [Edit]

It's a girl until I see a penis.
>> No. 4581 [Edit]

I think that hardly matters in this case - she's wearing a dress. As long as you're wearing a dress/skirt you're a girl. That's an ironclad rule and genitals have nothing to do with this.
>> No. 4582 [Edit]
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As long as it looks cute it's a girl as far as I'm concerned. I stopped caring about traditional gender roles a long time ago
>> No. 4583 [Edit]
so would you give a girl a blow job if she had a penises?
>> No. 4584 [Edit]
Well I don't like 3D girls in the first place, so no. If I was somehow able to do so to a 2D then yeah
>> No. 9595 [Edit]
In all honesty yeah, I've become my mother recently. I'm always cleaning, cooking stuff, taking care of people, etc. Never had a dad, so I'm one screwed up dude I suppose.
>> No. 9628 [Edit]
I'm not that guy but I totally would if I could. To 2D girls that is. Great do we always have to make these disclaimers every time we post.
>> No. 9629 [Edit]
yes becuase we're really bothered by the idea of you being okay with sucking off a real dick girl, but as long as you clear up that you want to suck a 2D dick, then it's all good.
>> No. 9630 [Edit]
yeah but my point was shouldnt it be assumed i wanted to suck 2d dick?
>> No. 9631 [Edit]
I wouldn't. I hate cooking and clean. Even washing dishes is hard for me. I rather study, get high salary work and hire maid to clean my house.
>> No. 9668 [Edit]
>>4438 : I like cooking but I'm not really good at cleaning and tidying
if I can get a freelance job, doing a housewife's chores while my wife working outside would be okay...
>> No. 9732 [Edit]
File 131284634776.png - (17.94KB , 100x100 , gale02.png )
I'm afraid I do not comprehend.
Marriage seems entirely unappealing to me.

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