>Sleeping next someone (0.05 µSv) >Eating one banana (0.1 µSv) Finally I can eat a banana and pretend to lie next to someone. ;_;
>Sleeping next someone (0.05 µSv) enjoy your cancer, relationshipfags
I'm confused
When you eat a banana it's like there where TWO other persons in your bed. brb, buying bananas
>>4385 >When you eat a banana it's like there were TWO other persons in your bed. fixed a typo
>>4384 Entire blue section fits into three green squares, entire green section fits into 7 1/2 red squares. A fatal dose is 800 red squares.
>>4385 >>4386 You can delete your posts you know
>>4388 I know, but deleting own posts just feels wrong. Especially with typos. An edit-button would be much better. But I love my Tohno the way it is.
I. . .I eat bananas all the time, am I a slut?
>>4412 Only if you "enjoy" them instead of eating them.
>>4412 Yes.
I'll be careful not to eat 80 million bananas
>>5592 Assuming you are also >>5591, could you please stop bumping old, shitty threads to the front page?
I now feel sorry for the girls of milky holmes.
>>5636 > 死んじゃった中国人を見る時.jpg Goddammit.