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File 13007170343.jpg - (145.02KB , 1109x720 , 1300611813726.jpg )
4382 No. 4382 [Edit]

>Sleeping next someone (0.05 µSv)
>Eating one banana (0.1 µSv)

Finally I can eat a banana and pretend to lie next to someone.

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>> No. 4383 [Edit]
>Sleeping next someone (0.05 µSv)
enjoy your cancer, relationshipfags
>> No. 4384 [Edit]
I'm confused
>> No. 4385 [Edit]
When you eat a banana it's like there where TWO other persons in your bed.

brb, buying bananas
>> No. 4386 [Edit]
>When you eat a banana it's like there were TWO other persons in your bed.

fixed a typo
>> No. 4387 [Edit]
Entire blue section fits into three green squares, entire green section fits into 7 1/2 red squares. A fatal dose is 800 red squares.
>> No. 4388 [Edit]
You can delete your posts you know
>> No. 4389 [Edit]
I know, but deleting own posts just feels wrong. Especially with typos.

An edit-button would be much better. But I love my Tohno the way it is.
>> No. 4412 [Edit]
I. . .I eat bananas all the time, am I a slut?
>> No. 4414 [Edit]
File 130074724266.jpg - (305.80KB , 625x750 , ce3b857de0a50c8fbd5153507aba108c.jpg )
Only if you "enjoy" them instead of eating them.
>> No. 4415 [Edit]
>> No. 5592 [Edit]
I'll be careful not to eat 80 million bananas
>> No. 5594 [Edit]
Assuming you are also >>5591, could you please stop bumping old, shitty threads to the front page?
>> No. 5600 [Edit]
I now feel sorry for the girls of milky holmes.
>> No. 5636 [Edit]
File 130345979958.jpg - (48.47KB , 328x318 , 死んじゃった中国人を見る時.jpg )
>> No. 5637 [Edit]
> 死んじゃった中国人を見る時.jpg

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