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File 130060331877.gif - (19.20KB , 500x500 , SWASTIKA.gif )
4297 No. 4297 [Edit]
It's not the symbol; it is the person's intent that is important. A symbol has never and will never kill anyone. Symbols are innocent.

The flaw is the human that either chooses to be pompously offended by it or adopt it to offend others. It really is childish, and both sides are equally ignorant and moronic.

I find extreme-anti-swastika advocates just as annoying and ignorant as the skinheads and white supremacists. Categorizing a buddhist or a war reenactor as a member of a way of life that profiles, categorizes, and discriminates against people based on their appearance by profiling, categorizing and discriminating against them seems awfully pompous and hypocritical to me.
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>> No. 4299 [Edit]
what is it with you and nazis
>> No. 4305 [Edit]
>awfully pompous and hypocritical to me.

Welcome to planet earth.
>> No. 4306 [Edit]
People who get offended by the swastika taking it out of context are shit for brains who don't understand basic logic, so there's no use explaining to them that the Nazis borrowed it from ancient cultures of Asia and that it doesn't always mean the person using the symbol wants to murder Jews.
>> No. 4309 [Edit]
I don't believe I've ever come across one of these "extreme-anti-swastika advocates" and I live in an extremely liberal/PC area. The only swastika controversy I can recall happened when someone spraypainted a giant one on the floor of the Jewish student union's room, so the intent there was obviously malicious.

>or a war reenactor
I wouldn't be too surprised if some people who reenact wars from the side of Nazi Germany are Neo-Nazis.
>> No. 4312 [Edit]
>I don't believe I've ever come across one of these "extreme-anti-swastika advocates"

Go to Germany, show swastika in public, get arrested.
>> No. 4317 [Edit]
Okay, but at least in Germany it's kind of understandable.

I knew a Hindu who had a swastika on his wall along with some other related symbols, and a few people got really offended at it. That's about all I've ever seen of that.
>> No. 4321 [Edit]
It's also a method of imposed guilt for Germans, which I'm not going further into explaining, lest I be accused of being a neonazi.
>> No. 4371 [Edit]
File 130068130291.png - (6.96KB , 468x468 , ironfront.png )
>I find extreme-anti-swastika advocates just as annoying and ignorant as the skinheads and white supremacists.
My feelings are that if you're making an allusion to hinduism, buddhism, Janisim, etc... Then cool. Once you start promoting Nazism you're a faggot.

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