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File 130060291696.png - (138.72KB , 864x1757 , traavy.png )
4296 No. 4296 [Edit]
Its been a while, tc. Lets retake this survey (take it for the first time for new guys) and post up the results.
Expand all images
>> No. 4298 [Edit]
I miss travy.
>> No. 4300 [Edit]
File 130060357790.png - (146.60KB , 864x1757 , fsodfsd.png )
>> No. 4303 [Edit]
I didn't think /tc/ was the survey-taking type, especially when it came to subjects like this.
>> No. 4304 [Edit]
Some people have used the chart to look for a waifu. I 'm not sure how that's turned out.
>> No. 4308 [Edit]
File 130060447729.png - (138.85KB , 864x1757 , derp.png )
Who do I even bother participating? Nobody even looks at these.
>> No. 4310 [Edit]
File 130060485980.jpg - (657.19KB , 864x1757 , tohno_survey_comp.jpg )
Everything marked in blue under Talents and Education are meant to be 'either/or'.

I'm pretty tolerant on the dere scale, but I think relative extremes keep things interesting.

I do. Yours is kind of a Yamato Nadeshiko.
>> No. 4313 [Edit]
File 130060521558.png - (133.27KB , 864x1757 , survey.png )
>> No. 4315 [Edit]
File 130060563213.jpg - (635.76KB , 864x1757 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
>> No. 4316 [Edit]
File 130060594936.png - (141.08KB , 864x1757 , 130060291696.png )
>> No. 4318 [Edit]
Hey, I read them! I don't usually read replies to survey threads, but Im very much interested in the interests of my fellow brohnos.
>> No. 4322 [Edit]
File 130060870169.png - (128.44KB , 864x1757 , test girl.png )

Well, I do.
It's another advtange of being still a fairly small community: it doesn't get heavy/boring, and many of us actually are interested in each other.
>> No. 4324 [Edit]
Haha, I love how you just made an arrow pointing to Asuka in the extra notes section. Little funny tidbits like that make these worthwhile to read. That, and also plenty of little additonal notes and such.
>> No. 4325 [Edit]
File 130060942944.png - (413.58KB , 864x1757 , tastes.png )
>> No. 4328 [Edit]
We know Tohno; some of us don't even consider those at all anymore, when resolving these.

Also, I'm amazed at how many brohonos demanding virginity are actually atheists. It's unexpected and happily intriguing.
>> No. 4329 [Edit]
Interest in a girl's virginity is less to do with religious beliefs and more as recognition of her purity.
>> No. 4331 [Edit]
>> No. 4332 [Edit]
File 130061135935.png - (138.84KB , 864x1757 , Untitled.png )
>> No. 4335 [Edit]
File 130061220297.jpg - (456.70KB , 864x1757 , pushd rong button.jpg )
>> No. 4336 [Edit]
File 130061307469.png - (145.01KB , 864x1757 , 130060291696a.png )
This'll probably change in a while.
>> No. 4337 [Edit]
god, don't tell me... a third??
>> No. 4338 [Edit]
What do you mean 'a third'? You mean hairstyle? I guess I wasn't too clear on short and long hair.
>> No. 4339 [Edit]
No... I meant a third waifu (because that about "changing soon").
I just did let my imagination fly.
So sorry. My apologies.
>> No. 4340 [Edit]
File 130061784582.jpg - (350.17KB , 864x1757 , survey.jpg )
>> No. 4341 [Edit]
Well, I meant that I had to edit the template because I wasn't being too honest with myself. What did he meant by short hair? What did he meant by long hair? I'm not even too keen whether I'm looking for specific personality traits because I'm not that picky when it comes to personality.

Of course, I'm not going to change waifus.
>> No. 4344 [Edit]
File 130063166964.png - (142.14KB , 864x1757 , survey.png )
So blue, it's like an ocean of indecisivity.
>> No. 4347 [Edit]
File 13006442072.png - (93.45KB , 864x1757 , imaaa.png )
>> No. 4348 [Edit]
File 13006508002.png - (120.01KB , 864x1757 , 130060291796.png )
>> No. 4350 [Edit]
File 130065147363.jpg - (494.15KB , 864x1757 , bitchesaintshit.jpg )
Not much changed from the old survey.
>> No. 4351 [Edit]
File 130065180553.png - (117.48KB , 864x1757 , perfect.png )
I was a little reluctant to do this...
>> No. 4356 [Edit]
File 130066096664.jpg - (110.15KB , 800x602 , true story.jpg )

I love to fill out all sorts of forms. And taking various tests. And stuff like that. Don't know why but I just do.

If there is anyone like that out there here's a stats chart to fill out. Just posting it, don't post the results here (unless the OP doesn't mind).

... Damn, I think I deleted the template so I only have one that I filled out. Sorry about that.


>Yours is kind of a Yamato Nadeshiko.

Not that guy but really, Yamato Nadeshiko? I see some points that kinda point to that type but there are only few of them and some importnant ones are missing.
>> No. 4361 [Edit]
File 130067066548.png - (138.88KB , 864x1757 , boku.png )
don't care
>> No. 4362 [Edit]
File 130067277243.jpg - (333.44KB , 960x1280 , 1287716214249.jpg )
>likes smoking, drunkard, fat chicks with tattoos that can't cook or clean and are anime-watching sluts
>> No. 4363 [Edit]
I mean in 2D. 2D makes everything cute.
>> No. 4365 [Edit]
>likes smoking, drunkard, fat... that can't cook or clean... sluts.

he actally put doesn't matter (not really liking), in all those.
>> No. 4367 [Edit]
He actually put doesn't matter (not really liking) in most of those subjects.
>> No. 4372 [Edit]
File 130068131263.png - (156.84KB , 864x1757 , 130060291696.png )
>> No. 4375 [Edit]
Did you draw yourself urinating over stalking onto ayaaya?
>> No. 4376 [Edit]
Yes. Well, I was trying to blow my load on him, but urinating makes more sense given the trajectory. I'm impressed that you were able to discern Stocking though.
>> No. 4381 [Edit]
File 130071581880.png - (139.67KB , 864x1757 , Mary Sue.png )
>> No. 4416 [Edit]
File 130075077918.png - (91.97KB , 864x1757 , bitchesandwhores.png )
>> No. 4420 [Edit]
File 130080651126.png - (133.77KB , 864x1757 , perfection.png )
>> No. 4480 [Edit]
File 130095592062.png - (78.72KB , 864x1757 , qwe.png )
>> No. 4579 [Edit]
File 130131154353.png - (141.38KB , 864x1757 , Опросник.png )
>> No. 4597 [Edit]
File 130137574582.png - (132.81KB , 864x1757 , notinmylifetime.png )
>> No. 4615 [Edit]
File 130140737664.png - (101.58KB , 864x1757 , 130060291696.png )
>> No. 4723 [Edit]
File 130160272721.png - (141.89KB , 864x1757 , form.png )
>> No. 4934 [Edit]
File 130193049640.png - (135.38KB , 864x1757 , 130060291696.png )
I like girls who are very obsessive, as I am like that myself somewhat. This is also the reason why I cannot find a yandere waifu. If a character is a yandere, she is already involved with the MC of that series, so I would never associate with her.
All I want is a short, cute, elegant girl who is tremendously obsessive. I want to be smothered with her love.
>> No. 4936 [Edit]
File 130194000336.png - (53.44KB , 800x600 , 1255291360353.png )

Might be just me but I think ours are kinda similar. I used to prefer downright obsessive ynaderes as I was pretty possessive myself but I think I got over that phase.

Also, I actually do have the template (>>4356
), I just couldn't find it. So since I'm already posting...
>> No. 4937 [Edit]
VN is your only choice. Because in a good VN MC is your incarnation in the wourld of VN
>> No. 4938 [Edit]
File 130194527960.jpg - (375.05KB , 864x1757 , perfect.jpg )
>> No. 4954 [Edit]
File 13019655967.png - (126.17KB , 864x1757 , 1300503491_76872800.png )
>> No. 5007 [Edit]
I've hard a really hard time with that as well. The only slight yandere who comes to mind from what I've read is Arcueid. But that's only if you take the Ciel route, where you can see her obsessive tendencies. Even then it's just not enough. She still does not mind you liking other girls.

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