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4279 No. 4279 [Edit]
What does /ot/ think about lucid dreams?
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>> No. 4280 [Edit]
I wish. The most i've ever gotten is suddenly being jolted awake for some reason in the middle of the night(day). I think I may be aware that I am dreaming then I suddenly forget it once I wake up.
>> No. 4281 [Edit]
I really wish I could have them ;_;

I'm getting better at dream recall though, which made me notice I dream about being back in high school a lot
>> No. 4283 [Edit]
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I've been trying to have lucid dreams ever since I first heard about them.

I think I came close a few times, but I always faltered at the last second.

Pic is only semi-related. There's a revised version of this picture, with better "instructions" somewhere.
>> No. 4284 [Edit]
I used to do it
It's really overrated
>> No. 4287 [Edit]
This is written like an /x/ copypasta.
>> No. 4288 [Edit]
that's probably because it is
lol crystals
>> No. 4289 [Edit]
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Since i know about lucid dreams, i can now recall my dreams like much better that before.
I used to think that i had no dreams, but now i I know we always dream, so I can recall at least one everynight.

But, I can't write them. I have a dream diary, but it have just one dream (the first one since I know about this thing).
I just can't find the motivation to write the others, don't know why.

And about reality checks, I always forget about them. Fuck.
>> No. 4290 [Edit]
Explain further
>> No. 4292 [Edit]
I had a dream as I was waking up this morning. My friend, his sister and his estranged stepfather drove up to my house in an RV. It was mid summer. He started fixing something and I told him I was going to leave soon, because it was a dream, and I had to get coffee. He asked me how I could tell I was dreaming, and I told him that I was just awake a few minutes beforehand, and I was still in REM mode.

Then a helicopter went above us towing a stretcher and had a body bag suspended vertically from a sixty foot cable, but the body bag had a window in it, and a sniper started shooting at me from the body bag, but just barely missing my ankles about five times as I ran like hell to the woods.

It was when I hid under the roots of a tree on my property I decided "Fuck it, at this rate I'm never going to find Yuki Nagato in the woods and have sex, so I'll just wake up." Didn't really think about how Alpha over my dream I was until I saw this thread.

I guess after having some pretty awful nightmares and waking in a cold sweat I conditioned myself to realize it is a dream and wake myself up, because I haven't had any nightmares I was trapped in since I was seven.
>> No. 4293 [Edit]
I had a dream that Mikoto (Inyouchuu) was naked on a bed surrounded by beautiful futas. She was nervous, but she started blowing them. Then I woke up. This is the second dream about her I've had in the last month or so.
>> No. 4294 [Edit]
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I've said it before and I'll say it again: Reality checks and WILD take too much time. I tried 6 months with them and only small got results.

In less than a week you can get much better results with uberman sleep. I had 2-3 really intense lucid dreams every day with that. The only problem is that the novelty wears off every 3 months or so, this means that you need to take 1 month breaks.

I have successfully spawned my waifu and had sex with my non-existent little sister.
>> No. 4295 [Edit]
Lately I've been waking up in the middle of the night during 'nightmares' and returning back to sleep straight away, several times a night.

Three nights ago, I dreamt I was in battle royale and had a pistol in my hand. I woke up swearing loudly and I think I might have jumped out of bed in a half dreaming, half awake state but then jumped back in. This happened at least three times. I wonder if anyone heard me.

Two nights ago I dreamt that I was surrounded by a scary back curtain. Again I woke up swearing loudly and then went back to sleep again.

One night ago I woke up in the early morning. My whole room was dark, except for the orange cloth that covers my window, which was illuminated by the light. I was confused as to which wy my bed was facing, and I constantly looked back and forth between the window and the reflection of the window in the mirror opposite, wondering which one was the real window. Then I went back to sleep.
>> No. 4301 [Edit]
I used to have them sometimes back when I was a teenager. They either ended in flying, sex, or trying to stay asleep but failing.

I'd like to try some of these techniques now that I've changed a whole bunch. Maybe it'll drive me to go to bed earlier so I can live in a world where I control everything.
>> No. 4307 [Edit]
Had a very strange dream a couple nights ago. I was in some sort of video game that played like Fallout 3/NV, but almost everything was made from flesh, blood, and bones.
>> No. 4314 [Edit]
apocalyptic saya no uta?
>> No. 4323 [Edit]
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I had a moderately disconcerting dream last night. I was in a movie theater watching Dexter wearing only a blanket when someone in the back row turned into a zombie. They weren't a normal zombie though, they died very quickly because flesh was falling off but they managed to get the rest of the theater infected. After I was bit, I could suddenly jump a long ways so I jumped right out into the concessions area where the cashier asked me who I was voting for. I responded Joe Biden. Then I died. The last thought I had was "I can just construct a world in my head and live there forever" but I wasn't able to in time. I died right as the sun set. I woke up right after that covered in sweat.
>> No. 4327 [Edit]
that would be great... with Saya on it, of course.
>> No. 4342 [Edit]
>I'm getting better at dream recall though, which made me notice I dream about being back in high school a lot

Oh, me too. Happens all the time. It's funny because (correct me if I'm wrong) it would mean that we miss high school, as one usually dreams of things he desires (again, I'm not well versed in this area but I remember reading something of this sort in some kind of dream-related article). I'm sure nothing in my life has messed me up as bad as the whole education process did. I can't even express how much I hated it.


>I used to think that i had no dreams, but now i I know we always dream, so I can recall at least one everynight.

Again, I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure I read that everybody has dreams, some just can't recall them. You might think you don't but you're wrong. Also, people have multiple dreams during one night (multiple as in 6-7).

I've had an interest in lucid dreaming for years now but I'm too damn lazy to do anything to actually try to develop lucidity.
>> No. 4345 [Edit]
I, for one, prefer to fantasize while awake.
>> No. 4346 [Edit]
That sounds awesome.
>> No. 4368 [Edit]
>I dream about being back in high school a lot
In high school, I would constantly have dreams about having a job but being grossly under-prepared for it, like a network administrator without any computer training or a bus driver with no experience ever driving even a car.

One notable example: I was a translator trying to diffuse tension between Saudi Arabia and Israel, who were both just about ready to nuke each other. Problem was, I could not understand Arabic or Hebrew, and I was given a gag dictionary that gave me only the most horrific phrases in each language with a completely innocent (albeit fake) English translation.

I dreamed about high school only for a month after the term ended every summer break, which kind of ruined the first month of my summer break, since it was just like being in high school and was just as mentally draining. Since graduating I have not had a single dream about high school.
>> No. 4378 [Edit]
I used to lucid dream every now and then. I never went out of my way to do it though. It hasn't happened in a long time.

I think people exaggerate how great lucid dreaming is, but maybe that's because I never "trained" my lucid dreaming skills. In my lucid dreams I could only control myself, not the external elements of my dreams. I feel skeptical about people who claim they have complete control over every aspect of their dreams.

Since there's also some general dream discussion going on: last week I found out that I sleepwalk and that what I thought was a dream really happened. I have no idea how often it happens but considering many of my dreams are just mundane stuff that I might really be doing I've gotten scared that I might be doing a lot of shit in my sleep.
>> No. 4379 [Edit]
I used to have this unnatural fear that I might start sleepwalking. It's a scary thought.

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