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File 130051128470.jpg - (129.56KB , 300x341 , NapoleonBike_6817.jpg )
4239 No. 4239 [Edit]
Does anyone feel like they're becoming a normalfag? In a way it seems that way for me as I have well...drifted back into normalfaggotry. When I was younger (like grade school) I was in my own world, and disconnected from nomalfaggotry. For some times I 'reconnected' back into normalfaggotry (well as close as that is) then got out, etc. In a way it seems that I am drifting back into normalfag culture now. Ive started watching those shitty reality drama shows because they're interesting. I've gone out with people, including 3DPD and have gotten relationshits.

This last phase has started in the last year I'd say, or more accurately since last July when I went back into the 'reality show' route. But the thing is, I still torrent and watch anime, I still plan on reaing visual novels and play doujinishi games, etc. And I do not hide that either.

This is not intended as a troll, but do other people feel the same way as I do?

tl;dr I was in my own world (always was, just to certain levels) then got moved into normalfag zone, kept my integrity mainly but got coopted.
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>> No. 4240 [Edit]
>> No. 4241 [Edit]
Also this thread should be posted in /so/, if at all
>> No. 4244 [Edit]
>> No. 4245 [Edit]
I might become better adjusting to living amongst normalfags, but I'll never become one.
>> No. 4246 [Edit]
If anything, i'm drifting more and more away from normalfaggotry.
>> No. 4247 [Edit]
The heresy dwells within you. If you do not stop it now, it will consume you from within and turn you into a full normalfag.
>> No. 4248 [Edit]
You sound more like a normalfag who just likes otaku things.

As for me, I'm about as normal as someone can get without actually being a normal.
>> No. 4249 [Edit]
I have been slowly drifting away from normalfaggotry and its mindset. But as each day passes, my desire for moe becomes stronger to the point that I could think of nothing... except moe. No 3D pig can ever be moe to me. I just don't feel it. They can't be HNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG. There's nothing in any of them that makes me feel attracted to them.

Well for me, I'm largely still 'normal' other than I hide mai waifu from others and being called 'moefag who plays MtG'.
>> No. 4256 [Edit]
Never will I be a normalfag.
>> No. 4257 [Edit]
File 130055140816.png - (365.60KB , 422x443 , Bassist for The Smiths.png )
> As for me, I'm about as normal as someone can get without actually being a normal.
Ahaha I heard that one before.
>> No. 4260 [Edit]
What kind of question is that? This is Tohno-chan, after all, not 4chans /soc/!

True NEET Hiki!
>> No. 4265 [Edit]
Really? Because I haven't.
>> No. 4272 [Edit]
I just came into this thread to say that the OP picture is one of the most awesome things I have seen in weeks.
>> No. 4273 [Edit]
I bet most of the original 4chan users are somewhat "normal" now
>> No. 4274 [Edit]
I tried to be normal when I was still in school so I could try to fit in. Needless to say, it didn't work out and I regret trying to become something I never was and never will be.
>> No. 4276 [Edit]


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