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File 130041488430.jpg - (38.25KB , 271x203 , mike%20drunk.jpg )
4175 No. 4175 [Edit]
Happy St. Patrick's Day, hope you're all enjoying your screaming drunk retards.
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>> No. 4178 [Edit]
File 130041514096.jpg - (327.91KB , 1066x800 , 1298776848277.jpg )
You should join the ric channel
>> No. 4182 [Edit]
>> No. 4186 [Edit]
I'm not around any drunks
>> No. 4187 [Edit]
I love you guys. like really, I didn't feel i've ever fit it with enybody before, but i reall yfeel like i fit hin here. i really love you guys. no homo, but you guys are my bestest of friends. I wish I could hug you all.
>> No. 4188 [Edit]
I'm drinking a beer but my room is peaceful and silent. Happy St. Patrick's Day
>> No. 4190 [Edit]
I've never fit in anywhere
not even here
so I've accepted that i shall forever just be an observer in any community i'm in
and nothing more.
>> No. 4191 [Edit]
I'm not the stereotypical brohno either, but if you're here in the first place, there's certainly something you can relate to.
>> No. 4195 [Edit]
I drank for a good 20 hours straight over the day,

Sad that this is the fest I've felt after waking up in a while now
>> No. 4211 [Edit]
Well at the time I posted that message, a few people on the IRC were drunk and rowdy. I was, at least.
>> No. 4213 [Edit]
Glad I don't go on IRC much then
>> No. 4214 [Edit]
Drunk people don't use computers, much less IRC.
>> No. 4215 [Edit]
It wasn't that bad and only occurred because of some holiday yesterday.
>> No. 4216 [Edit]
I can't really talk to people on irc anyways,
don't know how to hold a conversation
>> No. 4217 [Edit]
I don't either. I find it hard to talk to people unless there's a common thing to discuss, like chat in games is usually about the game itself.
>> No. 4232 [Edit]
The drunk retards are even worse tonight!
>> No. 4233 [Edit]

>> No. 4236 [Edit]
I mean outside, not here.
>> No. 4238 [Edit]
yes they do.

my city (Chicago) cancelled its south side irish parade. I miss all the drunk people, especially the teenagers from the irish ghetto by where I live (as in this is the place where drunk teenagers come from their catholic schools and I remember some of those wankers formed a 'mount greenwood disciples' gang).

Re. the parade, of course I dont have to pay for it or live by the parade grounds. A guy I knew was a student teacher from HS HATED that day as he worked in a convience store right by the route and had to deal with the drunk asshole irish people as well as the all the garbage and shit he had to clean up for.

Theres still a parade in the city core dunno how that is and the city still dyes the river green for that. In a way I miss seeing that.

Come to the border of the south side ghettoes and I'll hug ya :p

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