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4171 No. 4171 [Edit]
/ot/, lately I've been thinking of a glorious thing: a nation entirely comprised of autism spectrum people. I am autistic and find myself feeling a bit persecuted in everyday society. When I leave my house I can see people laughing or making fun of me because I have a habit of pacing and moving a lot, i.e. stimming. Relatives constantly tell me to relax and sit down because I make them nervous. I also (obviously) have trouble socializing and regularly get dumped on for that. When I was young I would even be punished for things such as walking oddly or stimming by teachers. I have other problems, and many times when I've done my best to solve them myself I can only see a hateful neurotypical rest of the world that's simply unwilling to even attempt to understand something outside the norm, especially things that are natural in an autistic person. I'm also sick of the ever-ongoing "search for the cure." I'm not sick, and I would like to not be treated as such. The only way I could see a place where non-neurotypical people aren't persecuted is if it was completely or primarily comprised of people who weren't neurotypical. What do you think of autistic pride and an autistic state?
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>> No. 4172 [Edit]
I think it would be difficult, since only the highest-functioning ones can fill the same breadth of roles as normal people.

It would probably be better to just pick an existing place and encourage autisters to move there en masse. Like Northern California. Or upstate New York. Or Wales.
>> No. 4173 [Edit]
mental disablities aren't anything to be proud of
>> No. 4176 [Edit]
That's the thing. I don't consider myself disabled. I'm only different, and differences should be accepted.
>> No. 4177 [Edit]
A state and pride? Not so keen on that. It would imply that all children born in the state would be autistic, which may not be the case. Also I'm against pride in things not earned, and especially issues that should be curtailed. Cancer pride and fat pride are extremes of that issue.

As for the way society views it: Fucking hell, it annoys me so much to see this shit. Even teachers, who go through classes on these issues, will treat autistic or asperger's students like the disorder is a habit that needs to be corrected. It's completely idiotic to even think that for a moment. As long as the activities of an individual with stimming tendencies do not harm others, it shouldn't be frowned upon or "corrected."

My 3DPD has aspergers, which is a minor form of autism that affects mostly social skills. Sometimes, it bugs me (when she puts her papers on the floor or freaks out when something behind her on the bedstand falls), but other times, I really get annoyed when people ridicule her for things that aren't that bad (she was talking about how things at a custom gift stand were very expensive, and the clerk bitched her out to no end for calling her twenty dollar chopsticks with five yen coins and feathers dangling off a chain "too expensive.").

Doctors and "professionals" give people medicine to "treat" the problem. It's just like telling these people that their personalities themselves are and issue and need correcting. It's dehumanizing and idiotic. Really, I just view the different levels of autism as a personality archetype, and not as a mental deficiency.

We should remember that we are all on the spectrum.
>> No. 4179 [Edit]
I think it's all right to be proud or at least accepting of differences; as it is now, people are made to feel ashamed of their simple differences in habit. I get sad when I hear of "the search for the cure," and would agree that the medical approach so far has been degrading.
>> No. 4180 [Edit]
do you want to be treated like a human being or some super special snowflake because you're autistic? autistic pride is fucking stupid. making a nation of autistic people is even stupider. You're doing the exact same thing that people who persecute you are doing: Letting your autism define who you are.
>> No. 4181 [Edit]
I only want normal treatment, and I doubt I'll find that in neurotypical society, ever.
>> No. 4183 [Edit]
It's not pride as in accomplishments, it's meant in a more political context, meaning refusing to be ashamed of something that one believe shouldn't be considered shameful.
>> No. 4184 [Edit]
Thanks, that's more what I was going for.
>> No. 4189 [Edit]
I don't get this whole "autism pride" thing. I was diagnosed with Asperger's when I was about 11, but I have never been proud of it. Especially because of the "special" treatment I received in middle school which did nothing but give fellow students a reason to hate me even more. I didn't need someone watching over me in every class, a special room to take major tests in, or to go up and take pointless examinations every other week.
>> No. 4199 [Edit]
I think it might be like deaf pride and those deaf parents who want to make their children deaf.
>> No. 4201 [Edit]
I did multiple reports on Deaf culture in high school. The Deaf always say they can't be "fixed" because they aren't broken. I see what they're saying, but... no. No one is born without the ability to hear; they lose their hearing later from disease or trauma. However, while autism should theoretically follow similar rules, there's no way to know if there's something actually wrong with an autistic person or if they just have an unusual personality. Still, "pride" comes from a group overcoming persecution, so Autistic Pride should be no different from Black Pride, Gay Pride, etc.

I'm rather on-the-fence about the whole issue in case you couldn't tell.
>> No. 4203 [Edit]
In a country full of people like us nothing would ever get done. No construction, no commerce, no reproduction (goes without saying.) It would fall apart right away.
>> No. 4204 [Edit]
A country full of any one particular kind of person would fail.
>> No. 4206 [Edit]
I think an interesting question to ask is, if there was an alternate dimension where all the humans were somewhere on the autism spectrum, how would it operate? One can only guess, but its fun to think about these things.

First off, 'progress' would be severely stifled. The first humans would probably live solitary lives, foraging, hunting and dying virtually almost like animals because one of the crucial aspects which makes us humans- being social- would be severely hampered. Higher-functioning humans might form small, isolated groups held together by shaky alliances. The lower functioning humans would probably die out, being unable to form the beneficial relationships with other humans which improve survival chances, and not having the neccesary intelligence to make use of tools or make their own clothes. In fact, it would be odd for such a species of helpless animals to have evolved in the first place. The lower-functioning autistic humans will definately die out, being outcompeted by higher functioning humans, or possibly evolved to have greater strength, to have fur, and/or to have claws to cover the weakness brought on by lack of intelligence. Humans are pathetically useless without their intelligence. Our soft, fragile fingers and naked body are useless.

So what now of the remaining population of higher-functioning autistic humans? They may well continue to evolve to become increasingly socially-adjusted (by our standards) until they became quite similar to us. In fact, it would be difficult for humans not to evolve in this direction. Being able to form social groups is a huge advantage.

But lets say they did not evolve in that direction. Such a species may be doomed to live almost like animals for the rest of their lives. Any new technologies or discoveries made by humans will be taken to the grave due to poor communication skills. Agriculture, a sedentary lifestyle, and eventually civilisation, will never take place because the humans are unable to work cooperatively. The human species will subsist as isolated pockets of hunter-gatherers for all time, until they became extinct.
>> No. 4207 [Edit]
I don't think it'd be very prosperous. High- or low-functioning, autistics lack the social skills to progress, much like how normals lack the intelligence.
>> No. 4235 [Edit]
I made this thread a while ago and remember threads like this on wrongplanet. You shhould enjoy it/
>> No. 4237 [Edit]
>> No. 4242 [Edit]
TV tropes is fun to read through sometimes but I avoid the community related things like the plague
>> No. 4243 [Edit]
There goes the next 5 hours...
>> No. 4251 [Edit]
what's wrong with the community? The people posting there are better than those who post on the larger chans, zoklet/totse or even sankakucomplex.
>> No. 4262 [Edit]
All scientific evidence suggests humans are a social species, and it is through social interaction over the millennium that we gained so much knowledge, understanding and technology. An autistic nation would not succeed unless it were guided by extroverts.

I've often speculated how great it would be to have some type of neural network you could just "upload" your entire consciousness onto, and exist in that. People could form entire societies of like minded people, essentially forfeiting your physical existence. It's obviously unrealistic in our time, but imagine what it could be like in another 500-1000 years of scientific innovation. Our minds are nothing more than a bunch of electric signals anyway.
>> No. 4266 [Edit]
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I think that's a really bad idea.
>> No. 4270 [Edit]
If you mean the kind of uploading transhumanists toss up sometimes, that's impossible. Your thinking cannot exist independently of your body just as much your digestion cannot. It's nonsense. Even if you could simulate your mind in a computer, that wouldn't be you, just as a picture of someone is not her. Or is she?
>> No. 4271 [Edit]
Kind of like how if teleportation is ever invented it will technically kill you and place an identical copy somewhere else.
>> No. 4291 [Edit]
I read an article in Time about these scientists who are talking about mind-uploading, and immortality, and how robots will be the master race soon or something similar. I'm don't know much about such things, but it all seemed like a big circlejerk to me. You know how these people can get.
>> No. 5018 [Edit]
Autism is not a "mental disability"

>>A state and pride? Not so keen on that. It would imply that all children born in the state would be autistic, which may not be the case.

Nope, but the state will be a state dedicated to the will of the autistic, rather than all the societies on Earth now that are dedicated to neurotypical garbage. A Autistic Nation will be for Autstic. Aspergia for the Aspergians

>>Cancer pride and fat pride are extremes of that issue.

How is "fat pride" an extreme exactly.

>>I was diagnosed with Asperger's when I was about 11, but I have never been proud of it. Especially because of the "special" treatment I received in middle school which did nothing but give fellow students a reason to hate me even more.

Well Autistic Pride says you should not let the neurotypicals who abued you get away with their shit.

How do you know? How do you know the autistic race will not be able to overcome its' dispositions and build a better nation. We already do the same or similar things in Silicon Valley or Seattle.
>> No. 5019 [Edit]
As said by Ayu-Ayu in the IRC: Autism is a joke.

It's just an excuse for poor social skills.
>> No. 5021 [Edit]

Heard the same thing about depression more than once. Afterall, it's just an excuse for spending your whole day in bed, right?
>> No. 5022 [Edit]
And schizophrenia, and pretty much every mental disorder ever.
>> No. 5025 [Edit]
I think it would depend on other factors more, like the kind of people and how things get handled.
It could either be a nice place where everyone gets along or a dystopian cold and hostile place.
I myself had ADHD and still sometimes vestiges of it surface. I can imagine why someone would feel like this is a good idea I think but people tend to find problems all the time, the moment we fix one thing we figure there's another issue, the moment one thing stops being a difference we'll note something else. Tolerance is still key, you can't nail a nation where no one will have differences they can use to harass others unless every person is exactly the same.
So I think it would really depend more on the people, their culture and mentality , and not having any specific similarity such as a neurological condition or really, anything else.
Some countries struggle with racism but other countries where they're all the same in that regard still manage to have issues of their own.
>> No. 5026 [Edit]
Well Ayu-Ayu is a faggot then.
>> No. 5029 [Edit]
Not really. Schizophrenia in particular is very obviously real if you've ever met anyone with a moderately severe case.
>> No. 5033 [Edit]
>How do you know? How do you know the autistic race will not be able to overcome its' dispositions and build a better nation. We already do the same or similar things in Silicon Valley or Seattle.

You're talking about specific segments of society that probably have a lot more socially awkward people on average than others. They're not whole countries in themselves. You really can't have a working society without people who are, you know, social. That's not to say people like us can't do great things while at the same time flipping society in general the bird.
>> No. 5036 [Edit]
tell the people who never learn to speak due to autism that it isn't real...
saying it's an excuse for poor social skills is so retarded. it's s like saying that panic attacks are an excuse for anxiety.
>> No. 5044 [Edit]
I wouldn't say that it's fake, but I would say that it's a little over-diagnosed.

A person who never learns to speak even though he is always exposed to society would likely be autistic. But a "shy kid" is just a "shy kid," there's no need to slap some kind of label on him.
>> No. 5048 [Edit]

I think you misunderstood what he meant.

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