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File 130032332055.jpg - (191.39KB , 898x676 , wall.jpg )
4123 No. 4123 [Edit]
Partially covered by the battlestations thread, but not just about computer areas. What kind of decorations do you have in your living space? Posters, figs, paintings, etc.

I was always afraid of being hassled/insulted by my family for having overtly anime-themed stuff hanging around, so the closest I've gotten is the related picture, a photo of some bridge in japan put up as a framed poster.

I also have some cheap painting on canvas from a store that sells stereotypically asian-themed decorations and clothing and tea sets. No picture of it, but it's a nice little (green) forest picture.

Other than that, it's all bare walls. When I was a kid I used to put up the foldout posters that came in Nintendo Power.
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>> No. 4124 [Edit]
>When I was a kid I used to put up the foldout posters that came in Nintendo Power.

Haha I did the same thing! My wall right now is covered with posters I put up when I was a kid. The only new thing introduced to my room in the last few years is my high school diploma and my computer/desk
>> No. 4127 [Edit]
I have a couple of posters.

One is a lame Aerosmith poster that I think I bought in a Salem, Mass surplus store (?), and the other is the 'poster' that came with Nirvana's "Live at Reading" album. Still don't know why I bought that...I never liked live albums. Oh, and a picture of my waifu, naturally.

I'd like to go all crazy and decorate my room in composite prints of van Gogh paintings and HD anime wallpapers, but every time think about it, I look at my printer and recall it hasn't had paper or ink for about 3 months, now.
>> No. 4129 [Edit]
I don't like having posters on my walls so I just have a big frame with some kind of yin yang picture that my mother got me when we did an overhaul of the room. I've wanted to replace it for ever now because it looks retarded.

I try not to have anything that would remind me of Japan or weeaboos in general, like swords or wall scrolls because not even Nips have those.

I do have some Nyantype posters inside my closet though.
>> No. 4136 [Edit]
I have two things.

One is a piece of A4 paper which I wrote with a red whiteboard marker FIX YOUR SLEEP SCHEDULE on, its been there for about five months. And recently, I put a huge piece of orange cloth over my window, because for the past few weeks, mosquitoes always stung me all night, making it impossible to sleep, and only recently did I realise they snuck in through the window. During the day, my whole room is stained dark orange, and the FIX YOUR SLEEP SCHEDULE note I wrote becomes invisible.
>> No. 4138 [Edit]
I don't have anything on my walls

I'll at least give my parents the respect not to put trashy cartoon posters on their walls

When I move out I plan on having my own little room for this kind of thing, a "mancave" I think westerners call it... Just less sports and more little girls
>> No. 4140 [Edit]
Good timing. Before today, my dorm room had absolutely no decorations, but I just got a letter from my little brother. He sent me a postcard with a closeup of Justin Bieber's face. Nothing else. I thought it was funny, so I put it up.
>> No. 4141 [Edit]
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The only thing I have decorating my room are a couple of plushies (a dolphin, a yoshi) a cat clock and this framed picture I got from a book fair, the author was signing them, and apparently he is a very recognized artist from my country.
>> No. 4142 [Edit]
When I was younger I had all the walls of my room covered in cutouts from BMX magazines. Basically a wallpaper made of magazine and scotch tape. It actually looked really cool but didn't last very long. Now my walls are bare other than the 4 posters I have (Nausicaa, xxxHolic, Defeater, Scale The Summit). I also have a giant 7'x4' NBL (national bicycle league) banner that covers up one of my windows.
>> No. 4146 [Edit]
Unfortunately, I have no decorations in my room right now. My mom, being a total normal, probably wouldn't like it.

When I move out, though, I'm definitely going to start buying figs.
>> No. 4147 [Edit]
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on my walls I have 2 wallscrolls (the other one is Rei obviously). and in my TV room a poster of Kurt Cobain, for some reason.

when I was a kid I basically wallpapered my room with posters from basketball magazines.
>> No. 4148 [Edit]
I have nothing other than a few typical boyish posters of cars that have been up for ten to twelve years now. I'd love some anime wallscrolls and posters but I don't have the money. Plus, i'd be embarrassed when my mum would eventually ask what they were.
>> No. 4166 [Edit]
I have a poster of a Black metal band on my wall, a bob marley advertisement from the early 70's, some egg carton foam on my window to keep the glare out and a pokemon poster (original 150) on the window as well.

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