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File 130028761927.jpg - (74.83KB , 520x347 , IMG_3900_110103.jpg )
4098 No. 4098 [Edit]
Why do you think it's okay for Japan to have this and other such things? In the West, anything with cartoons on it is considered childish. You are not allowed to eat Ika Musume fish sticks. Anime is looked down upon, you are not allowed to watch cartoons if you're over 25. Skirts are for little girls. Headbands and other hair ornament is for little girls. You are not allowed to cry. You are not allowed to express pain. Is it the same for Japan?

I heard someone say (maybe it was Anno, don't remember) that Japan is a country of children, they never learn to grow up. Is this really true or is our view flawed?
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>> No. 4100 [Edit]
Simply put, it's because the entirety of "western culture" is trash.
>> No. 4101 [Edit]
Last I heard, that kind of stuff is looked down in Japan too.
As for cartoons, Pixar, The simpsons, Futurama, South park, Family guy are pretty mainstream. Heck just look at how many superheroes movies are being made lately.
Consider that japan is much more conservative and stubborn than the west, sometimes so much that they drive people who don't like their companies to suicide.

As for Anno's quote, I don't know in what context he said that. He probably meant how Japan lost his balls after WW2.

I think that there are ups and downs everywhere.
>> No. 4105 [Edit]
Gotta agree with you there.
>> No. 4106 [Edit]
It's cultural, that's all. Outside Japan no society is as liberal to this stuff as Japan itsellf.
>> No. 4107 [Edit]
This. That being said we can still order this stuff online (though perhaps I'd wait until you know packages are being mailed out of Japan).
>> No. 4115 [Edit]
Western culture is not trash. I bet most of you would hate living in Japan. Btw anime is looked down upon there; you can only read manga.
>> No. 4116 [Edit]
I'd say it certainly is, in the west, sex and violence are down right encouraged.
morals are a joke, people don't know what manners are, they disregard the environment, are selfish and spoiled beyond belief, and people are generally all retarded.

American culture = stealing money any way you can, collecting guns to kill defenseless things with, fucking and or suing anyone you can and being the biggest show off/attention whore you can be.
>> No. 4117 [Edit]
Basically you can see the culture difference in the way the people respond to disaster. Japan so far has had no major rioting and looting, whereas people were fighting and stealing shit in New Orleans before the major flooding even happened.
>> No. 4118 [Edit]

This sums it up, whether you believe it or not.

North America is a cultural and moral wasteland...nothing nice exists there anymore. It's very depressing, to be honest, because it IS the downfall of society on a whole. Give it 50 years, this continent will be a place to shit on for tomorrows super powers like Asia & Africa is today.
>> No. 4120 [Edit]
Not trying to spark an argument, but out of all the English-speaking areas in the world, which is the best place to go to? I was thinking of getting out of the US if I somehow manage to get the money.
>> No. 4125 [Edit]
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Canada, Ireland, New-Zealand. Three countries I wouldn't mind living in. Okay, maybe not Ireland.

Not only Japanese people. I've noticed Chinese and other Asians in general are far more polite in my country. They usually dress better too. Young Asian girls tend to wear cuter things than their western counterpart. Their kids seem happy, reserved, intelligent, polite. Rarely bad manners or loud mouthed. This could of course me having bias towards Asians but I feel their mentality is in some ways more noble than the western one.

Also, observing people, their tics, their mannerisms, their clothes is my favorite pastime on my daily 2 hour commute. If there is one thing I've noticed all these years is that there are no really sane or "normal" people. Everyone is a bit crazy inside their head.
>> No. 4126 [Edit]
I can honestly say I've never met an asian person that I hated. Well there was this one guy I encountered at a few rest stops on a road trip once (guess we were going the same way) and he stunk up the bathroom every fucking time. It's like he was trolling my family
>> No. 4131 [Edit]
Why shouldn't people enjoy childish things? Why shouldn't people show their emotion? Why shouldn't people enjoy a product that three dozen people poured all their sweat and tears into making? Why not use the characters they make to sell products?

I have a Marine friend who loves Azumanga Daioh. He was introduced to it after a tour of duty in Afghanistan, and he was transferred to a base in Okinawa. After that he was a moe otaku, I guess to relieve the horrible things he saw. In all, it's really actually good for people to have fucking souls and enjoy cute things.
>> No. 4132 [Edit]
I've got the same plan, and I for one am thinking of heading over to Canada, it seems a lot more peaceful and I would much prefer a colder climate.
>> No. 4134 [Edit]
I was thinking the same thing, but apparently they hate and discriminate Americans (I don't blame them though), so it's made me apprehensive about moving there.
>> No. 4137 [Edit]
I thought everyone knew that otaku culture is very different from mainstream Japanese culture.
>> No. 4139 [Edit]
No, for some reason people still think Japan is the land of anime as far as the eye can see.
>> No. 4143 [Edit]
It pretty much has to do with the rise of kawaii culture in post-ww2 japan.

Japan has learned to accept cute things for what they are. Being "cute" really isn't socially accepted over in America or Europe. That's pretty much it.
>> No. 4157 [Edit]
I know it has it's fair share of problems, but I respect Japanese culture a hell of a lot more than American culture, especially given the current events. There's no rioting, no looting, no pushing of agendas, just people helping each other out and trying to rebuild their lives.
>> No. 4158 [Edit]

I agree with you 100% on that. Reminded me of this article I read:


You mean people who were raised in Asia, right? Cause if you don't you should meet some of the young Nipo-Brazilians nowadays. The only thing that's left from Japan in them are what the genes can carry. Everything else has failed to make the transition from the past generation.
>> No. 4159 [Edit]
Speaking as an Asian, I've met tons that I despise. They're not outright dicks but still just as bad as any other assholes.
>> No. 4160 [Edit]
Assholes exist in any culture, in any race.
>> No. 4163 [Edit]
my sister works at a pharmacy, she was saying how all our countries potassium iodide (radiation medicine) has be bought out, not by japan, but by america. Not to go to the japanese population, but because of all the people worried about the fallout in america. It's kind of disgusting
>> No. 4164 [Edit]
That's what happens when you have a barely informed media telling people it's the end of the world
>> No. 4165 [Edit]
Also my mom went to the store yesterday and I half-expected her to come home with radiation medicine
>> No. 4168 [Edit]
It was going into the thousands of dollars the other day for 100 tablet packs. I'm really scared that this will bring on a new wave of dehumanizing the Japanese by the Tea Derp tangent.

She probably couldn't find any. I saw a fat guy in a flannel shirt try to take the entire stock in one store. I live on the east coast. Of the United States.

>Culture does play a role, but it is not an adequate explanation. After all, in the right circumstances, Japanese mass behavior can rank with the worst humanity has to offer, as in the Rape of Nanking.
Things that happened seventy years ago have an effect on culture now? This seems like a sly "but they're still back-stabbing rapists" thing I keep seeing this week. Also, judging an entire people by the activities of their grunts seventy years ago is a fucking idiotic thing to do. Americans aren't all a bunch of puppy kickers and rapists, but their soldiers have done it.
>...lessons which do not require wholesale adoption of Japanese culture, from eating sushi to sleeping on tatami mats.
No futons. Just tatami mats. Like Americans sleep on hardwood floors.

On a note with cuteness, mostly with anthropomorphism, it's kind of ingrained in their culture. If you know anything about Shinto, a very unique aspect to the beliefs is the fact that kami exist in so many things.
>> No. 4169 [Edit]
>I'm really scared that this will bring on a new wave of dehumanizing the Japanese by the Tea Derp tangent

They already hate anyone who isn't a christian american so this won't really change anything

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