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File 130026607516.jpg - (137.95KB , 800x600 , Untitled.jpg )
4091 No. 4091 [Edit]
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>> No. 4093 [Edit]
Their teeth and ears don't match, for starters.
>> No. 4094 [Edit]
Certainly they're both called masters among american public; while failing hard to match the true everlasting geniuses o their respective field be them called Anno, Shirow or Nakamura...Tarkovsky, Bergman or Leigh.
>> No. 4097 [Edit]
File 130028651790.jpg - (21.59KB , 389x300 , Döden.jpg )
>Hatin' on Bergman
What's the matter, too DEEP for you?
>> No. 4099 [Edit]
File 130028939163.jpg - (40.15KB , 640x480 , eyebrows.jpg )
>> No. 4102 [Edit]
... no, man: I love Bergman; he was one of the true great ones I was trying to refer. I really must review my old english lessons...
>> No. 4108 [Edit]
I can actually think of one good reason to dislike Bergman. He was given control of Svenska Filminstitutet in the 1960 and ruled it like a petty dictator for four decades, effectively preventing almost all Swedish filmmakers who were not his imitator from making movies during that span. He sucked the creative wind out of the Swedish film industry to keep himself as it's uncontested king. Since his death the Swedes have thankfully begun to recover. This takes nothing away from his own accomplishments as an auteur, but the Swedish film world had a good number of promising artists who never fully blossomed because of Bergman's influence. Vilgot Sjöman is the most amongst many of them.
>> No. 4119 [Edit]
Bergman was a great artist, but also a great egoist.

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