No. 4072
>I also enjoy browsing through shitty ancient fan shrines from the late 90s and early 2000s; it amuses me and makes me slightly sad.
I know what you're talking about. The worse they look the better. On the one hand there is a site which shows how devoted someone used to be. The fact tat they look so bad and amateurish makes it twice as good as it shows that those people didn't care much whether it will look great to terrible, they just wanted to have a place to talk about stuff they love. (Of course back in the day tools for creating websites weren't avaible or - in the best case scenario - weren't as good but sites like that are pretty bad even by 90s' standards.)
Then you realize that they stopped updating their sites and abandoned them; probably grew up and gave up on said hobbies altogether. I'm very sentimental and have a hard time throwing stuff out so again, I know what you're talking about. It's just plain sad. What's even sadder is the fact that if you asked them those people would probably say something like 'oh yeah, I used to be into that stuff' and laugh it off while you actually sort of care. Seriously, what gives?
Third. Out of my Top 10 most visited sites /tc/ and it's boards take up 8 places. The only other places I bother with are the Mishimmie and NBA.com (my number one most visited site, I check the results on a daily basis). Other than that some anime/manga/vns related stuff - bakabt, tokyotosho (it used to be my homepage, too), mangatraders, mangaupdates, some sites of scanlations groups, vndb, metacritic, MAL (I never participated in MAL's community), stuff like that. That's all, really.