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4032 No. 4032 [Edit]
/tc/, what other sites do you frequent? I go to quite a few imageboards, most notably 99chan, and also browse through Wrong Planet occasionally, though I rarely post. I also enjoy browsing through shitty ancient fan shrines from the late 90s and early 2000s; it amuses me and makes me slightly sad. Pic completely unrelated.
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>> No. 4033 [Edit]
>> No. 4035 [Edit]
/jp/, a haruhi imageboard, hongfire and SA. SA is pretty hit or miss since it has a large "FUCK ANIME PEDOS HURR" population but on the other hand it has zero /b/ shit and some neat people, like the guy who makes the Painterly pack for Minecraft or the Recettear translators to name a few. I rarely post there though.
>> No. 4038 [Edit]
99chan as well

Want to touch dicks?
>> No. 4039 [Edit]
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Not shown:
the booru's
ebay / hlj / / playasia / amiami
forum from my old wow server
forum from my old SWG server
>> No. 4040 [Edit]
>> No. 4041 [Edit]
I skim /jp/ sometimes, but not often

That's about it. I got bored with the internet, I think.
>> No. 4044 [Edit]
this is the only board I post on. sometimes I'll check out 4chan just to troll.
apart from that its mostly stuff related to video games I guess. and I check ebay every day for new Evangelion related listings.
>> No. 4046 [Edit]
A video game music forum that has more /ot/ content than on topic content.

A spinoff of a video game website's forums (again, pure /ot/ stuff) -- the originals grew too large so all the cool kids went somewhere else. Although the level of discourse is basically 4chan-level negativity/hostility/stop-liking-what-I-don't-like so I don't really go there much anymore.

No other communities, just resources or stuff with content.
>> No. 4054 [Edit]
>A video game music forum that has more /ot/ content than on topic content.

Gamingforce? The community sucks ass there for anything outside of game music, but they host an incredible number of game scores/rips.
>> No. 4055 [Edit] is the only one I use. I would like to try though, I do have a fair few things to share that wouldn't be on there.
>> No. 4056 [Edit]
Sounds good, my fellow gay Canadian.
>> No. 4057 [Edit]
To be honest, I really haven't been anywhere but here in a week.
>> No. 4060 [Edit]
Yeah. I know what you mean.

Other than a few imageboards (namely 99chan and on occasion, /a/ or /jp/ - Still can't shake that habit), I'm on /tc/.
Oh, and lately, BBC. That's only temporary, though, what with the whole Japan situation capturing my interest (but that's another thread).
>> No. 4063 [Edit]
I still hang around 4chan every now and then. Other than that, only reddit.
>> No. 4067 [Edit]
jp &
>> No. 4070 [Edit]
4chan's /jp/ and /c/ are the only other imageboards.

Tokyotosho is my homepage, and I have a RSS feed on my desktop to inform me on new stuff. I check the various boorus daily for new images, and ANN for news.

Also check some technology sites like techpowerup and bit-tech because computer hardware is one of my hobbies.
>> No. 4072 [Edit]

>I also enjoy browsing through shitty ancient fan shrines from the late 90s and early 2000s; it amuses me and makes me slightly sad.

I know what you're talking about. The worse they look the better. On the one hand there is a site which shows how devoted someone used to be. The fact tat they look so bad and amateurish makes it twice as good as it shows that those people didn't care much whether it will look great to terrible, they just wanted to have a place to talk about stuff they love. (Of course back in the day tools for creating websites weren't avaible or - in the best case scenario - weren't as good but sites like that are pretty bad even by 90s' standards.)

Then you realize that they stopped updating their sites and abandoned them; probably grew up and gave up on said hobbies altogether. I'm very sentimental and have a hard time throwing stuff out so again, I know what you're talking about. It's just plain sad. What's even sadder is the fact that if you asked them those people would probably say something like 'oh yeah, I used to be into that stuff' and laugh it off while you actually sort of care. Seriously, what gives?


Third. Out of my Top 10 most visited sites /tc/ and it's boards take up 8 places. The only other places I bother with are the Mishimmie and (my number one most visited site, I check the results on a daily basis). Other than that some anime/manga/vns related stuff - bakabt, tokyotosho (it used to be my homepage, too), mangatraders, mangaupdates, some sites of scanlations groups, vndb, metacritic, MAL (I never participated in MAL's community), stuff like that. That's all, really.
>> No. 4073 [Edit]
Tohno-chan. Wakachan.

Thats it
>> No. 4074 [Edit]
/bun/, vndb, and egs. I used to browse Futaba some but I'm still holding a grudge after I got an eroge spoiled there. Plus not being able to post kind of sucks. I use anidb only for the database functions; the community is fucking awful.

Recently I started browsing /jp/ again after stopping sometime in August or September. I'm going to stop again because it's even worse than when I left and I'm remembering how easy it is to waste way too much time there.

I wish there was a good, active, English community for high-level weeaboo hobbies. I guess there just aren't enough Westerners with high power levels to sustain one though.
>> No. 4077 [Edit]

>I wish there was a good, active, English community for high-level weeaboo hobbies.

I know one: /tc/! Isn't that why we're all here?
>> No. 4078 [Edit]
Yeah, I am quite glad to see /tc/ is so much more active these days compared a year ago.
>> No. 4082 [Edit]
Just 4chan and YouTube.
>> No. 4084 [Edit]
4chan's music board, Tinychan, Minichan, Canvas, ED and YouTube for the trolling
>> No. 4085 [Edit]

You're joking, right
>> No. 4087 [Edit]
You can probably guess from my last post, but my main hobby is eroge, and /vn/ averages like a post a week. /an/ can get really slow at times too.

I created a Youtube account for trolling purposes but I guess I don't have it in me because I found myself just making serious comments. Now I rarely comment and just watch videos.
>> No. 4088 [Edit]
I'm hoping /vn/ will get more active soon, but chicken and the egg. Am I right?
>> No. 4089 [Edit]
4chan's /mu/ is no less terrible. I think that's a troll post.
>> No. 4090 [Edit]
Yeah, /mu/ is terrible. I still frequent their IRC though. There are some cool guys there, but I avoid the imageboard like the plague.
>> No. 4104 [Edit]
Well ED and Canvas are the only things I'm familiar with on his list. ED is basically a /b/ wiki, and Canvas is /b/ with facebook integration, so if that guy seriously finds either amusing then he needs to get out immediately
>> No. 4110 [Edit]
I disagree. But then again I only visit the board for the sharethreads.
>> No. 4121 [Edit]
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>> No. 4133 [Edit]
2ch, nico, random Japanese blogs, bk1, random game review blogs, TT, pixiv, kanjidicks
>> No. 4263 [Edit]
The feeling I get is the one of nostalgia and admiration of the devotion they had to the subject, so I think we're on the same page. I also enjoy browsing through the geocities archives, even though geocities pretty much sucked. That and the way-back machine make me nostalgia hard. My favorite site that's gone now is on the way-back machine was called "An Introverts World" and was hosted by some schizoid named Michael. Here's the link:
I wish it was still active.
>> No. 4264 [Edit]
Here and a few of my favorite pixiv artist profile pages, which haven't yielded up much lately.
>> No. 4343 [Edit]

>I wish it was still active.

Oh, but that would kill the magic! It's 'fun' because they are dead sites, not despite it.
I might look through the one you posted later but come on, updated in 2007? That's way too fresh for my tastes! (I just realized it might sound elitist - that's not what I had in mind, it was meant more as a joke.) Also, he updated it for almost 10 years - that sort of ruins it, too. I like sites people created as teenagers, updated for about a year or two and then stopped doing anything with them. I think a good chunk of them forgot they ever did something like that in the first place and this is what gives them this sensation I seek. They were so enthusiastic and yet they forgot about it and are most likely through with it. They 'grew up'.

Things just don't stay the same over time and this is precisely what makes me (or 'us' as in human beings) fell so insecure. Everything changes, you can't rely on anything to stay the same forever, things come and go, come and go, come and go. That's how life works and that's what makes it both amazing and yet so miserable.
>> No. 4390 [Edit]
I dont post on 99chan anymore or even lurk - the relationshit board pissed me off as well as the normalfag advice there.

I post on wrongplanet, tvtropes and used to post on zoklet and old totse (I stopped posting in such shitholes)

sometimes on 4chan, /jp/ mainly and if i feel like bile fascination /adv/ /soc/ and /b/. also /int/
>> No. 4401 [Edit]
>I like sites people created as teenagers, updated for about a year or two and then stopped doing anything with them.
I used to browse sites like that when I was a teenager. Godawfully depressing.

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