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No. 3992 [Edit]
  Moot's speech at SXSW today. Once again brings up his failure regarding moderation on the site.

>"One of the mistakes I've made is believing in an invisible guiding hand as far as moderation goes. And that if you give the community the right structure they could police themselves," he admits.

>"I've underestimated the value of having a real staff presence, and encouraging them to police the boards behind the scenes. When it's not clear that we're leading things it's like we're not there and that we don't care – it's extremely detrimental to community.

>"At one point, we let it go [to the extent that] we were so far behind the scenes that when we came back it was met with a mixed reaction [from 4Chan users]."
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>> No. 3993 [Edit]
This is the first time I've ever bothered looking at a video of moot and I had no idea he was so effeminate
>> No. 3994 [Edit]
Can you tell me at what time point he makes the comments that you've quoted?
>> No. 3995 [Edit]
I pulled the quotes from a Guardian article. I haven't watched the entire thing yet.
>> No. 3996 [Edit]
I find it nice that he admits he is shit at setting up good moderation, but he probably means illegal shit and not the /b/ shit that floods the other boards on a daily basis
>> No. 3997 [Edit]
speaking of moderation if this turns into another 4chan bashing thread im closing it
>> No. 3999 [Edit]
his public speaking skills have not improved in any capacity
>> No. 4000 [Edit]
His frequent ums are a big downside to listening to him.
>> No. 4001 [Edit]
Also, he totally farted at :33
>> No. 4003 [Edit]
That was a fake fart from a machine thingy.
>> No. 4004 [Edit]
File 130007150949.jpg - (62.08KB , 640x480 , 1158370109552dq4.jpg )
>His lectures on anonymity are a joke.
Not exactly.

I have a facebook and don't have any pics of myself or my real name. I made it more for my internet persona, which may be lame. I know the majority of people don't do this, but some do. I have a few friends who are on facebook only as their internet personas. That being said, the facebook requirement can be worked around.
>> No. 4005 [Edit]
I make all of my internet accounts with either my internet persona (my steam, for example) or no personality at all (for places like hongfire)
>> No. 4006 [Edit]
What I mean is that the staff can track everything you do regardless of proxies, etc., and even if you have a fake facebook account, a lot of people are going to use real ones.
>> No. 4007 [Edit]

I made a facebook once when the forums of a game I play were down to discuss current server politics with other players, was down for about a week. It was the most I had used facebook my whole life. Don't plan on doing it again anytime soon.
>> No. 4010 [Edit]
Ha ha ha, oh wow. Why are there so many farts?
>> No. 4016 [Edit]
He seemed unorganized and slightly disconnected in this speech. Compared to other times he's spoke publicly this is by far him at his worst.

Anyone else bothered by what he does with his hands at the start of the video?
>> No. 4017 [Edit]
Well, SXSW is a music/arts festival, so maybe he was more nervous because he was out of his element? His speeches are usually done with more tech/internet savvy folks.
>> No. 4018 [Edit]
Maybe he really did have a hangover?
>> No. 4022 [Edit]

well, if that's the case it'd be even worst. he's not a kid anymore. it wasn't his first time at all, speaking publically. even at cons, he was always in his better state of mind, ready to make the better contributions he could and also being funny; he's now the frontman of a (even if unpleasent to us) project with major investors involved... so he shouldn't have allowed himself to do something as n00b as to appear all wasted, to speak about that very same brand new (and kind of pollemic) project of him.

note that, by now, he's not even presented as moot but as (C.) Poole.
>> No. 4026 [Edit]
That has to be the gayest thing I've seen in a while.
>> No. 4043 [Edit]
moot has a fucking degree in Mexican history or some bullshit dealing with Mexico. He has no formal knowledge of anything regarding the internet, aside from the fact that he made a 2ch clone a few years ago and it exploded.

Why do you think sucks? He had no clue what he was trying to do with it.
>> No. 4144 [Edit]
That would be meximoot, and is a /b/ joke, not the actual moot. Take it easy anonymous.
>> No. 4145 [Edit]
yeah, you're thinking of a joke.
>> No. 4151 [Edit]
Wow. He is really not that bright, is he? Wtf were his hands doing at the beginning? Operation The Hipster Must Die is going to feel soo good.
>> No. 4152 [Edit]
Also I love how he gets to just stop the whole speech and ask for water.
>> No. 4153 [Edit]
>Operation The Hipster Must Die

>> No. 4154 [Edit]
If I were to post the flyer for it I would probably get banned. Sorry. Either way, Tohno-chan does not need that kind of stuff anyway. This place it peaceful.
>> No. 4155 [Edit]
I assume it's stupid /b/ shit then, which makes me wonder why you even know/care about it
>> No. 4156 [Edit]
I would advise against it. Just the word "Operation" is giving me an uneasy feeling.
>> No. 4255 [Edit]
Well no, if it were stupid /b/ shit then Poole would know about it and would be making wordbans and banning people left and right. No this is going to be very...anti-/b/.
>> No. 4275 [Edit]
Let me guess, they're going to DDoS, is that it?
>> No. 4277 [Edit]
If so then that fits the definition of "stupid /b/ shit" to me.
>> No. 4282 [Edit]
Also, as much as I dislike moot, doing something like that to the guy who made the website they worship is a pretty shitty thing to do. Maybe this will make him realize 4chan isn't worth keeping around anymore.
>> No. 4285 [Edit]
4chan is moot's cash cow. He's not going to get rid of it. In the event if 4chan does get the axe, we might have to worry about the wave of /a/ and /jp/ refugees.
>> No. 4286 [Edit]
Look. Can we get over this 4cdhan stuff once and or all?
>> No. 4352 [Edit]
>we might have to worry about the wave of /a/ and /jp/ refugees.

I doubt it. In the event 4chan dies someone will probably make a new 4chan and everyone would migrate there. We'd probably get a bit more users but hopefully the mods would be able to sort out the trash.
>> No. 4354 [Edit]
It's been about a month or so since Moot put up the janitor applications, I believe? Have you guys noticed any better moderation at all on the site?

/jp/ seems to have someone new, but it's still not enough, and he only seems to be around for short periods of time. I browse /mu/ sometimes when I'm bored, as well, and I've never noticed anything being deleted. I try to report the off-topic threads and troll threads, but none of those seem to be deleted, either. /mu/'s an absolute waste, though, so even if it did have better moderation, the community's too far-gone at this point, and the board's probably isn't salvageable.
>> No. 4355 [Edit]
>Have you guys noticed any better moderation at all on the site?

I don't go there as much anymore but from what I saw earlier no. There was a thread about dale earnhardt on the front page of /jp/ and on /a/ one of the mods had another wacky sticky thread.
>> No. 4357 [Edit]
Protip: New janitors haven't been instated yet. Maybe in around 6 more months, moot will get off his lazy ass and actually get to it.
>> No. 4358 [Edit]
Well assuming he will actually put effort into choosing good janitors, he has a lot of apps to sort through. That's a big assumption though
>> No. 4370 [Edit]
my prediction is that several people will try to cash in on being the spiritual successor of 4chan, it would be very interesting to see how that userbase will disperse

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