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File 130002189910.jpg - (137.19KB , 304x1386 , 2011-01-20-MothsToAFlame.jpg )
3964 No. 3964 [Edit]
So which webcomics are you following, Brohnos? And why are none of them half as good as Buttersafe?

There's no need to be offended, I'm just teasing you. I thought I would point that out as my jokes have backfired in the past.
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>> No. 3965 [Edit]
I only follow Gone With the Blastwave. I visit every month.
>> No. 3966 [Edit]
Twokinds. Though I actually do read that, I certainly wouldn't list that as some sort of representation.

The list of webcomics I read is far too long to post here, but my favorite is probably Goblins, or maybe Axe Cop.
>> No. 3973 [Edit]
Penny Arcade!
Darths & Droids
Manly Guys Doing Manly Things
Order of the Stick
Gunnerkrigg Court
Dark Places
Hanna Is Not a Boy's Name
The Meek
Dr. McNinja
Axe Cop
Johnny Wander
Hark, a vagrant

and my current favourite, Unsounded.

That isn't all of them, but these are the once I follow regularly.
>> No. 3977 [Edit]
File 130004457263.jpg - (458.81KB , 900x1050 , xkcd randall.jpg )
Gun Show
Super Mega
Penny Arcade as a guilty pleasure

Really disgusted that anyone here would actually admit to reading xkcd. That's as bad as it gets.
>> No. 3983 [Edit]
File 130005064143.jpg - (45.19KB , 600x600 , vomit.jpg )
>> No. 3984 [Edit]
>> No. 3985 [Edit]
Penny Arcade
VG Cats
Original Life
>> No. 3986 [Edit]
I used to follow some, but then I grew up.

I KID! ..mostly.
>> No. 3988 [Edit]
File 130005707240.jpg - (245.32KB , 600x900 , Duane.jpg )
Unsounded is pretty awesome, I love how the art sometimes spills off the page or how the site changes to fit the mood of the story.
One of the best fantasy webcomic you can find.
>> No. 3989 [Edit]
File 130005799847.png - (34.88KB , 721x262 , girlscoutcookies.png )
Cyanide and Happiness is the only webcomic I read from time to time.
>> No. 3990 [Edit]
The Perry Bible Fellowship, Concerned, DMotR and MSPA (Except for Homestuck) come to mind, but they're finished.
From time to time I'll check out Hark, A Vagrant, Darths & Droids, Lapin and SMBC.
I'm "actively" following Nedroid, Order of the Stick and Qwantz.
>> No. 3998 [Edit]
File 130006888751.gif - (42.91KB , 700x488 , comic_php.gif )
achewood a long time ago
>> No. 4014 [Edit]
SMBC. All the (few) comics I used to follow started to suck, and while I tried starting some more famous ones, I don't care enough to read through years of content.
>> No. 4023 [Edit]
I don't understand all the hate xkcd gets. Maybe I'm just stupid, or I've somehow managed to avoid the internets judgment of it, but I usually enjoy reading it, even if most of the jokes fly over my head.

Just why it that comic so universally reviled?
>> No. 4024 [Edit]
File 130010077051.jpg - (44.28KB , 600x386 , angular_momentum.jpg )
Pretentious, cheesy, and overrated. It's not as bad as people make it out to be, but when a comic has strips like this, it deserves some scorn.
>> No. 4025 [Edit]
the author is a pretentious windbag. half the comics are smug science/engineering references and the other half are sob stories about being friend-zoned. It exists to stroke the egos of nerds who want to feel intelligent because they can program or have trouble communicating with women.

also this >>3977
>> No. 4027 [Edit]
File 13001053738.gif - (70.23KB , 468x609 , 20080611.gif )
I dont follow any but I recently saved this because it made me lol
>> No. 4028 [Edit]
Hark, A Vagrant
And a couple Korean ones.

I don't really follow much.
>> No. 4029 [Edit]
Hating popular things is cool. People will make up other reasons but that's the real one.
>> No. 4030 [Edit]
That's terrible
>> No. 4034 [Edit]
I'd still think it was a shit webcomic if I was the only person in the world who had seen it
>> No. 4045 [Edit]
why does it deserve scorn? are the physics wrong?
>> No. 4092 [Edit]
File 130026639822.jpg - (455.54KB , 550x731 , ViceSmallWonder.jpg )
i like johnny ryan, but i'm the only one
>> No. 4095 [Edit]
My friend loves him. I don't.
>> No. 4122 [Edit]
File 130032218925.gif - (197.14KB , 587x813 , ncp2008-01-14.gif )
I'm gonna have to assume that you're friends with johnny ryan.
>> No. 4200 [Edit]
I like pictures for sad children.
>> No. 4202 [Edit]
File 13004351447.gif - (41.25KB , 650x500 , A Japanese Woman Fries an Egg and Asks You About Y.gif )
I told him you said that and he thought it was funny.
I used to LOVE that comic, but then it got into that weird religious/existential arc where he kept talking with God. I stopped reading it because it didn't look like it was going to get out of it anytime soon.

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