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File 129982706599.png - (188.26KB , 697x453 , tsunami.png )
3783 No. 3783 [Edit]
Massive earthquake hit Japan. Footage so far is horrific
Expand all images
>> No. 3784 [Edit]
File 129982828344.jpg - (24.75KB , 589x351 , onfire.jpg )
What's on fire here? I've never heard of these.
>> No. 3785 [Edit]
I heard Tokyo is now a disaster zone and gangs are roaming the streets and raping little girls.
>> No. 3786 [Edit]
Looks like some sort of refinery.
>> No. 3787 [Edit]
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>> No. 3788 [Edit]
File 129982910415.jpg - (210.80KB , 595x353 , 9840.jpg )
>> No. 3790 [Edit]
containers, probably for oil or some sort of ignitable fuel.
>> No. 3791 [Edit]
My god someone blew up the gantz factory
>> No. 3792 [Edit]
File 129983479064.jpg - (124.32KB , 640x427 , hlj1.jpg )
Yeah, it's pretty awful. Take a look at the HLJ factory.
>> No. 3793 [Edit]
File 129983482373.jpg - (115.43KB , 600x900 , hlj2.jpg )
Here's another photo.
>> No. 3794 [Edit]
Cleanup In Aisle Three!
>> No. 3796 [Edit]
File 129983757698.png - (1.99MB , 1259x706 , 9ae68fb18c0c2c6cd76cdbaec883316d.png )
>> No. 3797 [Edit]
File 12998376795.png - (61.38KB , 474x711 , reitaisai_sp.png )
Reitaisai is cancelled.
>> No. 3798 [Edit]

Now even mai waifu is affected by this
>> No. 3799 [Edit]
I feel bad that this picture makes me feel bad when the others didn't.

Poor kitty.
>> No. 3800 [Edit]
File 129983830678.jpg - (178.44KB , 600x353 , 55g.jpg )
9 dead confirmed so far, could reach hundreds.
>> No. 3801 [Edit]
File 129983839823.jpg - (216.35KB , 604x354 , 65g.jpg )
Refinery continues to burn.
>> No. 3802 [Edit]
File 129983843712.jpg - (186.10KB , 1209x792 , 8040.jpg )
Otaku suffer too.
>> No. 3803 [Edit]
Aren't they supposed to be prepared for this?
Did they not learn anything from Tokyo magnitude 8?
>> No. 3804 [Edit]
looks normal to me.
>> No. 3805 [Edit]
File 129983864555.jpg - (232.18KB , 680x438 , 8h5d5.jpg )
>> No. 3807 [Edit]
>> No. 3808 [Edit]
I don't actually care.
>> No. 3809 [Edit]
No one cares.
>> No. 3810 [Edit]
File 129983988264.jpg - (586.67KB , 762x762 , minato0618 Tenshi keystone.jpg )
On second thought, there's probably going to be an influx of art about her.
>> No. 3811 [Edit]
I wonder if anime broadcasts will be delayed today or for the rest of the weekend. That would suck.
>> No. 3812 [Edit]
heartless bastards
>> No. 3813 [Edit]
You can never be fully prepared for a natural disaster.
>> No. 3814 [Edit]
Japan is the most prepared country in the world for earthquakes and tsunamis, but there's only so much you can do about an 8.9
>> No. 3815 [Edit]
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>> No. 3816 [Edit]
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>> No. 3818 [Edit]

Yeah there might be something wrong with us. Fuck the people who died, I couldn't care less but leave the animals out of this.
>> No. 3820 [Edit]
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>> No. 3821 [Edit]
File 129986532399.jpg - (14.48KB , 450x600 , eqa200-jlp10575297.jpg )
Tokyo Tower seems safe for now, even if the top bended at little. The Tokyo Sky Tree doesn't have any damage, surprisingly.

>The new towers of Sumida Ward, Tokyo "Tokyo Sky Tree" in a construction site on March 11 to suspend the work by a major earthquake, conducted a safety check. Tobu said that promoting the construction, the tower stood at this time was no damage, injuries to people were the work he did. For future work, "watching the situation to judge" (the company) has said.
>> No. 3823 [Edit]
File 129986684879.jpg - (273.41KB , 1440x810 , 1299862238534.jpg )
>> No. 3824 [Edit]
I don't want to sound heartless, but what does this mean for anime and stuff?
>> No. 3825 [Edit]
Apparently Japanese seismographs gave the alert 1 minute before the actual earthquake which is amazing considering animals usually respond to this sort of thing 10 to 15 seconds before it actually strikes.
>> No. 3826 [Edit]
As far as I can tell it was "just" farms and rural areas that got swept away, right? As long as places like Tokyo are unaffected they should be able to rebuild pretty quickly, yeah?
>> No. 3827 [Edit]

I don't think it means anything unless your favorite mangaka died, or the animation studio was crushed by the tsunami.
>> No. 3828 [Edit]
It's also going to hurt the Japanese economy for a while, if that matters.
>> No. 3830 [Edit]
  What would you do in such a situation? I never experienced an earthquake since they're quite rare here so I don't know how I would react. I think I would get the hell out of my house asap, as this thing is from 1936 and is already crumbling.
>> No. 3831 [Edit]
File 129986937252.jpg - (620.97KB , 990x658 , not giving a shit.jpg )
Look at this man. Cool as a fucking cucumber
>> No. 3832 [Edit]
File 129986976772.jpg - (234.90KB , 990x655 , road split.jpg )
Holy shit
>> No. 3833 [Edit]

Oh hell. They're saying that this could be worse than Chernobyl.
>> No. 3834 [Edit]
They're wrong
>> No. 3835 [Edit]
More earthquakes keep hitting Japan. I feel so bad right now I could throw up
>> No. 3836 [Edit]

How can you be so sure?
>> No. 3837 [Edit]
Took this from another forum:

The Fukushima Daiichi power plant is a Boiling Water Reactor. It is both moderated (what causes fission) and cooled (what stops the nuclear fuel/waste from getting so hot it melts) by water.

The plant was scrammed (immediately stopped) after the earthquake by inserting control rods (boron-infused 'rods' that prevent further fissions from taking place (by eating up all the neutrons necessary to initiate fission). This happened successfully. The plant is "shut down."

However, after the plant is shut down, there are still certain elements called "delayed neutron precursors" that will STILL released neutrons for some time period after the plant is shut down. These are what cause heat to accrue in a reactor that should theoretically be "shut down". This is why cooling needs to be provided in a typical 2nd generation light-water reactor (what most reactors in the world are) for a good while after shutdown.

Without cooling water, the likely "worst case" will be the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) building up heat, which builds up pressure, which could cause a rupture of the vessel. The fuel rods will spill out radioactive contents, fires might break out, and the reactor is basically a lost cause.

And how does that affect the general populace in terms of radioactive dose?
-Not at all.

The RPV is surrounded by a containment facility designed from the ground up to withstand everything short of hydrogen bombs. Given the semi-spherical distance from the RPV an explosion would have to travel to break through the containment vessel, it is fundamentally impossible (given the energy density the RPV is capable of containing) for there to be straight up "radioactive smoke" or such getting outside of containment. The containment building is constructed to prevent EXACTLY this emergency.

So while this is a worrying emergency, and could represent billions of lost dollars a mess to clean up should the WORST come about, it will still not be another Chernobyl. And given the efforts underway to provide cooling and the fact that the fuel rods are still not exposed to air (When the real danger of fuel melting can occur), there is still time to stop this loss of coolent accident (LOCA).
>> No. 3838 [Edit]

I see, but re-reading the previous news I found this:
>"Given the large quantity of irradiated nuclear fuel in the pool, the radioactivity release could be worse than the Chernobyl nuclear reactor catastrophe of 25 years ago."

They're not actually saying it will be worse than Chernobyl in terms of disaster, just that the amount of radioactivity released will be much bigger.
>> No. 3839 [Edit]
maybe not, but that doesn't mean you cant secure your stuff, such as attaching bookshelves and other tall objects to walls, sticking down items on shelves with double sided tape and so on.
>> No. 3840 [Edit]
They're very common here, I ignore them most of the time, but they're usually pretty minor.
but should a major quack hit, I'd probably try and keep my stuff from falling over, there's not much time to do anything, because earthquakes tend to not last long and hit out of nowhere, but I'd still probably go for my fig case, and try to keep it from falling over.
>> No. 3841 [Edit]
File 129987845140.jpg - (16.61KB , 187x269 , images.jpg )
Fuck, my former university roomie Tomoya lives in Tokyo. I hope he's okay.
>> No. 3842 [Edit]
They say that anime broadcasts will be canceled for the rest of the weekend due to the coverage of the earthquake.
>> No. 3843 [Edit]
Tokyo is pretty unaffected aside from a few fires and outages from the quake. Once the trains get running again it'll be like nothing ever happened there
>> No. 3844 [Edit]
  Godzilla has nothing on this shit.
>> No. 3845 [Edit]
You can text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10. I don't have a cell phone or any money so this info is useless to me, but maybe some of you could help.
>> No. 3846 [Edit]
At least my stuff isn't coming from Tokyo, so it's safe, I guess.
>> No. 3847 [Edit]
File 129988103297.jpg - (65.99KB , 500x328 , the more you know.jpg )

When these kinds of tragedies occur, we tend to focus too much on the human element, and forget that stuff, too, can suffer. But it is an unfortunate reality. One can only imagine how many poor figma and dakimakura (not to mention all the anime DVDs and eroge) have already perish in the deluge. A sobering thought.
>> No. 3848 [Edit]
File 129988239315.jpg - (12.33KB , 340x129 , jap tsun.jpg )
of course I'm concerned. those people are the producers of wonders, so of course what is happening to them is an uber tragedy for me.

could you share more info about that? for i'm willing to help but, as an inhabitant of a 3rd world country constantly dealing with disasters, I'm quite skeptical about how the crossred and other international help is handled.

not even as hikis can they be safe. dammit...

in (trivial?) adittion, my mom -an old woman- fell on the streets today and got her knee injured. well...
>> No. 3849 [Edit]
Isn't that a scam?
>> No. 3850 [Edit]
is 4chan down?
I just tried to acces /jp/ and nothing...
>> No. 3851 [Edit]
Seems to be up for me. Try, as the status page says all is well.
>> No. 3852 [Edit]
Last I checked it was up, but the posting is down. I guess someone is trying to DDOS 4chan or something.
But anyway, what does 4chan have to do with anything here?
>> No. 3853 [Edit]
If it makes you feel better the people who "produce wonders" aren't affected by this much.
>> No. 3857 [Edit]
I heard Sunrise and JC Staff were affected by this pretty badly or something.

The other studios and nintendo seem fine though, regardless of the trolls spouting "lol miyamoto is dead!"
hopefully there aren't too many injuries or deaths.
>> No. 3858 [Edit]
Wait, just saw that the only thing with JC Staff is a destroyed drawing room.
not sure about Sunrise though.

As far as i've read, only Gosick seems to be delayed so far for anime, but WSJ was delayed for manga. all dem immature kiddies gonna be crying that their precious naruto, bleach, and one piece aren't out and not caring why
>> No. 3859 [Edit]
>Wait, just saw that the only thing with JC Staff is a destroyed drawing room.

Could you give a source?
>> No. 3860 [Edit]
this seems to be the biggest earthquake thread currently on futaba
>> No. 3862 [Edit]
I can't read Japanese so I might be wrong, but I think this is the source:

きましたがその後、制作さんの協力の下、元通りに回復して何事も無かったように仕事できています。 なんか一部で広がっていると言われたので書かせていただきました。
>> No. 3863 [Edit]
By no means is this a perfect translation, but:

A correction regarding the destruction and whatever else of the art production room that was posted immediately following the earthquake. The numerous desks in the free room (???) caused an avalanche. However, following that, with the help of the producer (production crew?), the room (the free room?) was restored to how it was before. We were told that that one part (of what was written, presumably) was had spread (I'm guessing disseminated on the internet), so I took the opportunity to write this [correction].

Anyone know what a free room is? Or if they actually mean the art production room?
>> No. 3864 [Edit]
File 129989539856.jpg - (67.80KB , 600x480 , old guy.jpg )
Elderly Japanese people are adorable
>> No. 3865 [Edit]
File 129989916324.jpg - (48.12KB , 640x480 , uugh.jpg )
American news is such a fucking joke. Here's what Dr. Manny Alvarez has to say about the "nuclear problem" in Japan:

Scary stuff! But wait...who is he? Surely he must be experienced in the field of nuclear energy, I mean surely they wouldn't just let some guy ta-

>Dr. Alvarez is Board Certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the subspecialty Board of Maternal Fetal Medicine
>> No. 3866 [Edit]

I hate to sound /b/ here, but I think you mean
>Fox News is such a joke
>> No. 3867 [Edit]
No, all American news media revolves around fear mongering and ratings. Fox news is just the most hilariously blatant
>> No. 3868 [Edit]

Dunno if you've seen this yet. lots of people unconfirmed unlocated yet.
Some major ones include the my little sister can't be this cute LN author and haruhi's LN author.
FMA, kodomo no jikan managakas aren't located either.
Neither is Mami Kawada, my favorite singer ;_; (multiple index ops/eds and several in shana)
>> No. 3869 [Edit]
>Some major ones include the my little sister can't be this cute LN author and haruhi's LN author.

Shit, I hope they're OK ;_;
>> No. 3870 [Edit]
At least Haruka Tomatsu is alright.
>> No. 3871 [Edit]
Fair enough. But what's news in other countries like? Surely they don't...tell the truth?

And this is me being very ignorant, but, I was shocked when I found out that the Ricter scale goes up to 9 (thought it was 10 or 12...). The earthquake in Japan was 8.8/8.9, right? That's pretty intense.
>> No. 3872 [Edit]
I can't speak for other countries since I can't say I've ever sat down and watched BBC news or anything.
>> No. 3873 [Edit]

Argentina here, don't worry guys, it's the same thing.
Trust me, I have Fox News too and I can compare.
>> No. 3874 [Edit]
MSNBC isn't even covering Japan anymore, instead opting to run a Lockdown marathon for the millionth time
>> No. 3875 [Edit]

>9.5 2.67 gigatons 11.2 EJ Valdivia earthquake (Chile), 1960

It's was like 8 times worse.
>> No. 3876 [Edit]
File 129990811067.jpg - (189.53KB , 849x1199 , sample_e2c118a18094bec9a3bdfac273f0a92ef537f543.jpg )
I do genuinely wish that I could do something to help them
>> No. 3877 [Edit]
Yeah, same here.

I mean, considering how many games, shows, and music albums that I've pirated from Japan, I think I should at least do something, you know?

I owe Japan quite a bit, and can't do anything to help in their time of need. Feels shitty man.
>> No. 3878 [Edit]
They'll be fine. They are a very developed, capable country.
>> No. 3879 [Edit]
Still though, this is like Katrina happening to all of the US's major cities at the same time.
>> No. 3884 [Edit]
That is an understatement. It's going to cost billions to rebuild infrastructure and re-supply items and resources for the public. That's not to say that the human element isn't really hard hitting, but this disaster is going to have a massive effect on the global economy and on the world in general. I have a feeling that when the worst is over, Japan's stagnant economy will eventually come out stronger due to the large scale international trading.
Also, I was watching the news just then and saw some footage of a northern california marina getting hit by a tsunami and all the aftermath from that. People were crying because their boats were destroyed. Somehow I don't think it really stands up to Japan's problems.
>> No. 3886 [Edit]
>> No. 3887 [Edit]
Shit is hitting the fan at the Fukushima I power plant.

At least we could get a STALKER game out of this disaster
>> No. 3888 [Edit]
File 129994581989.png - (11.09KB , 415x78 , fu earthquake.png )
Haven't gotten contact with my roomie yet but here's what one of the girls from then has to say on the matter.
>> No. 3890 [Edit]
File 129994995672.jpg - (358.76KB , 904x3112 , 1299947152231.jpg )

Yeah well, here are some other opinions.

Note: If you're American there's no need to feel bad. Every country has it's own share of retards.
>> No. 3891 [Edit]
File 129995104960.jpg - (35.91KB , 500x409 , 1295204502458.jpg )
Pearl Harbor was 70 years ago. Most of those inbreds weren't even born. I don't understand people.
>> No. 3892 [Edit]

America has the highest rate of them though.
>> No. 3893 [Edit]
And in Russia local retards remember constant Japanese claim for the Curils...
>> No. 3894 [Edit]
I hate this world so much
>> No. 3895 [Edit]
think I just poped a brain cell or two.
>> No. 3896 [Edit]
These are the same people who think "let's bomb/nuke the shit out of x country" is the perfect solution to settle international disputes. I feel sorry for people like that.
>> No. 3897 [Edit]
Funny how you can take any misfortune to someone who hurt you and call it "karma."

People are so damn stupid.
>> No. 3898 [Edit]
File 129995809487.jpg - (49.89KB , 373x540 , maria baww.jpg )

I didn't realise Pearl Harbor was such a big deal in so many people's minds, yet none of them seem to remember the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings at all and seem to think Japan got away without any casualties of their own in WW2. Hrm.
>> No. 3899 [Edit]
more accurately several minutes to hours before a quake.

I doubt as theyre showing thart on CNN

I think some of those are insensitive "jokes", but there are legit right-wing assholes in there.

not to mention the whole 'hitting a military base is justified' thing - they didn't target civilians there.

tl;dr stop bawwing about your soldiers dying they volunteered for it, the gsp between wwI's ending and before the us entered ww2 was an era where the US had a volunteer military that the US willingly let shrink.
>> No. 3900 [Edit]
Not to mention we put a blockade on them, causing hostility in the first place.
>> No. 3903 [Edit]
I remember they had a newscast of this on the TV's of the place where I had breakfast this morning. They mentioned that one of the nuclear reactors blew and they have to evacuate the area, which is bad cause japan don't have that much land to begin with and they're already overcrowded, in addition to the large portion of the land destroyed by the tsunami.

It's insane how much one country can be fucked by one natural disaster.

See, it's shit like this that makes me embarrassed to call myself american.
>> No. 3904 [Edit]
The nuclear thing is not a big deal at all aside from the costs of replacing it.
>> No. 3905 [Edit]

More accurately embargo, but yeah - they set up Japan basically to enter WWII. Funny as the Japanese diplomats and military guys knew that themselves and thought that was their only option.

Honestly I wish the US had its' teeth kicked in at Midway - or something more drawlike.

Rightwing [White] American Douchebag: "WE Nuked them for payback for pearl harbor and if we didnt nuke theem we would have invaded them and they would have committed national suicide"
Guy: "Why did they surrender after the USSR declared war on them then, and only then the emperor had to keep the militarists from overruling him and declaring a coup. Also, the US accepted the original terms of keeping the Emperor intact."

Remember some normalfags and /b/ level idiots joke about shit like that and dont take it seriously. Ive seen normalfags degenerate into that mentality (but ive seen normalfags who were mature etc etc. depends on the group).
>> No. 3906 [Edit]
A exchange student I do a cultural exchange program with is calling his family frantically now. I pointed out its probably good to wait 24 hours as the lines are jammed up to all hell.
>> No. 3907 [Edit]
File 129995883410.jpg - (61.98KB , 570x378 , bp-oil-spill-in-gulf-1.jpg )
Also all this coverage making it out to be the biggest deal ever is going to make the US even more against using nuclear energy than they already are. Because you know, other energy sources never ever have problems
>> No. 3910 [Edit]

It's funny beause it's a military base we're talking about and not even 2500 people died. Well, that's obviously a lot and I don't want to sound like it was no big deal, but if you compare it with bombing of Dresden or Tokyo it's a rather minor number. Not to mention the fact that those ~2500 casualities weren't civilians.

As for the power plants thing I heard they evacuated people in 10km radius but the situation wasn't even that dangerous. Some stuff exploded, sure, but the reactors are apparently safe.
>> No. 3911 [Edit]
You know how people are, but at the same time I don't blame them. They are simply ignorant and governments don't help them understand better. Education is vital.

This was an older nuclear power plant and no one could know exactly that this would happen. Nowadays nuclear plants are much more secure and usually placed near lakes or rivers and not close to the ocean like this one, although a lot in Japan are. I think once we reach peak oil people will start to be much more receptive to nuclear power, even if myself I am not a big supporter of it. I think solar power has far more potential in the long run (wind energy is a joke).
>> No. 3913 [Edit]
People like this make me ashamed to be American.
>> No. 3914 [Edit]
I think Americans should stop worrying and not be ashamed of some of their people but be seriously proud of what great Americans accomplished. There's stupid people everywhere, we just hide them better. Europe has an inferiority complex, so any chance they get they like to pinpoint American behaviour. I dislike primitive anti-Americanism and I'm not even American.
>> No. 3915 [Edit]
Don't worry. Assuming you watch the news or at least analyze the world around you, you'll see the Americans are on the same road as the Romans went down once upon a time.

It will probably take another generation until the greater implications the decay of a society displays, but you can see it happening around you, politically, morally, economically, theologically...

Welcome your new Chinese, Indian and European rulers.
>> No. 3917 [Edit]
File 12999685133.jpg - (498.07KB , 1200x791 , ikachan.jpg )
I guess we've all learn an important lesson from this: when you push the ocean too much, the ocean pushes back.
>> No. 3918 [Edit]
Anyone interested in going SA on these anachronysm's asses?

I'm sure that they are excited about the UK Royal wedding, even though that family fucked up the US three times rather than Japan's attack (which was known about three days in advance).

Fuuuuck I would love the US so much if these people would go die in a fucking hole and people would take care of the streets.
>> No. 3919 [Edit]
It was actually Japan who started the whole chain of hostilities by invading China, which was criticized by the League of Nations, which resulted in Japan leaving just like Germany and Italy did to continue their aggressive foreign policies.

>they set up Japan basically to enter WWII

This is bullshit. One of the primary reasons why the US decided to stop exporting oil to Japan was because Japan's aggressions in Asia was a clear threat to the US's imperial territories in Asia (Philippines). Japan was pretty much asking for a conflict as soon as it invaded into Manchuria, which by the way, can't be justified in any way.
>> No. 3920 [Edit]
>Honestly I wish the US had its' teeth kicked in at Midway

Also, I certainly hope that you're not implying that you'd rather have an Imperial Japan-run world than a US-one.
>> No. 3921 [Edit]
>not to mention the whole 'hitting a military base is justified' thing - they didn't target civilians there.

With exception to some items in the Eastern Front and the Nazi party, no Axis offensives targetted civilian populations. Compare this with the Allies, who bombed the shit out of as many cities as they could, sometimes completely ignoring major military installations. Brits and French were extremely vendetta-based while the Americans were more into getting things done than attacking the Germans themselves.

Russians couldn't tell the difference between civilians and military in their own ranks so it's hard to place a blame on them, even if they went unpunished for 2 million German rape victims.
>> No. 3922 [Edit]
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>> No. 3923 [Edit]
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>> No. 3924 [Edit]
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>> No. 3925 [Edit]
File 129997636333.jpg - (635.95KB , 2048x1536 , iup0488.jpg )
>> No. 3926 [Edit]
Oh, the horror...
>> No. 3927 [Edit]
is it not suposed to look like that?
>> No. 3928 [Edit]
My parents are going out tonight, and my mom told me to be sure to call them if the plant "explodes" so they can come home and tape up the windows and stuff.

We live in the US...
>> No. 3929 [Edit]
>> No. 3930 [Edit]
Hey, fallout could drift over the pacific!
>> No. 3934 [Edit]
That's true, when chernobel exploded half of Europe asia and a bit of the US got fallout. That said, unless you're very close to the reactor the fallout will be so dispersed it won't matter much. You probably get more radiation from an airport scanner (this is an informed estimate on my part since no two people can decide on the radiation dosage from the TSA scanners.)
>> No. 3935 [Edit]
WWII has nothing to do with this reactor. Saying things against America is equally as dumb as the retards saying this is karma for pearl harbor.

Japan and the US are allies right now. I wish people would get over their tribalistic tendencies and stop whining about whose grandpa was more evil.

>Rightwing [White] American Douchebag:
You have no idea their political affiliation and your attempt to put whites into a group like this is just as bad as anything those people are saying. Can't you see doing things like this is why no one can get along?

There is no platform in the republican party which supports destroying Japan. You're just channeling your hate towards a group you don't like.
>> No. 3938 [Edit]
File 129998740592.jpg - (105.89KB , 634x342 , article-1365569-0B25881500000578-753_634x342.jpg )
I can't get over how horrible this entire event was. Pretty much an entire town has gone missing.
>> No. 3945 [Edit]
  Japan's new national anthem. I was really stressed about this whole ordeal and just blasted this for twenty minutes, everything seems all right now.

Also all my Japanese friends are in the Kansai area, so I'm not as stressed, but I do feel for everyone with contacts and family in the prefectures affected.
>> No. 3950 [Edit]
File 129999727280.png - (330.08KB , 934x458 , what is going on.png )
Guys, what is going on in this?
There's a big red arrow pointing from Fukushima to some Onagawa place. the fallout trajectory changing to face Japan? Oh no oh no this is bad...
>> No. 3963 [Edit]

>You have no idea their political affiliation and your attempt to put whites into a group like this is just as bad as anything those people are saying. Can't you see doing things like this is why no one can get along?

But this is exactly what right wing extremism looks like. It's pretty much the same thing as grouping up every slightly leftist idea with communism. As a rule of thumb I can tell you that not every right wing politician is a nationalist and not every left wing politician is a communist. Guessing that they're supporting right wing politicians is pretty safe, though.

Then again, I'm 95% certain that gruping them as 'right wing supporters' is wrong. It looks like they are your average clueless ignorants who have no idea about politics whatsoever. The fact that we let people as uniformed as them vote proves how retarded current democratic systems are.

I don't want to sound arrogant here (even though I realize I do). I don't vote myself. I have some knowledge about politics but I don't follow it closely enough to actually know what everybody strives to achieve and what are the real chances of actually fulfilling their promises (and even if I did I'm 90% positive I wouldn't want to vote for any of those people either way). This is exactly why candidates/parties who get media coverage will always win.


>I think Americans should stop worrying and not be ashamed of some of their people but be seriously proud of what great Americans accomplished.

I'm just gonna quote Shoppenhauer on this:

>Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.

Sorry but we have absolutely nothing to do with acomplishments of people who lived hundreds of years ago. Being proud of their accomplishments is downright retarded. I might be so strongly opposed to all 'patriotic' feelings in general because of my personal background (as I live in Eastern Europe and believe me, despite what people seem to believe Slavs hate each other with passion) but whenever I see people talking about the 'glorious history' of their country and it's technological and cultural contributions I feel like punching such retard straight in the face. It's people like them and their way of thinking that ensures people will always manage to find handful of reasons for conflict. What's worse is that even within countries people side with some regions and act hostile towards eveyrthing 'foreign'. Barely 20 years ago Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia used to be one country. I'm not gonna 'defend' Yugoslavia here as it was an aritificial country which had to break up into several states sooner or later but it's happening everywhere. Catalonians have some independence movements and their not the only group in Spain who wishes to form their separate country. Not so long ago the idea of dividing Italy into two separate countries was pretty popular. Bavaria is just another example. I'm sure we're not completely done over here, too. It happens nearly everywhere.

It's obviously closely connected to another aspect, the Biggest Cancer of Them All, one that most likely won't ever be purged - religion. People still murder one another over beliefs here but even though the situation is absolutely horrible I still believe that it looks even worse in the USA. Everybody is aware of what's happening in Southeastern Europe but if you don't dwell into it it'll most likely look like USA are just fine. They are most definitely not.
>> No. 3967 [Edit]
>Then again, I'm 95% certain that gruping them as 'right wing supporters' is wrong. It looks like they are your average clueless ignorants who have no idea about politics whatsoever. The fact that we let people as uniformed as them vote proves how retarded current democratic systems are.

This statement is probably right. It's purely anecdotal, but the only person I have heard say anything like this is kid at college who thought he was being hilarious. He's a pretty hardcore liberal.

I'm pretty sure no one is serious about any of this pearl harbor shit, it's all just idiots who lack empathy or tact and don't know when to keep their mouth shut. The internet isn't any country's back yard and we all share it now.

Also, I hate bringing this topic up again, and I'd be glad if we could move past it.
>> No. 3968 [Edit]
File 130002385515.jpg - (74.63KB , 740x555 , 1299896889731.jpg )
>Also, I hate bringing this topic up again, and I'd be glad if we could move past it.
>> No. 3969 [Edit]
File 130002478981.jpg - (514.91KB , 990x629 , bp33.jpg )
Before and after photos.
>> No. 3971 [Edit]
Its amazing the level of destruction that some fucking water can do.
>> No. 3975 [Edit]
New footage from when the tsunami hit.
>> No. 3976 [Edit]
File 130004369611.jpg - (24.34KB , 300x208 , david_caruso_sunglasses.jpg )
Looks like Japan... Got shaken up.
>> No. 3978 [Edit]
  Better version.
>> No. 3982 [Edit]
Well the "fallout" is barely anything so even if wind blew it all around Japan it wouldn't matter.
>> No. 3987 [Edit]
That was bad and you should feel bad for it.
>> No. 3991 [Edit]
  This is one is really terrifying. NHK was showing some footage of the tsunami up North while it was snowing and it was even more impressive but I couldn't find it on Youtube sadly.
>> No. 4031 [Edit]
And CNN's go-to guy for nuclear talk is...a meteorologist
>> No. 4036 [Edit]

The networks avoid any expert that knows that the people in the region of the reactor aren't at serious risk.
>> No. 4037 [Edit]
I know. It's disgusting, really
>> No. 4047 [Edit]
Since this disaster I've been wondering...what of all the hikis and NEETs that lived in the cities that got hit? If they didn't die, imagine how hard it must be for them to deal with something like this? To not leave the house or socialize for years, suddenly to have the world come crashing down around you.
>> No. 4048 [Edit]
Yeah, imagine not only being stuck in a shelter but having a panic attack because of suddenly being surrounded by people, and it's too dangerous for them to let you outside. Must be awful.
>> No. 4049 [Edit]
Sounds like hell on earth to me
>> No. 4050 [Edit]
I imagine for many of them it was a welcome death, depending on how quick you died.
>> No. 4051 [Edit]
File 130014562714.jpg - (196.71KB , 960x1620 , 1300115925567.jpg )
>> No. 4052 [Edit]
drowning isnt pleasant, neither is being crushed under rubble
>> No. 4053 [Edit]
I may be mistaken, but I believe that anon was most likely specking of the many depressive hikikomori who might have died in their small prison like rooms who would welcome death in any form in might come.
>> No. 4058 [Edit]
  Welp, I just burned a Gideon's bible.
>> No. 4061 [Edit]
I refuse to believe that she's actually serious...
>> No. 4062 [Edit]
Whether it's just a joke or not doesn't change the fact that there are really people who do think that.
>> No. 4064 [Edit]
Possible high radiation leaks and such now
>> No. 4068 [Edit]
The nuclear situation has gotten worse than I ever thought possible and it's making me feel sick
>> No. 4069 [Edit]

Here's a site with a graph showing the radiation in Tokyo (it's getting hammered so it's hard to connect sometimes). The chart on top is the current one, and the one on the bottom is from December. Keep in mind that the point where the radiation is harmful is between 5,000-10,000 CPM, and the peak of the graph so far is around 90.
>> No. 4071 [Edit]

>The networks avoid any expert that knows that the people in the region of the reactor aren't at serious risk.

This pisses me off maybe even more than the whole Pearl Harbor thing. Look through European reactions - pretty much every country has stopped the contsruction of nuclear plants. Germany's reaction would be fucking hilarious if it was an elaborate joke but as soon as I realized Merkel isn't joking I almost threw my monitor out of the window.

For fuck's sake, how does tsunami and massive earth quakes affect you? And even if it did this case has proven how safe nuclear energy is. It's like she would say they won't build anything near the shores because it might be destroyed by tsunami. It = does = not = affect = you. Fuck.

And some media claim it's the end of the world. My mom follows news reports all day long and won't listen to me when I try to explain that nothing major happened.


>Since this disaster I've been wondering...what of all the hikis and NEETs that lived in the cities that got hit? If they didn't die, imagine how hard it must be for them to deal with something like this? To not leave the house or socialize for years, suddenly to have the world come crashing down around you.

I wonder about that. I remember there was a pretty cool thread on /jp/ about post-nuclear war situation and how it would affect us. In the end, we (more or less) concluded that overall, normal people would be affected much more. They worked hard for their whole lives to build relationships, acquire status, earn money to build bigger houses etc. Now they've lost it all within seconds. On the other hand, we didn't put any effort in pretty much anything and didn't give that much of a damn in the first place. Besides, most of us are kinda numbed anyway. The worst thing that could possibly happen to someone is losing their anime/manga/vn merchandise (which I can't afford in the first place a NEET with no source of income).

That might look different for someone who actually is a hikki (for example I remember there being a period when I haven't left my home for a single time during six months but I never reffered to myself as hikki, as I just plain saw no reason to leave) or suffers from some kind of social phobia will probably suffer the most. For people like that their crampy rooms are like a shelter and getting that taken away...

Well, we assumed that that's not the case for most of us and rather than being unable to leave our homes we simply don't feel like it so that wouldn't be much of a problem for us.


>drowning isnt pleasant

That's not exactly true. As someone who was seconds away from drowning I happen to be an expert on this topic.

The first ~30s are worst. You will struggle to ressurface and breathe but whenever you open your mouth all you will swallow is water. This 'phase' is really horrible.

After that it gets much better. You lose your will and ability to try to do anything and everything calms down a lot. It's kinda soothing, actually. Your conciousness begins to fade and it feels like peacefully falling asleep.

Of course, this wouldn't apply to this situtation as getting taken away by tsunami is an entirely different thing. Then again, it might be even 'better', as you would be pushed down immeadiately, so the first phase wouldn't even apply to you.


>Whether it's just a joke or not doesn't change the fact that there are really people who do think that.

I already told you and I don't want to derail the thread but I'll say it again: religion is an indestructible cancer. Even if it looks nothing like it the situation is pretty terrible in the States. This might be an elaborate joke but there is a group of people who actually believes this stuff (actually it would seemed pretty toned down to them). And it's not a group that you can write of us 'well, those 10 retarded radicals'. This is a massive group with some very influential figures.
>> No. 4080 [Edit]
>And some media claim it's the end of the world. My mom follows news reports all day long and won't listen to me when I try to explain that nothing major happened.
My mother says it must be the apocalypse and that the entire nation of Japan will die. No lie. Needless to say, she's really "anti-oriental" and makes fun of all of the NHK reporters when she overhears the feed on my computer.

She also looks at the apocalypse as a welcome event. Mainly because she spent herself into major debt and has credit card companies draining her account because she bought useless shit for so long. She's so damn lazy that she wants humanity to end rather than change how she lives.

Found out she is a troll, but I'm waiting for a Fred Phelps thing. People can't pass his shit off as trolling.
>> No. 4081 [Edit]
If it's one thing I learned (well, reinforced anyway) during all this it's that the news media is untrustworthy.
>> No. 4086 [Edit]
your mother disgusts me. nothing against you, thought.
>> No. 4096 [Edit]
File 130027945295.jpg - (14.16KB , 249x234 , waiwai.jpg )

>She also looks at the apocalypse as a welcome event. Mainly because she spent herself into major debt and has credit card companies draining her account because she bought useless shit for so long. She's so damn lazy that she wants humanity to end rather than change how she lives.

I'm in love. That's exactly what I do.
>> No. 4103 [Edit]
My parents have gotten to the point where they get angry at me if I tell them anything different than the news says regarding the nuclear situation.
>> No. 4112 [Edit]
File 13003130659.jpg - (111.18KB , 600x400 , japanese people are witches.jpg )
>> No. 4113 [Edit]
>She's so damn lazy that she wants humanity to end rather than change how she lives.

As a hikikomori of 2 years, I can see where she's coming from
>> No. 4114 [Edit]
>I'm waiting for a Fred Phelps thing. People can't pass his shit off as trolling.

are you kidding? he is one of the biggest trolls of all time.
>> No. 4128 [Edit]
Off-topic is spoilered.
Same here. She moved to the most backwoods place she could find as far away from any employment opportunities as you can get in my area because she wanted her "privacy." She then refused to teach me how to drive because I didn't have the $350 for a class in high school. Now she hates me for not having a job.

'cause the Japs don't know how to run their own country. Basically what all the American media outlets are insinuating. Fox and NBC especially.

HOLY SHI- WHAT?! Jesus, the end of my road got washed out three years ago by a flood and they still won't do a three-hour fix with ten people. Damn, they know how to run a country.

She also wants Mexicans to take over the United States and make Spanish the official language, and also wants to make polygamy legal. And she's a butch lesbian. Also wants female "equality," which they already have, but she really wants female entitlement.

I was a social outcast in school because I had interest in Japan. People would either make fun of me or wonder why I even cared about Japan.

Now... now I'm afraid to show my face at all, because I want to learn the language of "crazy irradiated yellow bastards."
>> No. 4130 [Edit]
Also anyone else watching the NicoNico live feed of the NHK in Japanese? Am I the only person who keeps hearing periodically the Mario coin box noise? When the box keeps on giving coins? I keep hearing it every three minutes or so.
>> No. 4135 [Edit]
Im guessing that means someone just made a donation.
>> No. 4161 [Edit]
File 130040138495.jpg - (25.68KB , 388x458 , 1300387618474.jpg )
2chan has two new boards - earthquake - nuclear power

pic is SOS-dan?
>> No. 4170 [Edit]
File 130041204782.jpg - (257.41KB , 1247x809 , 1300372087136.jpg )
>> No. 4209 [Edit]
File 130047433337.jpg - (66.57KB , 693x380 , 1300466938585.jpg )
This pic seems to have become memetic on the new 2chan board.
Anyone willing to offer an explanation?
>> No. 4210 [Edit]

>> No. 4212 [Edit]
File 130047501759.jpg - (17.38KB , 300x468 , nose.jpg )
>> No. 4218 [Edit]
I don't browse Futaba, but based on what the guy's saying, I don't get it, either.

Haha, nice.
>> No. 4219 [Edit]
File 130049134475.jpg - (42.38KB , 576x359 , vhq3vc.jpg )
This picture sums up the media situation pretty well. Watch out America, you're going to get hit with .01 to .1 arbitrary radiation units!
>> No. 4220 [Edit]
File 130049270385.gif - (427.93KB , 500x322 , 1299230810143.gif )
>Arbitrary scale
>> No. 4221 [Edit]
File 130049319271.jpg - (65.58KB , 800x800 , bawl.jpg )
We're doomed!
>> No. 4222 [Edit]
File 130049420652.jpg - (435.39KB , 800x780 , banana.jpg )
>> No. 4223 [Edit]
Hope they enjoy their radiation poisoning!
>> No. 4224 [Edit]
So that's not much to worry about, then?
>> No. 4225 [Edit]
Not in the least.
>> No. 4227 [Edit]
There is more radioactive material in cigarette smoke than there is in the "plume."
>> No. 4228 [Edit]
File 130050187512.png - (106.70KB , 1140x1150 , JAPAN.png )
Now the United States is telling all of their citizens evacuate Japan.

Holy shit, what fear-mongers. For Christ's sake, if you're in Okinawa or anywhere south of Tokyo, or north of Sapporo, even outside of the 50Km evac zone, the plant could be atom bombed without any sort of health issues to them. All the ignoramuses around here are going to have a field day with this for years, I can tell.

This map needs to be shown on CNN, not a "fallout map." Christ's sake.
>> No. 4229 [Edit]

>This map needs to be shown on CNN, not a "fallout map." Christ's sake.

Are you stupid? If they showed this map anywhere on TV nobody would give a damn about the whole story anymore! What would you do with all the air time that is now dedicated to coverage of this horrific 'nuclear crisis'!? People are expecting to see news about mutant invasion any second now - you can't just crush their dreams by saying unresponsible stuff like that!
>> No. 4230 [Edit]
I wonder how the media will react when not a single person dies as a result of the "NUCLEAR CATASTROPHE". They'll be so disappointed
>> No. 4231 [Edit]
Fuck the media for spinning facts in order to get more viewers/better ratings.
>> No. 4234 [Edit]
Uh... everyone got out okay! China let them stay for a bit!
>> No. 4258 [Edit]
Now that the nuclear situation is cooling off (heh) CNN seems to be focusing mostly on whatever is happening in Libya. I don't really give a shit about the middle east so I don't know if it is legitimately more important or they just don't want to be forced to go back on all the fear mongering they've done all week.
>> No. 4259 [Edit]

The situation in Libya is very important because of the leader. The UN has just decided to attack, and French fighter jets and such have begun attacking Libya. This matters because the oil markets are going to go up and up and up. What's going on in the Middle East right now with Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia and so on is akin to the revolutions that brought down the USSR. Though unless you like politics I guess it's all trivial.

Al Jazeera English has easily the best coverage of Japan, and pretty much everything else for that matter:
>> No. 4261 [Edit]
They're covering their asses. As a rule, foreign countries overreact to incidents that might affect their citizens, whether they be political or health-related. There's a similar situation going on in Bahrain where the British asked their citizens to leave, even though most likely nothing will happen to a single one of them.
>> No. 4267 [Edit]
Man, the media really dropped the Japan story with the nuclear situation not being the massive disaster they were hoping and the Libya thing. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't even mention it anymore after another week or so. The tsunami was a pretty big deal too, you know!
>> No. 4268 [Edit]

There is only so much the media can report before it becomes redundant to say the same thing over and over. As things develop, they're obviously going to report it (unless you're watching crap like CNN or FOX)
>> No. 4269 [Edit]
they had no problems being redundant when they were trying to make people believe the island of Japan was going to be a nuclear fireball. Now that Libya is the new exciting thing the actual victims of the quake will be a blip on the radar.
>> No. 4360 [Edit]
File 13006688222.jpg - (199.45KB , 800x390 , radiation.jpg )
geiger readings in edo started rising rapidly today
>> No. 4364 [Edit]
File 130067432290.jpg - (73.41KB , 358x556 , Bananabomb.jpg )
"Now who the hell put these here?"
>> No. 4377 [Edit]
File 130069684038.jpg - (31.29KB , 500x281 , 1300657997913.jpg )
Someone abandoned their waifu.

Oh shi- get out of there.
>> No. 4380 [Edit]

>Someone abandoned their waifu.

I actually sort of wonder whether the person in question is still alive.

I actually fully realized what happened when last week's anime was postponed. I just sort of imagine an average anime-loving guy who'd think to himself 'oh boy, can't wait for next week's Madoka' just to die after the tsunami struck. Damn.
>> No. 4482 [Edit]
File 130096177977.jpg - (153.45KB , 634x950 , article-1369307-0B4B564300000578-813_634x950.jpg )
>> No. 4585 [Edit]
File 130134393969.png - (96.03KB , 400x300 , reactor loli.png )
S-stupid reactor! It's not like I w-wanted to cool you or anything!
>> No. 4693 [Edit]
File 130153463427.jpg - (59.00KB , 964x572 , Eagle tribune headlines.jpg )
I am completely convinced that most U.S. media outlets have these two goals when writing stories on international events:
1: To incite fear and panic
2: To make it seem, that no matter how bad it gets, the U.S. is a billion billion times better and safer than those foreign mudhut nations like Japan or Nigeria.

Not one story I have seen here has gone over the death toll and devastation caused on people who are just like most Americans: Good home, material goods, family units, gaming consoles, etc, all gone. It's just been plain and simple: NUKE PLANT NUKE PLANT RADIOACTIVE MILLISIEVERTS TAINTED JAPAN FOOD BLAST crap.

No news on Operation: Tomodachi or anything. Just a bunch of bullshit on the NUKE PLANT AND HOW IT AFFECTS (the most important thing) US HERE IN AMERICA.

There is no such thing as "humans" in the media here. It's US, THEM, AMERICAN CITIZENS, SOLDIERS, JAPANESE, LIBYANS, GERMANS etc.

NBC really is the last bastion of decency in this dual monopoly on "information" brought by CNN and Fox.
>> No. 4694 [Edit]
It's not just the US media doing it
>> No. 4695 [Edit]
You know that is true. And anyone with eyes in their head would know why it is true.

It is true because it is a business, people gobble that sensationalism shit up, and thus its profitable so the media always sensationalise shit in order to keep their jobs.
>> No. 4696 [Edit]
You're wrong about the second one. Part of their fearmongering is about nuclear plants in the U.S. and how something similar could happen here, even though in reality the chances of that are astronomically low.
>> No. 4699 [Edit]
Anyone with half a brain realized a long time ago that 24 hour news channels are a waste of time when you have the internet. Fox News has such high ratings because they cater to idiots who fear the internet and any sort of change (AKA right wingers).
>> No. 4701 [Edit]
File 130153759618.jpg - (16.46KB , 620x497 , Before and after March 16.jpg )
Another image to show the tainted view of either the editors or the readership.

After March 16, the flag that accompanied the headlines about Japan's disaster disappeared. The headlines were still accompanied by the text "JAPAN EARTHQUAKE," but the flag was missing.

The readers have had a history of complaining about other nations' flags. It was brought to my attention after someone wrote a letter to the editor about Japan's flag being displayed at Fenway Park after the Red Sox acquired two Japanese players. He said that he was offended that the flag of a nation that his grandfather fought sixty years prior was flying on the oldest baseball park in the United States.

A lot of others have written in complaints about the use of Irish flags during St. Patrick's day and flying several immigrant nation flags on the Lawrence City Hall's building. The editors actually got angry about the flood of flag crap that they wrote an article supporting flying foreign flags on residential buildings and government buildings if the US flag is also present.

I'm certain that someone wrote a complaint that that dern Jap meatball flag was on his American paper.


I've been watching the BBC, NHK, Al Jazeera and NBC, none of them have used "nuke" in their articles. The scare tactics were actually brought to my attention when someone showed me an article that was not from any of these sources. Then I collected all the papers in my house and took pictures of the headlines.

People sure aren't taking it like that, in my area at least. It's mostly "Japs messed up," or "At least we don't build our plants on faultlines." (But there is one in Mass, but it's on a dormant fault line that would only move if there was a decent dynamite charge in the area. Hint hint.)

All international news I see in my paper is always something bad, quirky, or strange. When Japan has an election, they just talk about how the LDP has had the majority for over 60 years (and compares it to one-party states like the Soviet Union or PRC). The DPJ wins the election, and they say that the DPJ has too many ties to communist networks. They attacked the Sega urinal game but never even mentioned the exchange program that a local school had with Japan. The EU only comes into play when something bad happens.

Also National Geographic has this doozy:
Watched it with my grandfather once, he burned his passport afterwards and told me to do the same.
>> No. 4702 [Edit]
Hard to believe there was once a time when the united states was prod to welcome people from around the world with open arms, be them sick or tired or poor, one would think acceptance and understanding of other nations, their people and their cultures would also be apart of this.
>> No. 4704 [Edit]
File 130154776056.jpg - (100.18KB , 698x529 , ellis-island-north.jpg )
That was never the case. Americans needed cheap labor, and the Irish and Italians and other Europeans who came over thought they'd have at least a slightly less horrible life in the US than in their home countries. The Irish especially were treated like shit for quite a while by our more Anglo ancestors, though most immigrants got essentially similar treatment. Compare the current situation with Mexican workers, it's pretty much the same.

I've never seen this show, but it seems like if you avoid doing illegal things and stay away from bad political situations when you're overseas you'll generally be okay. At least that's what I'm counting on.
>> No. 4705 [Edit]
I've seen a lot of renewed discussion about the safety of nuclear energy in both local and national news. A local paper wrote a particularly absurd piece on a small reactor that's nearby. A lot of people are treating the incident as "proof" that we shouldn't be using nuclear energy.
>> No. 4716 [Edit]
nuke is shorthand american speak for nuclear though. I did not know that that was an example of scaremongering, I always considered it a shorthand.
>> No. 4717 [Edit]
>>Watched it with my grandfather once, he burned his passport afterwards and told me to do the same.

What countries has he been to exactly, and how much experience does he has. I find it odd that your grandpa would that from watching a show. Also I remember that show doesnt exactly promote fear mongering its just well an example of what white people can end up getting into if they smuggle drugs or do whatever types of shit.

Also, there are parts of the USA where the same could happen to you esp if black -cough- the former confederacy and appalachia -couth-
>> No. 4849 [Edit]
Ep we watched was about a man riding his motorcycle to the southernmost tip of South America. Completely lawful. He was kidnapped by Columbian drug smugglers.

Also my grandfather's travels consisted of Guantanamo Bay, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic in his navy years, and Paris, Frankfurt, and Lucerne during his business years. He really went to some decent places (for the most part recently) so where he gets his ideas of America being the only place in the world with free speech and "prosperous" living is beyond me.

"Nuke" usually is used (in my area) for weapons and bombs, for instance "We nuked Japan in 1945," or as a slang for microwaving something; "Nuke me up some popcorn, will ya?"
Nuclear, Power Plant, or the name of the power plant is used instead. I live about 20 miles from one and never heard "nuke" be used as anything better than a negative, scary or disparaging term. Nuclear gives us light, nuke makes our burrito filling scald the the top of our mouths or is something Russia was going to fire at us in 1985.
Also, Wiki has finally posted what I have been preaching since the 11th:
"Non-Japanese media, such as CNN, have been noted for being more alarmist, exaggerated, and sometimes inaccurate in their coverage of the disaster's aftermath than the Japanese media. Fox News Channel at one point erroneously depicted "Shibuya Eggman", a concert hall in Tokyo, as a nuclear facility on a graphic of nuclear plants in Japan.[258] It has been speculated that exaggerated and inaccurate news reports by foreign media have heightened anxiety among foreign and native residents of Japan, provoking possibly unneeded evacuations."
>> No. 4976 [Edit]
File 130201514842.png - (254.39KB , 500x661 , tsun ami.png )
>> No. 4979 [Edit]
I am guessing it could be used as a word with a bad connotation, but I am relatively unaware of that shit :p

>>He really went to some decent places (for the most part recently) so where he gets his ideas of America being the only place in the world with free speech and "prosperous" living is beyond me.

My grandfather was a boxer and went into Korea, the Phillipines, Japan and some other East Asian countries as well as European countries. He was a boxer.
>> No. 5182 [Edit]
  Animals get left behind, get radioactive and give birth to monsters, just like in Stalker.
>> No. 5306 [Edit]
I'd like to share a great documentary film about a town in Japan, filmed just after the disaster. It's about 25 minutes long, and very touching. Makes me admire the Japanese sense of dignity they can maintain despite the circumstances that beset them.

Check it out!
>> No. 5328 [Edit]
File 130282734637.jpg - (681.99KB , 990x614 , bp9.jpg )
>Fisherman Koichi Sasaki looked for his wedding ring, which was lost a month earlier during the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, at a damaged area in Ofunato, Iwate prefecture.

Picture 9:

Good luck Sasaki-san. Good luck.
>> No. 5884 [Edit]
Anything new?
>> No. 5886 [Edit]
The american south got hit by a tornado and the royal wedding happened. As far as the western world is concerned nothing in this thread ever happened
>> No. 5888 [Edit]
>The american south got hit by a tornado
Did the Jesusfags think that was judgment from God for their sins, like they were saying about the Japan earthquake?
>> No. 5897 [Edit]
They said it for Katrina, too. (But New Orleans is where Southern Gay boys go to die.)
The problem with them is that because they need to justify every event within the "god is perfect" bullshit mentality, and they stop thinking of the people involved in the natural disasters as people.

I'm sure some closetcocksucker has said it only hit the queer neighborhoods.
>> No. 6745 [Edit]
I've done it. I've come up with the ratio to which Americans value human life.

First is the American. Superhuman. Most important, and each individual is cherished (unless they piss you off.) Americans abroad are bros the good ol' boys, and anyone who goes against an American (Like the woman who took her children to Japan to escape an abusive father) is an awful person.

In the eyes of the American public, as well as the American media, one American is as important as, and is as horrible a loss as:

10 white foreigners (Mainly Europe)
25 people of any race within 600 miles of American coastlines
50 yellow people in industrialized nations
100 yellow people in poor nations
150 black people in Africa

Think of how people were weary to give aid to Japan, but scrambled for the tornado victims:
~300 people died in the tornados
15,000 people died in the Touhoku disaster
>> No. 6746 [Edit]

What about south america?
>> No. 6747 [Edit]
>> No. 6748 [Edit]

You know, Brasil, Peru, Argentina?
>> No. 6750 [Edit]
I spent 12 years in American public education and we never once had anything on that entire continent taught to us. Just that they speak Spanish and that most Nazis fled to Argentina.
>> No. 6751 [Edit]

Huh, I'm not sure if I hate or love the fact that the americans hardly know about us.
>> No. 6752 [Edit]
Yeah nobody here gives a hoot about South America except for the myth that everyone there is beautiful and sexy.
>> No. 6753 [Edit]

It really depends on the country.
Argentina and Chile are full of europeans, Brazil is the same, but with a 50% of black people, and every other country here is pretty much like Mexico (I may be exaggerating, but you get the idea).
>> No. 6754 [Edit]
isnt Chile not so 'white'? I know argentina is like 97% white though.

Also, Peru and Bolivia are mainly native american or in Spanish 'indios' with a small white ruling class that is losing its power thank god. Also, Japanese remnants in Peru who either return to Japan or more to the USA.

Brazilians speak Portugese but its all the same shit (mutual intelligibility between Castilian Spanish and Portugese)
>> No. 6755 [Edit]
Isn't that mainly HUEHUEHUE BEE AR land (Brazil) that has that? In the case of Black America I remember reading on middle-class and rich black american men who went to Brazil for [black] wives the same way white american men to go Eastern Europe or East Asia for wives.
>> No. 6756 [Edit]

I only visited Chile once, but they all looked white to me, same with the TV shows I accidentally tune from them.
You may be right about Peru and Bolivia though, I'm just guessing there.
>> No. 6830 [Edit]
I know they speak Portuguese. I also know that they have annual celebrations where they dress up in green or red, and that they have the largest regularly-flown flag in the world, and a few other things.

Thing is, I learned all of this on my own, outside of school.
>> No. 6833 [Edit]
File 130525220148.jpg - (29.57KB , 486x354 , Homeschool_academic_scores.jpg )
School is a useless waste of time, no matter what country. It's better in countries like Finland, but still not that great.
Even just computer games have taught me more on subjects like geography, history and languages than the school system I went through did. Not to mention websites like Wikipedia or KhanAcademy.
We did get a bit of info on South America in my Spanish classes, but absolutely nothing about places like India, for example.

It's hard for me to see school as anything other than a scam. It just takes away your time when you're a child and your tax money when you're an adult, without ever providing much in return, apart maybe from an overpriced babysitting service.

Just be grateful that you live in a nation where you don't actually have to send your children to school, unlike where I live.
>> No. 6835 [Edit]
>mutual intelligibility between Castilian Spanish and Portugese

To be honest, portuguese is an amazing base native language to learn any other kind of second language down the road. It bears resemblance to any latin derived language and gives amazing ease even to anglo-saxon languages such as German and, especially, english. It is, though, unnecessarily complicated due to punctuation and pronounciation. It can be easily used in everyday situations by most but to use it correctly is quite a challenge.

Also, breaking another myth about Brazil: we do not have a majority of black people. The actual black people are a minority, even though the larger one at that. The vast majority are descendents of europeans with natives and slaves, which are so far into the mixing of races that cannot be considered black, not visually nor ethnically, and have theyre own class when it comes to social census.
>> No. 6838 [Edit]
Doesn't brazil have some saying like "everyone is a mestizo?"
>> No. 6839 [Edit]
Can't say it does.
>> No. 6841 [Edit]
As someone who schooled, I'd like to say that school is great for until your 12, it makes sure you can read and write, all those basics.
After that its just a waste of time, same with college.
>> No. 6847 [Edit]
>it makes sure you can read and write
You know, I read a lot more books before I entered first grade than after that...
Compulsory schooling should be reserved for those who refuse to learn anything at all on their own, and not interfere with those who have better things to do than sitting in a classroom and doing fucking nothing all day.
>> No. 6920 [Edit]
>but they all looked white to me

lol. I understand what you mean though. I'm not white and I pull that 'you look white so i am assuming you're white' stick even in the USA.


>Also, breaking another myth about Brazil: we do not have a majority of black people.

uh, this may be A. my US centered bias, and B. my sense of black ethnocentrism and nationalism but I doubt this. Given there were reports and articles by black americans who went to Brazil who were pretty medium-brown skin complexion, who identified as 'black' in the USA and were perplexed at darker skinned more 'african' looking Brazilian people who did not identify as 'black'.

And before you say the United States has not had something like that, yes we have. the Creoles in New Orleans functioned like that, as a 'intermediary' between the enslaved blacks or darker-skinned 'free' blacks, and the whites. Not to mention that "paper bag" bullshit we went through within recent times.

>>The vast majority are descendents of europeans with natives and slaves, which are so far into the mixing of races that cannot be considered black, not visually nor ethnically, and have theyre own class when it comes to social census.

The term is Pardo, correct? How do you know they are a 'separate' classification and not more accurately being elitist or internally biased? See my examples above.
>> No. 6921 [Edit]
Some of the countries with larger 'indio' populations say that, partially out of a national myth to keep the indios from rising up and killing off all the whites - Peru and Bolivia were like that according to what was written in World on fire (book was written by the 'tiger mom' person - Amy Chua).

I believe Mexico also promotes that mentality as well.
>> No. 6923 [Edit]
1. Stop necroing.
2. I don't need to know your skin color on the internet, and no one else should care.
3. Stop being obnoxious.
>> No. 6924 [Edit]
why did a thread about the japanese tsunami become about this shit
>> No. 6925 [Edit]
>2. I don't need to know your skin color on the internet, and no one else should care.

THANK YOU. I've been wanting to say this for a while.
>> No. 6926 [Edit]
I believe you are referring to >>6920 >>6921 he did not necro the thread. Also his post was on-topic note what he was responding to.
>> No. 6927 [Edit]
a lot of the times he says it it's not on topic though. it's like he has a need to let people know he's black and lives in chicago whenever possible
>> No. 6928 [Edit]
how do you know its the samefag?
>> No. 6929 [Edit]
It is
>> No. 6930 [Edit]
grrrr. Am I that noticeable? I post personal explanations to provide a context. Guess it's too identifiable on a small site like thia. In a way its not surprising Im reminded of another case on another small anon site. Will return to a more 'anon' posting style like I did in the past then.
>> No. 6950 [Edit]
It started with
>> No. 7039 [Edit]
2008 Chinese earthquake - Mag. 8.0 - death toll 80,000
2011 Sendai earthquake - Mag. 9.0 (10x stronger than Chinese) - death toll 25,000

80,000 / (25,000 / 10)

Conclusion - Japan is 32x better than China

2011 Spain earthquake - Mag 5.1 (7900x weaker than Sendai) - death toll 9

(7900 * 9) / 25000

Conclusion - Japan is 2.9x better than Spain
>> No. 7747 [Edit]
The United States sent aid money to Japan to the tune of $120,000,000. Taiwan gave more.

Japan recently gave aid money to the United States' midwest disaster (How many dead? homeless?) to the tune of $120,000,000.

In the US, I still see more relief coverage and efforts than were given to Japan. Also NOBODY has talked about the fact that a nation with a stumbling economy and a crippled coast gave that much money to the US.

Does anyone still know that things are still shitty over there?

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