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3739 No. 3739 [Edit]
its seems you guys are the second result when searching the word "tohno"
so umm
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>> No. 3740 [Edit]
Use majuscules and punctuation. Thank you.
>> No. 3743 [Edit]
File 129978659998.jpg - (36.28KB , 337x296 , vic360901.jpg )
Welcome to the Darkside!
>> No. 3744 [Edit]
>Tohno was a Human female who served as a Jedi Padawan

You don't say?
>> No. 3748 [Edit]
Uh-oh, we've been spotted!

In all seriousness, though, welcome. As long as you go by the rules you'll be accepted here. We don't take them normal-types 'round these parts.
>> No. 3752 [Edit]
Yeah we are sort of like reverse rednecks. If we see normals we lynch em.
>> No. 3753 [Edit]
So in other words we're just as silly as rednecks, but we stand on the opposite side of the spectrum.
>> No. 3754 [Edit]
Yeah that was the sort of irony I was suggesting. That we might consider ourselves more sophisticated than rednecks but we keep constantly lynching normals. Or at least we are constantly on the lookout for normals and bad 4chan types, always pointing to posts and saying "Hey don't say that, this isn't 4chan!"

Actually, personally I don't mind the lynching, I like to keep this place free of those guys.
>> No. 3755 [Edit]
>Actually, personally I don't mind the lynching, I like to keep this place free of those guys.

I agree. The day we start tolerating "normals" and /b/-types is the day I leave tohno chan, since if I wanted that kind of shit I could go to 4chan
>> No. 3756 [Edit]
while i hate norms as much as the next guy i thought the point was to accept people.
>> No. 3757 [Edit]
I think the point was to accept social outcasts, not normalfags since just about every other place on the internet is for them already.
>> No. 3758 [Edit]
I agree with rejecting normals. However, I don't entirely agree with accepting social outcasts. Not all social outcasts belong here, for instance there are groups of people who are essentially less severe versions of Christian Weston Chandler. I believe I essentially sum up the main demograph of this website when I say that the people who belong here are a subset of the set of social outcasts- we are the social outcasts who are interested in anime and related media.
>> No. 3759 [Edit]
>who are interested in anime and related media.
*cough cough*

Seriously though, that just doesnt seem fair to me, it makes us no better than norms.
>> No. 3761 [Edit]
What exactly is our definition of "normal," anyway?
>> No. 3762 [Edit]
People who get along well with others and have a 'healthy relationship with another individual?'
>> No. 3763 [Edit]
People who enjoy stupid 4chan shit and facebook is my definition.
>> No. 3764 [Edit]
Someone who likes something I don't.
>> No. 3765 [Edit]

That's the opposite of normal, even though they are different from us.
>> No. 3766 [Edit]
4chan and facebook aren't that niche. Even my sixty year old aunt, who can barely check her email, has a facebook account.
>> No. 3767 [Edit]

I agree with facebook, but 4chan is not known to everybody.
Maybe /b/, but let's face it, how many of us were there and hated /b/ anyways?
/b/ and /r9k/ may be the normal (and stupid) favorite lurkplace, but the meme spamming and plain stupidity that we call 4chan is more related to /a/ or /v/, or even /jp/.
>> No. 3768 [Edit]
i have a facebook to keep in touch with family and i only recently stopped going to 4chan (i pretty much only lurked /co/)

I dont see how going to certain websites makes someone normal/abnormal
>> No. 3769 [Edit]
Don't take the witch-hunting talks too seriously. As long as people take it easy and refrain from shitposting, I really don't think being "normal/abnormal" matters at all.
>> No. 3773 [Edit]
To me, a normal is just that: a normal person, characterized by a social life, a huge ego, and a very simple mind.
>> No. 3774 [Edit]

Visiting websites doesn't define you, the attitude you take when you are visiting them does.
>> No. 3775 [Edit]
To me a normal is someone who accepts standards of behaviour presented as the social norm.
>> No. 3780 [Edit]
And I would add on to that, "reacts negatively to people who deviate from the norm."

It's relative, because almost everyone is going to have some tolerance for deviance. I tend to think it's mostly about comfort zones. An otherwise completely normal person might not throw a tantrum at the idea of people who watch anime if they get some exposure to them/us.
>> No. 3795 [Edit]
>reacts negatively to people who deviate from the norm
This too.
>> No. 3916 [Edit]
A normal is someone who succumbs to the conformity of society on a whole, not just online.

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