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File 129929956475.jpg - (339.22KB , 800x600 , 1262319633821.jpg )
3611 No. 3611 [Edit]
Does anyone here watch any other non-anime animation or read non-manga things like comic books and the like? Lately I've been trying to strike out of my comfort zone a bit without having to turn to 3d, and I've been looking at animation for adults from elsewhere. Do any of you have similar feelings or suggestions on what to watch?
Pic is entirely unrelated.
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>> No. 3612 [Edit]
File 129930167190.png - (430.63KB , 536x402 , fddfgdfed.png )
Dead pool and cable may be worth a shot
>> No. 3616 [Edit]
Futurama is pretty good. Also a lot of people write off American Dad as being a Family Guy copy, but after the first season it really came into it's own and is one of the better "adult" cartoons on TV
>> No. 3618 [Edit]
File 129930576045.jpg - (31.09KB , 320x420 , asterios_polyp.jpg )
I don't read a whole lot of western comics but that's only because of issues regarding online availability, free time, or the plain fact that they're not translated (and I'm not just going to start learning French when I hated it during my school years). The last comic that blew me away was Asterios Polyp. Seriously go read that shit, it's fucking awesome.

Hmm, maybe I'll go create a general western comics thread over in /ma/ and use it to motivate myself to read a volume or two at least every week.
>> No. 3619 [Edit]
futurama is the only western animation i could ever stand
>> No. 3625 [Edit]
File 129931047372.jpg - (534.80KB , 1500x1500 , :co: Recommendation.jpg )
I like all animation, so long as it's good. I'll never understand people who limit themselves like that.

This picture is one of /co/'s recommendation lists , which is a good starting point for animated feature films. I'm not too familiar with comics, but there are some that everyone should read, like The Killing Joke, Bone, and Calvin & Hobbes.

David Mazzuchelli is a teacher at my school, he's the uncle of my childhood friend, and Asterios Polyp is one of my current friend's favorite comics, and I still haven't read it. Every time I feel like starting it, I get a ton of work.
>> No. 3626 [Edit]
Oh yeah, Heavy Metal. Heavy Metal 2000 was the very first time I saw "cartoon tits"
>> No. 3627 [Edit]
Grab the /co/ recommended comics image from 4chan and start off from there. I've been reading both manga and non-japanese comics for a while now, both of them have their strengths and weaknesses, and also a lot of good titles in both.
>> No. 3629 [Edit]
I haven't read it yet, but the western comic "Gold Digger" is supposed to be manga-influenced. One of the characters supposedly has a personality based on Osaka from Azumanga.
>> No. 3631 [Edit]
you know I really like a lot of the old Disney movies.
I mean I actually like the movies more as an adult than I did as a kid,
I guess since I'm older I'm able to appreciate how good the production values for these movies were.
>> No. 3639 [Edit]
Same here. I remember watching Dumbo again now that I'm older and I have to say it's pretty damn amazing.
>> No. 3641 [Edit]
The Toy Story movies are good, but surely you've seen at least the first one (what kid who grew up in the 90s didn't??). 3 is sad as hell
>> No. 3643 [Edit]
Star Wars comics (if you're a Star Wars fan)
Swat Kats
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
League of Super Evil
Megas XLR
The Real adventures of Johnny Quest
Code Monkeys
Drawn Together
>> No. 3644 [Edit]
oh, some of y'all might enjoy the Freaknik animation or *shudder* Proud Family
>> No. 3647 [Edit]
the venture brothers is a pretty good show,
its basically a parody of johnny quest and a bunch of other cartoons and comics.
>> No. 3648 [Edit]
File 129935340576.jpg - (50.05KB , 600x401 , Stegosaurus-DinoDamage-Front.jpg )
Yeah, it's pretty good. It's the only show I've ever heard reference "dino damage"
>> No. 3650 [Edit]

Oh hey, I had that exact Stegosaurus. It came with a little chunk of flesh that you could fill the hole with and have your other dinosaurs bite it out.
>> No. 3653 [Edit]
I loved the first two seasons of Venture Bros. but I lost interest during the first several episodes of season 3, which I found nowhere near as funny.
>> No. 3654 [Edit]
Thanks for the recommendations. The next step is finding the movies, which has turned out to be quite difficult. I've spent quite some time attempting to find download links to some of these movies, all to no avail. I don't want to torrent on a public tracker, are there any ddl or private torrent sites for western animation?
>> No. 3668 [Edit]
Also, where can I find all the /co/ recommendations in one place? I don't want to be a dick and shit up the board with a recommendation thread.
>> No. 3671 [Edit]
I tried looking for others on Google, but I couldn't really find anything. I think you might just have to ask.

>shit up the board
>> No. 3673 [Edit]
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>> No. 3675 [Edit]
File 129946264321.jpg - (1.54MB , 1183x5000 , comics2.jpg )
These are two pics I have of the lists. You can also find more recommendations just by searching "recommend" in the /co/ archive:

For instance:

And yes, I know there're a couple manga on these two lists that I posted.
>> No. 3676 [Edit]
Also, these two lists probably aren't the best ones if you're looking for non-superhero ones but whatever.
>> No. 3684 [Edit]
I'm just glad to have them. Thanks for those and the links. I watched Fantastic Planet, shit's weird but I recommend it.
>> No. 3685 [Edit]
>Blade of the Immortal
Hmmm; nope.
>> No. 3686 [Edit]
Yes, I've already mentioned that. There's also stuff like Uzumaki, Lone Wolf & Cub, and Buddha on those lists.

But in the end, manga ARE comics so it doesn't matter too much.

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