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File 129921317521.jpg - (33.64KB , 536x359 , 1168570162863.jpg )
3584 No. 3584 [Edit]
Does anyone else feels slowly drifting away from the *chan culture?

I still post here a lot but lurking its not what it used to be. It's sad because on /a/ I finally found people like (and prevented my suicide) and I learned SO MUCH about life from a lot of boards. It changed me forever but it's just not the same. I can't move on to other communities either.

I love you tohno-chan, but in some years all of this will be over.
I just hope that life doesn't turns me into a normal and that one day we can meet together again, in a new and better place.
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>> No. 3585 [Edit]
I've gone to 4chan less and less since finding /tc/
>> No. 3586 [Edit]
I haven't visited any chan other than here in months. I'd say it's a welcome change, I actually watch more anime now! Though sometimes I do wish that /tc/ was fast enough for me to constantly refresh all day, it's better this way.
>> No. 3587 [Edit]
>I haven't visited any chan other than here in months. I'd say it's a welcome change, I actually watch more anime now! Though sometimes I do wish that /tc/ was fast enough for me to constantly refresh all day, it's better this way.

I refresh all day despite it being slow.
>> No. 3588 [Edit]
sometimes I wish i could still visit /a/, but I just cant bring myself to care anymore
>> No. 3589 [Edit]
Yeah I get what you mean OP. I only occasionally visit 4chan nowadays, and it has changed a lot. I see so much disgusting stuff like huge threads about 'doubles' and its clear to me that most people there are underage. I used to be a regular at Bunbunmaru, but I feel that I belong here at Tohno-chan more, and now I only go there once every few days to look at the 'recent images you've saved' thread.
>> No. 3590 [Edit]
>I refresh all day despite it being slow.

I do too. I could probably be a mod since I'm here all day but I can't handle responsibility
>> No. 3591 [Edit]
I might end up off that way eventually, my personality has been rapidly changing these past few years and unless I stop to really think about it I don't notice it. Not really for the better though.


I only visit 4chan every once in a while to see how bad its gotten.
>> No. 3592 [Edit]
I still visit /jp/ every day but it's decay has kicked into overdrive lately.
>> No. 3593 [Edit]
I've slowly become... boring. Watching LoGH was the peak of my anime obsession, now I've slowly become a normalfag that comes home and watches Scrubs and the Colbert Report before going to bed.

Can't say I even care about 4chan or what happens to them anymore either.
>> No. 3594 [Edit]
Same sentiment about 4chan, and I can't blame you for losing interest in anime after LoGH. For me, just about everything afterwards is underwhelming even though I continue to watch dozens of series.
>> No. 3595 [Edit]
I still go to 4chan sometimes, even though it's a normal-infested cesspool nowadays. Why I still go there when I have you guys is beyond me.

I owe that place. Without 4chan, I probably would have ended up killing myself, or even worse, trying to become a normal.
>> No. 3596 [Edit]
Haven't properly browsed /a/ for over a year now, /v/ for like two years, /jp/ for more than half a year.


When I first found /tc/ I did taht, too. A habit brought over from 4chan, I guess. Nowadays I still spend to much time refreshing the front page but I recovered a little.


>sometimes I wish i could still visit /a/

Yeah, after Surtic posted that thread with a SHiN screencap I got an urgue to look through /a/ for the first time in months. I might even succumb to it but I'm pretty damn sure it won't be enjoyable.
>> No. 3597 [Edit]
I stopped definitely visiting 4-ch beginning of summer last year. The normalfaggotry is simply overwhelming, you can't have a thread without some kid (or manchild) coming in and stirring up shit. I don't remember /jp/ ever having so many bad threads and users. In the old days, I was actually afraid of making a thread or simply posting something. You would get so much shit from people, saged bombed or simply not replied too, it was a tyranny. Not to mention it was slow as a snail. There isn't anything interesting either now, you get the 500th Rika thread, the 900th idol thread, the 150th anime screencap thread. But hey, if people like eating the same thing every day, I guess I can't complain.

Tohno-chan, 2chan and IRC are enough for me now. I know where to get Reitaisai/Comiket/M3 stuff. I can read video game news websites by myself.

Also, you want to do a thread on /a/ or /jp/? Do it here instead, this way you can refresh all day and it will get more active around here.
>> No. 3598 [Edit]
4-ch isn't an abbreviation for 4chan, 4-ch is the textboard attached to 4chan
>> No. 3599 [Edit]
I know. I just used it to not say 4chan.
>> No. 3600 [Edit]
Wouldn't that be 4ch? Because there is also a
>> No. 3605 [Edit]
Yeah, it was once new and exciting, but the chan culture really lost its charm for me. Whenever I go into an IRC channel that's associated with 4chan in any way, it makes me feel old. I joke around, talk nonsense, and try to fit in, but it just isn't for me anymore. Not that I'm really that old, but I guess I'm just done with that part of my life.

For a long time, I wasn't ready — or mature enough — to face the real world, so I dicked around in college, escaped to 4chan, and subsequently ended up at tohno-chan. As it stands right now, though, I just want to focus on starting a career so I can get away from all that I was and am.

I know I'll see it differently down the line, and maybe I'll reminisce about the perceived good times, but that's life. Nothing lasts forever, but there’s always something new to look forward to.
>> No. 3606 [Edit]
Nowadays I'm an irc person mostly.
>> No. 3607 [Edit]
>> No. 3620 [Edit]
File 12993082662.jpg - (233.17KB , 1025x732 , touhous.jpg )
The feelings you describe are sentiments I've shared for a while now. It really shouldn't be of surprise to anyone that 13-15 year-olds comprise a significant chunk of the site's userbase regardless of which board you're on. An even larger amount of people just go there for the high volume image sharing and don't pay attention to any cultural value that may be found. It's either that or for the EPIC memes xD they read about on ED or seen posted on their native forum.

I really couldn't stay on a single board for any more than a few months. Looking back on /a/ and /v/ today I can only question myself as to how I was ever amused at such shit. But I think my current feelings of the board are only a result of the novelty I experienced having long worn away. I become bored easily. Speaking of boring, /jp/. The board is comprised of some quality users but entertaining discussion is rare. Nowadays I lurk a few other "undagrownd" chans and occasionally post but only if I can positively contribute to the discussion at hand.

You shouldn't fear normalicy. Not only is such a classification incredibly vague but hatred for such a lifestyle fundamentally goes against our own beliefs of cultural relevance. Just live your life however you like. There is no correct or wrong way to spend your existence, objectively speaking. If you feel like sitting at home fucking around on the internet or playing games all day, do it. If you want to travel and experience the world, do so.

What you should strive to avoid is not becoming "normal" but choosing to accept any notion of a "correct" way to live or the idea life has to be spent doing x or you must feel bad. The media, perhaps unintentionally, has convinced a large majority of such false truths. Value has been assigned to objects and . People endlessly chase the dollar and buy intangible happiness in the form of a product. Is this bad? No. People are now docile because their desires have been sated. Our pointless existence continues.

The "normals" seek happiness as any of us do. They just do so in the way they are taught to.

This post is rambly. I apologise to you all.
>> No. 3645 [Edit]
honestly I'm feeling like a normalfag now and have been for the past 6 months or so. It reminds me in a way of how I felt like a normalfag in grammar school, in high school I felt 'different' yet was in a way somewhat integrated, etc etc.

The *chan culture is angering me more and I post less and less on /b/, and going into /adv/ is a suicide attack. At least tvtropes' forums is relatively sane.

I rarely post on the larger chans anymore, heck I mainly post here now.
>> No. 3646 [Edit]
I haven't regularly gone to 4chan in a long time. I occasionally popped into /jp/ out of boredom to check for any big new visual novel info, but that's about it.

The killer for me was the level of negativity, judgment, and all-around asshole attitude. I got sick of being trolled and insulted/put down for simple shit like liking anime (or some subset of it) or being reclusive.

I basically agree with this, what I hate about normalfriends is not the lifestyle but the attitude that often comes with it.
>> No. 3651 [Edit]
I started going to 4chan when I was 15 or 16. Interesting that I grew out of it before I was even legally allowed to be there.

And before anyone says anything, no, I didn't act like a newfag. I lurked a lot more than I posted, and the few threads I made were usually well-received.
>> No. 3652 [Edit]
Haha, that was also the case for me. I left it when I was about late 16 years old and then lurked instead on iichan, bunbunmaru and then here.
>> No. 3658 [Edit]
File 129938643111.jpg - (886.17KB , 1927x1400 , 10501_negima.jpg )

I don't like raids and the IRL shit that most of the *chans now do a great deal of. I don't like how the average *channer is more likely to be on facebook w/ pics of them irl. I don't know what to say when people think that is what *chans are about. I'm for the traditional, otaku/nerd based *chan.

Here at Tohno-chan there's a little bit of that...and at /jp/.
>> No. 3659 [Edit]
My thoughts exactly. *chans, primarily 4chan, have been converted to what amounts to a social networking site with the optional ability to go anonymous and some side boards to talk about your interests on. Talking about how things were before "they" got here results in the classic "not your secret club" retort.

If there was one major difference between the *chans' current populations and their populations before "it" happened, it's that previous populations were hardly egotistical at all. It might have been several years, but I'm pretty sure that back then we didn't post pictures of ourselves and brag about our real-life achievements, did we?
>> No. 3661 [Edit]
No, we mostly shared a lot of images and porn, discussed anime and cracked really lame jokes over and over again.
>> No. 3662 [Edit]
It's amusing that I find this thread as soon as I get on, because I've been feeling the same way lately.

I haven't really enjoyed /a/ in a very long while, and while I love Tohno-chan and you guys here, I just find myself further and further away each day.

I don't want that. I don't want to become a normal. I know it wont work even if I did, and when I came back down it would be worse than before.

Feels pretty bad, man.
>> No. 3702 [Edit]
Whats the green thing in OP's pic?
>> No. 3703 [Edit]
The famously shit quality cabbage from Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na: Crescent Love, that /a/ went batshit over for a good time since it looked fuck all like a cabbage.
>> No. 3704 [Edit]
Oh, haha. I see now. Thanks.
>> No. 3719 [Edit]
File 129963583260.gif - (1.91MB , 480x270 , chop.gif )
Is that what this is from?
>> No. 3726 [Edit]
Danbooru says its from Hayate the Combat Butler
>> No. 3727 [Edit]
File 12997159546.jpg - (43.18KB , 467x590 , crescent_love_cabbage.jpg )
Its glorious makeover in the DVD release
>> No. 3856 [Edit]
I take breaks. I haven't really been doing much on my computer in 2 weeks now. I just play games on my DS or netbook, watch anime or read books and manga. I've been a hikikomori too long to sit on the computer 20 hours a day, it just gets boring.
>> No. 3889 [Edit]
>I love you tohno-chan, but in some years all of this will be over.

Not if I can help it. I've been archiving threads, plus entire pictures from almost every thread I look at from 4chan since 2008 (about 65GB of material). I've been working on a project to preserve the legacy of the imageboard culture so it won't completely die.
>> No. 3901 [Edit]
4ailchan will be a web 2.0 social networking site in the years to come.
But that means nothing. The real *Chan Culture as we know it know will continue to exist in places similar to Tohno-chan.
>> No. 3902 [Edit]
>4ailchan will be a web 2.0 social networking site in the years to come.

Doubt it. That's what is for
>> No. 4042 [Edit]

It's that cabbage on Shinji's cum covered hands actually.
>> No. 4059 [Edit]
I thought that was fairly obvious seeing as he was asking what the green object was and not the background, which is pretty well known.
>> No. 4075 [Edit]
Why would someone cum on their hands?
>> No. 4076 [Edit]
you mean rather than on the comatose girl's boobies?

I don't know...maybe he was trying to hide it?
>> No. 4226 [Edit]
I'm drifting away from it as well. I used to F5 /jp/ and /m/ all the fucking time, and I would never have time to play games or watch anime. Now, I check them once a day for a few minutes before I go to sleep. Every other day or so I don't even bother checking because I have no interest. I don't go on /a/ at all.

I really only go on 4chan to get up to date news on new VNs or /m/ related things, otherwise if I don't I feel out of the loop. Once my Japanese gets better I'll probably stop going to 4chan all together and make a full transition to 2ch and Japanese games sites for my needs. I'd rather get my news from the source rather than second-hand/translated. Also, 2ch is way more entertaining to me.

I'm just sick of the growing normalfag/underage population spilling over into other boards. All the bullshit greentext, /v/ level arguments, U MAD, implying, /b/ shit, general immaturity, it's everywhere now. It's sad that /jp/ hardly looks any different from /a/ anymore. It's so bad that I seriously wonder all the time if I'm really on the right board or not. /m/ is still alright.

I don't feel like I'm becoming a normalfag, thankfully.

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