No. 3605
Yeah, it was once new and exciting, but the chan culture really lost its charm for me. Whenever I go into an IRC channel that's associated with 4chan in any way, it makes me feel old. I joke around, talk nonsense, and try to fit in, but it just isn't for me anymore. Not that I'm really that old, but I guess I'm just done with that part of my life.
For a long time, I wasn't ready — or mature enough — to face the real world, so I dicked around in college, escaped to 4chan, and subsequently ended up at tohno-chan. As it stands right now, though, I just want to focus on starting a career so I can get away from all that I was and am.
I know I'll see it differently down the line, and maybe I'll reminisce about the perceived good times, but that's life. Nothing lasts forever, but there’s always something new to look forward to.