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3498 No. 3498 [Edit]
I was wondering as well. A TEFL job would be good for at least some of us. We can go to east asia (we ARE otaku rite?). Due to the social situation you get some respect and you get a mode of self support for those who are stuck with a shitty american or european economy. And for those stuck with family they can get rid of dealing with them. Of course usa people and western europeans get an advantage in eastern europe etc etc.

Seems to be a good thing for some people. I wonder how many would do this I am thinking of doing so when I get an associate's degree - get a TEFL certificate and go abroad for 6 months or a year of however long.
>> No. 3505 [Edit]
Shouldn't you have good social skills if you want to be a teacher? Doesn't sound like an intelligent path for most people here.
>> No. 3509 [Edit]
I would but I'm not bilingual.
>> No. 3514 [Edit]
I've been considering jumping ship when the economy tanks (which it probably already did depending on how you look at it) to some place with a stable economey, but I'm too damned lazy to find out which country is the most economically stable right now, knowing that the fucking usa is taking everybody down with it.
>> No. 3515 [Edit]

Society as a whole is getting worse and worse. Moving to a different country will change nothing
>> No. 3525 [Edit]
You don't need to be bilingual to teach English in another country. A lot of programs don't even expect you to right away, you can pick up the language as you go. You do need at least a bachelor's degree for teaching it in Japan, I think.

Honestly, a change of scenery could be a good thing or it could change nothing. It depends on you and your circumstances.
>> No. 3526 [Edit]

It would be awesome to teach spanish or english in japan.
Too bad most of the students would know more about my own language than myself.
>> No. 3527 [Edit]
I hate those shitty foreign teachers who can't speak the domestic language. I need the stuff explained to me in a language I already know
>> No. 3571 [Edit]
I've been thinking about it to be honest given how many jobs there are for it across the japan and other countries. It seems like it would be a fun ride to check out to see what japan actually has to ofter and not just their cartoons.

Maybe I'll go to school next year..
>> No. 3572 [Edit]
>I need the stuff explained to me in a language I already know
I teach English to non English speakers and I can tell you that if I taught my students in their own native language they would learn nothing.
>> No. 3574 [Edit]
No thats not what I mean. Teach the foreign language and explain it using the native language. For example if I was teaching you the japanese word for dog and told you that the word dog was a noun, and said so in japanese, I wouldn't learn a thing. The content should be in japanese and the 'meta' in english.

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