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File 129902091180.jpg - (53.89KB , 790x751 , sheen.jpg )
3495 No. 3495 [Edit]
Charlie Sheen may very well be the wisest man on earth.
Expand all images
>> No. 3496 [Edit]
That interview might have been the greatest thing I've ever seen. Charlie Sheen lives on a different plane than the rest of us.
>> No. 3497 [Edit]
>Dying is for fools. Amateurs.

Every one of these should be a main page quote
>> No. 3502 [Edit]
>It might be lonely up here, but I like the view.
>I'm still alive, which is pretty cool.
>Most of the time - and this includes naps, I'm an F-18.

Charlie Sheen is the fucking man.
>> No. 3503 [Edit]
>I'm not Thomas Jefferson. He was a pussy
>Sorry my life is so much more bitchin' than yours. I planned it that way.
>Touch my children and I will eat your hands off your arms
>> No. 3507 [Edit]
File 129903539265.jpg - (187.97KB , 600x803 , 250596769.jpg )
>> No. 3508 [Edit]
Not since Charles Manson have I seen this level of enlightenment.
>> No. 3534 [Edit]
File 129906004229.jpg - (24.96KB , 185x229 , A happy Kizaru.jpg )
>I have one speed. I have one gear. Go.
>There are parts of me that are Dennis Hopper.
>I may forget about them tomorrow, but they'll live with that memory for the rest of their lives. And that's a gift.

Chris Brown gets his career ruined for one asault yet Charlie Sheen threatens someone with a knife every other week while on drugs and gets off scot free?
Do we really let the image of how celebrities act on TV influence that much how we judge them in reality?
>> No. 3535 [Edit]
I hate celebrities in general. All of them, especially the ones famous for being famous.
>> No. 3539 [Edit]
The things Sheen has done would have destroyed any other big name actor's career a hundred times over. Celebrity immunity alone doesn't explain it.
>> No. 3541 [Edit]

Fine by me.
I don't pay for any of the stuff he does anyway.
>> No. 3546 [Edit]
Sheen gets away with all this because he's a winner, obviously. A non-winner would have been in the gutter years ago
>> No. 3551 [Edit]
File 129910059154.jpg - (61.46KB , 468x600 , sheen winning.jpg )
I'm trying to enjoy this as much as possible before he becomes a big internet meme and it makes me hate it
>> No. 3565 [Edit]
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
>> No. 3567 [Edit]
He's not on cocaine. His drug of choice is "Charlie Sheen", a drug so potent it would kill a mortal man.
>> No. 3568 [Edit]
Am I the only one who doesn't think this is anything noteworthy at all? Maybe it's because I haven't seen a single anything with Sheen in it, but eh...
>> No. 3569 [Edit]
I don't think they are good quotes either.
>> No. 3576 [Edit]
Yeah, I feel this way as well. It's going to become dull when more people get ahold of the wisdom that Sheen is bringing to the world.
>> No. 3577 [Edit]
I could have written this.
>> No. 3579 [Edit]
Go to bed and stop samefagging, Charlie Sheen, no one likes you.
>> No. 3580 [Edit]

Watch Two and a Half Men and you'll be basically watching Charlie Sheen and his daily life.
>> No. 3581 [Edit]
Two and a Half Men is lowest common denominator TV in it's purest form. The only thing worse is reality shows
>> No. 3583 [Edit]

That's not the point here.
>> No. 3636 [Edit]
I don't even watch this show and the first I heard of him was in like 2006 when he came out as a 9/11 truther, and I was like 'fuck yeah' as I am a 9/11 truther (i in a way dropped out of the active stuff as I stopped paying attention to all the new stuff). Heck, I barely go on alex Jones' sites anymore.
>> No. 3655 [Edit]

Charlie sheen will be streaming in a little less than 2 hours from now, I don't know about what, though.
>> No. 3664 [Edit]

I want to know the origin/context of the quote in the OP image but all google gives me is legions of people posting this very generator.
>> No. 3689 [Edit]
It's crossed the line from funny to sad now
>> No. 3694 [Edit]
He's doing another one right now and holy fucking shit he looks bad
>> No. 3695 [Edit]
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>> No. 3696 [Edit]
File 129956854595.png - (262.54KB , 704x400 , Browsing tohno chan.png )
>> No. 3697 [Edit]
Something tells me that Charlie is going to lose it now that the network has fired him from two and a half men. It will be interesting to see what he does and how badly he goes off the rails.
>> No. 3698 [Edit]
is it going to be one and a half men now?
>> No. 3699 [Edit]

No, it's just 2 men now.
>> No. 3700 [Edit]
File 129957804054.jpg - (263.43KB , 760x806 , governor v zombie.jpg )
Rumor has it that he's going to play The Governor in The Walking Dead when the series gets there. Don't know if anyone else here reads it but trust me that it would be quite rad.
>> No. 3701 [Edit]
I don't think he's that bad of an actor.
>> No. 3707 [Edit]
If it's not too late they should give him a cameo in The Hangover 2. They already wanted to have Mel Gibson cameo in it but the cast didn't want to work with him.
>> No. 3708 [Edit]
But if the kid and the other idiot are there? wouldn't it be one and a half, Or are we giving that brat a promotion?
>> No. 3709 [Edit]
The kid isn't really a kid anymore.
>> No. 3710 [Edit]
Feels kind of weird to explain a joke but I think >>3699 was insinuating that Charlie Sheen was always only "half a man."

Then again it, maybe >>3699 never meant it as an insult.
>> No. 3711 [Edit]
That show was the only thing going for him at this point, and apparently it was going really really well for him and for the network with high ratings. So it wouldn't be surprising.
>> No. 3712 [Edit]
File 129961708265.jpg - (200.41KB , 1920x1080 , sheen2.jpg )
My grandmother looked better than he does just a day before she died of cancer
>> No. 3713 [Edit]
Fucking cosmetics, how do they work?
>> No. 3738 [Edit]
File 129978268486.gif - (1.56MB , 326x220 , sheen knife.gif )
>> No. 3741 [Edit]

It's kind of funny, I admit it.
It would be better if he stopped using internet slang to talk like a high school /b/ kid.
>> No. 4880 [Edit]

So he made a stage show that's going to tour around the country and...well...the first stop didn't go too well

>9:10 — Sheen’s promises are largely incomprehensible, though at least seem intentionally so: “Freedom from monkey eyed…sweat-eating whores. Freedom from the dour and sour taste of malignant reproach… I’m a giant and leaky bag of mayhem.”

>9:15 — OK, nobody understands a word Sheen is saying. “”Is anybody else as confused by this s— as I am?” he finally asks. There are roars from the crowd. “I wrote every word!” Later, a cab driver tells me that it’s about this time that angry fans began walking out of the theatre.

>9:20 — People start booing Sheen. Not playing around, but actually booing him. Sheen yells, “I already got your money, dude!”

>9:23 — We are watching video of Charlie Sheen playing Call of Duty.

>10:05 — Sheen is composing a live tweet. More comments from people leaving early: “I was expecting a comedy show.” “It’s just like hanging out at his house,” says a man wearing an “I Believe in Tiger Blood” T-shirt.
>> No. 4881 [Edit]
File 130180363876.jpg - (22.19KB , 450x370 , statler_waldorf.jpg )
>8:17 — The comedian starts a joke: “I found out exactly how I’m going to die–” Someone in the audience yells, “Yeah, onstage!”
>> No. 4882 [Edit]
What did they expect from a drug-addicted burnout who's going more and more insane?

I think this is a mistake he's making. People are going to get tired of Charlie Sheen's antics soon and he won't get a free pass anymore.

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