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File 129832669935.jpg - (13.31KB , 280x313 , uhhh yeah.jpg )
3345 No. 3345 [Edit]

Come the fuck on America, god damn.
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>> No. 3346 [Edit]
What I find completely retarded about this, is that main stream media does the exact same thing all the time, and one one cares.

If a late night comedy shows kids in a sexually themed skit, no one cares, if it's just some guy, then everyone's offended and it's off to prison.
I can guarantee you the parents wouldn't have cared if the same thing was going to tv and they were getting paid.
>> No. 3347 [Edit]
How does this come anywhere near a crime? The charge "manufacturing child sexual abusive materials" kind of implies he abused a child and taped it, or at least used some other recording of child abuse and edited it. Hopefully this is just some bullshit charge pursued by overzealous officials and it will get thrown out soon.
>> No. 3348 [Edit]
America is the kind of country where 13 year old girls who take naked pictures of themselves and send them to their same-aged boyfriends are considered child pornographers, so things like this are par for the course.
>> No. 3349 [Edit]
In the future, masturbating before you are 25 (the age of consent in the future) will get you charged with child molestation.
>> No. 3350 [Edit]
well in the strict legal sense they are
>> No. 3351 [Edit]
>He was released on a $5,000 surety bond. Emory was ordered not to have any contact with children, except at his job, where he works as a waiter

Jesus christ, this is one of the most retarded things I've heard in awhile. It really is true when people say that common sense is the least common of all senses.
>> No. 3352 [Edit]
and that legal sense needs to change, because it's retarded.
>> No. 3354 [Edit]
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Under that logic, I used to molest myself on a daily basis when I was a kid.
And I enjoyedevery second of it.
>> No. 3355 [Edit]
the problem is there are people who actually think like that. and a lot of them have somehow been elected to political office.
>> No. 3356 [Edit]

Most people are stupid, and in order for a politician to win an election most people need to vote for them.
>> No. 3357 [Edit]
MUST PROTECT THE CHILDREN('s video) AT ALL COSTS! Off with his head. Fucking scum. That'll teach him for embarrassing us.
>> No. 3358 [Edit]
Inlcuding us. Because obviously we do not know about the inner workings of government. With our only information being a trickle from often sensationalised news reports and newspapers, and our time often being occupied by things other than thinking deeply about politics, we are in fact 'stupid' as well- not much better than the uneducated and uninformed masses. In fact, only very few people actually deserve the name 'informed voter', people who fit into this category are probably the higher level employees of official organisations, academics that analyse these things, journalists who are specifically stationed to report on these things and nuts who stay at home all the time just watching the news.
>> No. 3359 [Edit]
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This is why I hate humanity.
>> No. 3360 [Edit]
Yeah. I don't want to sound emo or anything but shit like this makes me not want to live in this world anymore
>> No. 3361 [Edit]
I've spent a lot of time thinking about this, and I think that it should be changed back to the old ways. Only male home-owners that pay taxes should be eligible to vote. I'm okay with the lack of race discrimination though.

I also think the senate should go back to being chosen from the state legislatures rather than being directly directly elected by the people. The way we have it now, we've negated one of the main reasons for creating two different federal legislative bodies.

Fucking stupid. This country is going downhill fast, and it's only been a couple hundred years or so.
>> No. 3362 [Edit]
so if I've got this straight he basically swapped audio tracks and is now in deep shit?

This is one of the most fucking retarded things ever, I mean, isn't there something like tubedubber that does the same thing? Better not be any children in videos you dub over.
>> No. 3365 [Edit]
Has anyone here seen the video?
I'm sure its not worthy of his jail time, but I'd still like to know what the fuss is about.
>> No. 3375 [Edit]
I still don't understand how in the holy fuck this is a crime. I'd like to see the wording of the statute.

Even the most retarded soccer mom can't possibly believe this guy deserves prison time.
>> No. 3376 [Edit]
Even if he gets off it will still show up on background checks so his life is pretty much ruined. Land of the free
>> No. 3378 [Edit]


Act 328 of 1931

750.145c Definitions; child sexually abusive activity or material; penalties; possession of child sexually abusive material; expert testimony; defenses; acts of commercial film or photographic print processor; report to law enforcement agency by computer technician; applicability and uniformity of section; enactment or enforcement of ordinances, rules, or regulations prohibited.

(2) A person who persuades, induces, entices, coerces, causes, or knowingly allows a child to engage in a child sexually abusive activity for the purpose of producing any child sexually abusive material, or a person who arranges for, produces, makes, or finances, or a person who attempts or prepares or conspires to arrange for, produce, make, or finance any child sexually abusive activity or child sexually abusive material is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment for not more than 20 years, or a fine of not more than $100,000.00, or both, if that person knows, has reason to know, or should reasonably be expected to know that the child is a child or that the child sexually abusive material includes a child or that the depiction constituting the child sexually abusive material appears to include a child, or that person has not taken reasonable precautions to determine the age of the child.

I think they are charging thinking its "child sexually abusive material."
This is so absurd.
>> No. 3379 [Edit]
I think he should be punished for lying to the school and using those kids for his show without the parents' consent, but just paying a fine or something. Getting locked up for 20 years as a child rapist or whatever the charges paint him as is really fucked up
>> No. 3395 [Edit]
I like to think there's a special place in hell for overzealous prosecutors, ruining people's lives for no reason at all without any consequence for themselves.

Hopefully this case is laughed out of court. But even if it isn't, in the wonderful age of the internet and Google this guy's name and the phrase "child sexually abusive material" will be forever linked, all because he made a stupid youtube video. Isn't progress great?
>> No. 3723 [Edit]

>A deal is in the works between Emory and prosecutors that would downgrade his child sex crime case to a felony count of posting harmful information on the Internet if he pleads guilty, Muskegon County Sheriff Dean Roesler told AOL News. Originally Emory faced a maximum 20-year prison sentence with a lifetime registration as a sex offender. The deal would involve jail time, five years' probation and community service, but no registration as a sex offender.

Again, all just for editing a video and putting it on youtube. I hate this country
>> No. 3729 [Edit]
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>> No. 3734 [Edit]
>posting harmful information on the Internet
The rest of you guys realize how dangerous this is, right?
>> No. 3735 [Edit]
Yeah, it rang some bells the moment I read "harmful information." Though, it might be largely ignored by any court outside of that legal district. Except mine, I live in a certain south-eastern state that isn't well-known a IQ above 90. Here's hoping that the dispersants in the air from that oil spill make the population largely infertile. I might be effected as well, but it would be for the greater good.

>County Sheriff in some backwater county in Michigan.

Explains a-fucking-lot, Jesus Christ, those motherfuckers think they have some only sheriff in town reputation to uphold. How this is even considered a crime is beyond me. IT'S FUCKING DARK HUMOR PEOPLE, THAT DANIEL TOSH GUY HAS DONE THE EXACT SAME THING ON NATIONAL MOTHER FUCKING TELEVISION! JESUS H. MOTHER EAR FUCKING CHRIST, SOME PROSECUTOR SEEKING RE-ELECTION ALWAYS WANTING TO THROW SOME POOR BASTARD UNDER THE BUS, HUH?!
>> No. 3737 [Edit]
  Oh god I'm going to jail.
>> No. 3749 [Edit]
Ron Paul 2012. His son Rand recently got elected to the senate and is kicking ass just like a Paul.

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