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File 12981444895.jpg - (193.87KB , 1024x768 , coltAnaconda8inch.jpg )
3290 No. 3290 [Edit]
This can serve as an all-purpose firearms thread.

Guess I'll get it started then. Anybody own any guns or want any? Personally I'd like to get my hands on a Colt Anaconda (8" barrel), but looking it up, they're not quite abundant and very expensive.

And try not to focus this thread towards how to point a gun upon one's face, that's where the last thread was headed and Hamish deleted the whole thing. (Not very rational, but that's another story)
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>> No. 3294 [Edit]
I think guns are awful outside fiction.
>> No. 3296 [Edit]
Hey guys.

I've been wanting to become a good marksman for about two years now and I've been meaning to get myself my first gun, a bolt action rifle. I was thinking I would start out with one chambered for .22lr round. I'm looking at mainly a second hand rifle that is cheap, yet reasonable accurate. Can you guys recommend a good one?
>> No. 3299 [Edit]

I've wanted a S&W Model 36 for while, but the police surpus ones on J&G seem to been have sold out. I think they were going for 270~280, while the new ones ares are selling for 600+ ;_;
>> No. 3301 [Edit]
I have a S&W M4505. I'm hardcore, I know.
>> No. 3313 [Edit]
Nigga, airsofts are toys.
>> No. 3328 [Edit]
File 129828918525.jpg - (607.86KB , 2497x1093 , Type_64_Rifle.jpg )
I just found this very lovely image of a Type 64, a now-defunct "battle rifle" once used by the JSDF, now superseded by the Type 89.
>> No. 3331 [Edit]
File 129829185044.jpg - (26.07KB , 1024x473 , Colt_Model_1873_Single_Action_Army_Cavalry_Revolve.jpg )
Behold. The greatest hand gun ever made. Six shots. More than enough to kill anything that moves.
>> No. 3333 [Edit]
fuck yeah peacemaker

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