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File 129792087436.jpg - (157.95KB , 465x600 , ad71508af69072af36229c11b66e894f.jpg )
3234 No. 3234 [Edit]
Have you ever 'dressed up'?

Yesterday I secretly stole my sister's lingerie and wore it. It was too much stimulation to bear. The feel of the soft, smooth silk on my skin and the knowledge that these clothes have been in such close contact with a girl's private parts made my boner shoot up within seconds. It was the hardest I've ever witnessed and I dripped massive amounts of precum. I proceeded to masturbate and I ejaculated two times in a row.

That has been one of the most tantalising moments of my life, and i'm hooked. Today I intend to search through her wardrobe to steal some pretty clothes and make myself look like a nice young girl. In the future, I might even go out to the shops and buy some nice girl's clothes. I hope my sister doesn't notice her clothes have been slightly stretched out..
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>> No. 3235 [Edit]
No. If I ever move out I do plan on buying some girl clothes though. Off the internet, of course
>> No. 3236 [Edit]
No, but I have wanted to wear some female clothes just to see what they feel like. Wearing only the normal t-shirt and jeans for most of your life gets boring after awhile.

Oh, I hope you washed your sister's stuff and properly put them back in their place since it is kind of a dickish thing to do.
>> No. 3237 [Edit]
I want to. My sister is eleven years younger than me so I can't exactly do it in those circumstances.

That is my plan.
>> No. 3238 [Edit]
I totally would if I had a girlish enough figure.
>> No. 3239 [Edit]
Yup, a feew years ago. Robe, make-up, heels and underware... but still pretty obvius that I was a dude.

Up to this day, I normally wear women t-shirts and sweaters; love them because they are softer and lighter than men's.

Also, question to OP:
If you're ready to spend money on this thing, would you ever consider buying cosplay or REAL sailor fukus (from buruseras)? I haven't go that far myself to investigate further about them, but I'd probably be doing it in future -even more pervert- days, so:

>> No. 3240 [Edit]

I absolutely hate my sister so i wouldnt be able to do that even for sexual satisfaction, but someday i may buy some things on my own.

i have always wanted to be a trap but im a bit too...uh...manly for that, huge beard, tons of body hair and fat as hell, i dont think id make a good woman.
>> No. 3241 [Edit]
I've experimented with a lass who wanted to be a man, we used to trade clothes when we went out to parties. It was interesting results, nothing to dramatic other then some really interesting conversations with people

Before that it was just dicking around with my mothers make up as a young lad

Good times
>> No. 3242 [Edit]
I've mentioned this in other threads but one of the reasons I'm trying to lose weight is so I can better fit into girl clothes.
>> No. 3243 [Edit]

I enjoyed going through my step-mother's panty drawer when I was a teenager and trying them on. It was fun.

I'm an adult and I regularly wear women's underwear now. I got into the habit of shaving myself clean and putting on girl's clothes at night time- panties, camisole, and thigh-high socks.

Life's pretty good when you have silk panties cuddling your balls.
>> No. 3244 [Edit]
I envy you ;_;
>> No. 3245 [Edit]
I once tried on my moms panties and found it to excite me quite a lot. If I lived alone and had no risk of being found out I would wear all girls clothes--I've came to the realization that I might be "gender confused". When I learned to Lucid Dream I noticed one of my dream signs was that I was almost always a female character, a girl, or dressed in girls clothing. I'd shave my armpits and legs if I could do it without my parents noticing. I'd need to lose a lot of weight (I weigh over 250 pounds) first to make a cute girl though.
>> No. 3246 [Edit]
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I'm far too heavily built to look good wearing that stuff. Thing is though that I have better looking eye lashes than most girls I've met even when they've been wearing mascara. Many of them have outright said so. Have made a lot of guys wonder if I were gay too since I obviously use make-up to them.
Woe is me.
>> No. 3247 [Edit]
I'd like to try this, but the thought of wearing my mom's more risque panties and masturbating with them doesn't sit well with me. If only I had an imouto.
>> No. 3248 [Edit]
Just do it.

By the way, if your dick stretches out the panties enough, it's not really a good idea to put them back. Let them vanish forever. I learned this the hard way with a cousin's panties...
>> No. 3251 [Edit]
I wear oniisan's boxers and tee shirts. I say its just cause they're comfy to lounge around in, but secretly it turns me on. especially the part in the front that you're supposed to pee through, cause sometimes it just hangs open, but you can't see anything when i wear them, its just bare skin there. maybe i should wear them backwards...
>> No. 3252 [Edit]
I never open that opening at the front. Isn't that just going to put pee everywhere? When I pee I pull down the elastic over my penis and pee.
>> No. 3253 [Edit]
Same, never use it.
>> No. 3255 [Edit]
Well I always use it...

Thought I have memories, from days when I could have been target for toddlercon, about other children at kindergardem mocking at me because I lowered my pants and underware entirely for peeing, instead of just using the zipper.
>> No. 3256 [Edit]
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I think most kids started out completely pulling down their pants and underwear to their feet to pee. You grow out of it soon enough.

I remember when I was in grade 3 or 4. The days where prohibitive social norms and cliques haven't propped up yet, where you could find your best buddy from something as simple and whimsical as fighting over a 20 cent coin and then becoming friends afterwards. Me and my best friend at the time once went to the toilet, and watched a small kindergarten boy (and I mean this in a non-sexual way) strip completely naked, down to his shoes, just to do a wee. We tried to talk as casually as we could out of the toilet building and then instantly burst out laughing the moment we stepped out.
>> No. 3257 [Edit]
File 129795616852.jpg - (15.39KB , 350x330 , mask-blond.jpg )
Yes. I used clothes from my mother and cousin. It was incredibly hot and I came without touching myself. Just feeling the smoothness of the panties rubbing tightly against my manhood makes me shiver.

I bought panties on my own but for some reason I don't feel anything with them. I can only get excited if those clothes were worn by a woman, which is fucking strange because I don't like 3D a bit.

Also protip, when crossdressing wear a face mask since it hides the nose and jaw so the illusion is better.
>> No. 3258 [Edit]
I sometimes think about it. Back in the day, I could pull of a decent trap.

When I was young most people mistook me for a girl due to my blond, curly hair. Sadly, the curls were gone by the time I was ~6, and myhair got darker over time (by the time I was 10 it was your usual brown already). I got mistakened for a girl few more times due to my long hair but it didn't happen that often. I pulled out my first gray hair when I was 16. Now I'm balding. Feels bad.

Figure-wise I could definitely pull it off, as I'm really scrawny. You could count ribs on me if you'd just try. I never worked out, too.

The biggest problem would be obviously my acne scars. Well, it's not like there aren't girls with visible scars but I sure haven't seen any who are scarred this bad.


>Thing is though that I have better looking eye lashes than most girls I've met even when they've been wearing mascara. Many of them have outright said so.

I heard similar comments about my... fingernails of all things. Obviously I never did anything with them.
>> No. 3259 [Edit]
I bought a skirt and thigh-highs of my own to wear. I don't think I'd be interested in wearing another woman's clothes, although that might be because when I wear them it's for non-sexual reasons. They just feel more natural and comfortable to wear and I like how they look, I don't get aroused at all. They're still very nice to wear when I have the house to myself. Twirling in the skirt is fun and drinking tea tastes much better with it on, somehow.
>> No. 3268 [Edit]
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A facemask is a fantastic idea. I happen to like how it looks as well, so not only will it hide the bad stuff, in my opinion it'll also add something to the outfit!

Hell, I would wear facemasks out in public if it weren't unacceptable. It would help my social anxiety a little bit. This is another reason why I wished I lived in Japan.
>> No. 3269 [Edit]
It could work if going out in public in full women's clothes is your thing. Panties are enough for me.
>> No. 3270 [Edit]
I love this thread. Pleasure share more sexy stories with us.
>> No. 3271 [Edit]
I love this thread too. I wonder if there's a reason why it seems most of us anons like women's clothes...
>> No. 3272 [Edit]
arent guys supposed to like women? is it so odd we would like what clothes they wear?
>> No. 3273 [Edit]
is it odd that you like womens clothes more than actual women
>> No. 3274 [Edit]
not at all, womens clothes can be both sexually gratifying and something you just enjoy as a style.

Women are bitches and whores.

You can dislike women and still like their clothes, and vice versa.
>> No. 3275 [Edit]
I think they look better with their clothes off amirite guys?
>> No. 3276 [Edit]
No. Landwhales do not look good with their clothes off.
>> No. 3277 [Edit]

hell even hot chicks are sexier when you leave more to the imagination.
>> No. 3278 [Edit]
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Here is a story.
>> No. 3280 [Edit]
>actual women

Haha, right.
>> No. 3281 [Edit]
>Yesterday I secretly stole my sister's lingerie and wore it. It was too much stimulation to bear. The feel of the soft, smooth silk on my skin and the knowledge that these clothes have been in such close contact with a girl's private parts made my boner shoot up within seconds.
I used to do this when I first hit puberty. To this day nothing has turned me on more, but I don't really get a kick out of it anymore (probaqbly because my sister is older, fatter, and less attractive than she used to be).
>In the future, I might even go out to the shops and buy some nice girl's clothes.
I tried this as well, but it didn't have the same effect. It was purely a sexual attraction, and the fact that they were mine negated the excitement. That said, I'll still probably buy some women's clothes when I move out. I'm so addicted to masturbation that practically nothing turns me on anymore though. It's a damn shame.

I concur that women's clothes feel a lot nicer to wear, but the trade-off is you look like shit if you don't have a pleasing figure. I imagine it's fairly degrading for women that aren't looking too fabulous, and I can sympathize more now that I've tried women's clothes for myself.
>> No. 3282 [Edit]
>I tried this as well, but it didn't have the same effect. It was purely a sexual attraction, and the fact that they were mine negated the excitement

There's sites that sell "used" panties. Of course whether they're really used or not (and if so WHO used them...) can't be known so that might take some excitement out.
>> No. 3283 [Edit]
Weird, but it's really the smell that gets me. You can smell the pussy on used panties, and it made my dick stand up straighter and harder than ever. I can understand where the panty sniffing fetish comes from, though I don't really consider it one of my fetishes.

Also, I once found a used pair of used panties in my college parking lot, and took them home with me. I didn't do anything with them, though, and eventually just threw them away. All I can figure is there's an incestuous aspect to the attraction as well.
>> No. 3284 [Edit]
It's probably not a good idea to pick up random discarded panties in the parking lot.
>> No. 3285 [Edit]
Yes, well, that thought crossed my mind as well, for various reasons.
>> No. 3286 [Edit]
Guess there's different types of transvestites here:

1. People who sexually enjoy the feel of women's clothes
2. People who want to be women and wear women's clothes
3. People who are sexually attracted to used underwear.
>> No. 3288 [Edit]
But for some reason girls wearing guy clothes/reverse traps make me...yeah.
>> No. 3289 [Edit]
The third one doesn't really have anything to do with transsexuals. Stealing girls' underwear has always been a kink type thing
>> No. 3366 [Edit]
I'm personally attracted to new items of clothing much more then used.
>> No. 3427 [Edit]
I got a haircut today, and when I looked in the mirror later I realized my hair and my face make me look rather feminine.

I think if I ever move out I'll give dressing up a try.
>> No. 3468 [Edit]
I'm extremely lucky to have a thin figure and hair that in my opinion looks better than most actual girls'. I enjoy dressing up, especially in my cute sailor uniform that I bought online. Nothing pleases me more than to take on the appearance and mannerisms of a cute girl.
>> No. 5096 [Edit]
I wish to bump this thread to hear new stories.
>> No. 5097 [Edit]
When my parents aren't home I take off my boxers and just wear a big tshirt as a sort of nightgown thing. If I ever move out my default home outfit will probably be that and some thighhighs, though if I wear them too much they could lose their luster...
>> No. 5142 [Edit]
File 130231418369.jpg - (70.55KB , 571x587 , 1302138809677.jpg )
I always questioned myself how fucked up this board can be.
>> No. 5144 [Edit]
Just clothes man.
>> No. 5147 [Edit]
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I'm worried about the same thing happening. I try to limit myself in wearing them because I worry I'll get too used to it and not find it enjoyable anymore, though it was never a sexually arousing thing for me anyway. I'm thinking of waiting for warmer nights in the summer and then going for a walk in women's clothes at 3am or so when it'd be too dark for anyone to see me or realise I'm a man. Should bring back some of the excitement.
>> No. 5148 [Edit]
No way in hell I would ever do that. I'm too afraid to leave the house even in normal clothes.
>> No. 5149 [Edit]
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I love to dress up but not as a girl... I don't think I'm very suitable for trapping.

Fuck that, I still pull down my pants to pee. How do people use zippers? It takes like fifteen seconds for me to get my dick out enough so that I don't piss all over myself.
>> No. 5152 [Edit]
I'm thin and could probably pull off the trap look but I'm not quite gay enough.
>> No. 5208 [Edit]
I haven't gone as far as wearing female underwear, but I did wear my sister's uniform once and just like you OP, I just had to masturbate while wearing the skirt.

Obviously I was extremely careful not to stain it and since it was going to be washed anyway.

I would've wore my sister's panties if they weren't as filthy as they used to be.
>> No. 5221 [Edit]
A tip: If you cut the crotch out of a pair of boxers it can be worn as sort of a skirt
>> No. 5258 [Edit]
>>Hell, I would wear facemasks out in public if it weren't unacceptable.

I think you can do it in the USA, just it's not very popular. They sell hats that cover your face and they're worn where I live during winter a little
>> No. 5262 [Edit]
What kinds of hats are those? Where I lived I never saw anyone wearing more than that skullcap sort of thing people wear when it's snowing or especially cold.
>> No. 5263 [Edit]
File 130256565174.jpg - (18.21KB , 300x268 , 854352-blazeownavataranimatedrw9_large.jpg )
You mean a ski mask?

Yeah, uh... don't wear one. Ever.
>> No. 5264 [Edit]
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I wore one in public once. It was part of an ensemble including full Russian Spetsnaz camouflage.

If you stay out of stores you'll be fine.
>> No. 5266 [Edit]
If the goal is to not draw attention to yourself (and thus make your social anxiety kick in) then the last thing you would want to do is go around wearing a ski mask
>> No. 5267 [Edit]
>> No. 5285 [Edit]
A ski mask looks too thuggish for me, but I've always wanted to wear sunglasses and a surgical mask.
>> No. 5286 [Edit]
There's nothing gay about wanting to feel pretty.
>> No. 5298 [Edit]
more like
>> No. 5299 [Edit]
File 130273521724.jpg - (23.77KB , 400x300 , BALACLAVA-PEAK.jpg )
more like this
>> No. 5301 [Edit]
File 130273537030.jpg - (24.66KB , 250x341 , russian%20hats%2032.jpg )
this is also fine but it doesnt cover you fully but can be good for some purposes
>> No. 5302 [Edit]
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this doesnt cover all fsr from it but you can modify it that way.

I wonder how it'll look if I wore a face mask. Given the recent flu shit its not so 'out of the ordinary'. As in in its rare but I doubt people will look at you like you're a freak where I live (large city, Chicago). I'll have to test this theory next time I go into the city core....
>> No. 5311 [Edit]
I imagine having your nose squashed all the time and moisture/breath stench collecting in the fabric isn't that comfortable.
>> No. 5312 [Edit]
Depending on where you are (the northern US, large parts of Canada) it might be worth it. Once it hits -10 or so I'll do about anything to keep my exposed parts warm.
>> No. 5316 [Edit]
I've dressed up a couple times, but just in my room. I have a body of a girl and could easily pass for one. I'm hairless, very slender, and have feminine physical features, but I'm pretty tall so it would just make it awkward which is why I refrain from seriously doing it.

I bought a couple dresses over time at stores, too. It didn't feel real awkward because I just said I'm buying a gift for someone, and it was fine. If I could dress up all the time I would. I don't feel I wish to be a girl - or a guy - so I guess I'm just asexual and find it cute. Fuck I don't know, I hate thinking about it.
>> No. 5340 [Edit]
I'm too scared to wear more than panties and thigh-highs

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