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No. 3172 [Edit]
  How do you feel about this?

personally, I find it insane that those parents wouldn't take money, being homeless, for something they took a few seconds to scribble down, insane because they have a child to take care of, I mean damn, they're supposed to be trying to provide a better life for their kid and they turn down money for pride for some mystical force that will never help them?
It's because of this kind of stuff that I refuse to ever give money to any homeless people with "god bless" on their sign.
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>> No. 3175 [Edit]
I think the host was downright pretentious and the mom was hideous.

I feel really bad for that dad, but that's what he gets for being a normalfag and marrying Mrs. Hambeast.
>> No. 3176 [Edit]
Religious people are stubborn and crazy, no big news there
>> No. 3177 [Edit]
Also yeah the host guy was kind of a dick
>> No. 3178 [Edit]
The real problem here is the guy laid down with the whale before being able to secure his future. He's an idiot.
>> No. 3179 [Edit]
The real reason they live in that trailer is so he can more easily keep his wife away from the Japanese sailors that stalk her.
>> No. 3180 [Edit]
And Capt. Ahab.
>> No. 3181 [Edit]
From the point of view of someone who really believes in God, even a homeless one, asking him to cross "God" off his placard for 20 dollars would come off as a pretty big insult. To the atheist it's just three letters on a sign, but to the homeless guy and his beast of a wife it's a lot more than that. Not to mention that 20 dollars isn't really going to help this guy or his family too much, and presumably he's not going to get anything else out of the deal anyway.

I'm not saying he's right, but it makes a certain kind of sense.
>> No. 3182 [Edit]
The host seems like an arrogant dick. And this is coming from someone who dislikes religion as well.

Not only that, how is accepting a measly $20 going to help out at all? I certainly wouldn't sell out my beliefs for $20 and I think that's the norm for most people.
>> No. 3184 [Edit]
The thing that strikes me is how they're so set on the God aspect when they're asking for money from humans. They know that God won't help them but people will, otherwise they would be praying rather than panhandling. It's offensive to the goodness of man that they try to pass off credit for a person's good deeds to God.

Also she's fucking lying when she says she wouldn't cross it out for a million dollars.
>> No. 3185 [Edit]
Couldn't the guy have just made another 20 cent sign once the host left?
>> No. 3186 [Edit]
this is why i hate atheists.

Im not religious, but you have to respect someone who will turn away material things for personal belief, even when you are homeless. Meanwhile the atheist is sitting there with a 'im so much better than these people' smirk.
>> No. 3187 [Edit]
>you have to respect someone who will turn away material things for personal belief, even when you are homeless.

>> No. 3188 [Edit]
and this shows how atheists are just as hard headed, if not more so, than religious folk.

Christians: "You are an idiot if you dont believe in a god, and i feel sorry for you."
Atheists: "You believe in god? HAW HAW retards."
>> No. 3189 [Edit]
File 129776454448.jpg - (46.88KB , 672x479 , 1289887156252.jpg )
What can I say, I'm a selfish hedonist who just wants to survive in this world. Considering the majority of the users of this site are NEETs (read: social parasites), I'd like to think they wouldn't hypocritically start 'respecting' hobos for turning away material possessions.
>> No. 3190 [Edit]
this site is also filled with people who have waifus and would turn away any material possession in their name
>> No. 3191 [Edit]
I can respect if someone has ideals they hold dear and I can respect how they chose to live their life, but they shouldn't make their kids suffer for it.
>> No. 3192 [Edit]
Well that's a different point. I apologize for sounding like a brash asshole. I wasn't intending to attack Christian values or anything; I just think there's a thin line between different 'personal beliefs', and I personally just don't believe that every single belief merits things like rejecting material things.
>> No. 3193 [Edit]
>I personally just don't believe that every single belief merits things like rejecting material things.
not all do, but we have no idea what kinds of things being a christian has done for these people, maybe 'god' didnt help them but believing in something certainly has.
If it wasnt for other christians they know they might not even have the RV to live in.
>> No. 3195 [Edit]
God is their only hope~
Sad right.
>> No. 3197 [Edit]
Not when it's a completely illogical personal belief. If it was something like morals or self respect that's one thing, but superstition isn't a respectable reason for turning away help. Imagine if these people rejected the man's money because they believed a leprechaun was telling them not to take it. Pretty much anyone would find that ridiculous, but because religion has been part of humanity for so long people have such a positive bias toward it that they don't see how crazy some of this stuff is.

And before you reply I'll mention that I'm not an atheist.
>> No. 3203 [Edit]
I think it's hilarious when you get atheists that are stupider and more immature than theists.
>> No. 3204 [Edit]
Stupidity and douchebaggery goes both ways. You'll find that in general, the best theists and atheists are the ones that don't make it the focus of their lives and go around debating each other as their life mission.
>> No. 3205 [Edit]
The thing I never understood about religious people is how they believe in God creating everything and the bible and all that, but dismiss things like magic and ghosts (and other religions such as Scientology). It's all the same stuff really
>> No. 3208 [Edit]
Are they stubborn, idiots or are they not selling-out?
>> No. 3210 [Edit]
File 129782851562.jpg - (4.15MB , 2930x1960 , 1259915225191.jpg )
I'll give you $20 if you burn down this picture of your waifu. As someone who dislikes money and what it represents it would be hard for me to accept money for something that I hold dear. At the same time, I know the value of money and what it can get me. I could just get another picture of my waifu with $20 and a good meal on top of that despite the feeling that I 'sold out' to greediness.

American people have a way of always taking everything to the extreme and I find American atheists are now as bad as their theist counterparts, perhaps even more. This makes religious people take a defensive stance, they become reclusive and dismissive of any science instead of coming out and seeing with their own two eyes, learning for themselves. Atheists are making things worse.

Religion has always been part of my life. My parents never said in what I should believe, they left me the choice of choosing for myself. I grew up in a Roman catholic family, went to the church when I was young. Couldn't find anything grand or any answers there, only stories of men that had magical powers and the hope that maybe they would return in flying horses through a burning red sky to bring death to all the bad people and restore the world to what it should have been, peaceful and with no diseases. I felt this was nonsense and I firmly believe that if you read the Bible nowadays it will make you an atheist or at least an agnostic, just like I am.

As always, live and let live. Let people come by themselves, they will soon know that it isn't God who gives them medicine but man and his genius, it isn't God who built their home and their car but man and his genius. So on.
>> No. 3211 [Edit]
I think it would be more accurate to ask a person to cross out the name of their waifu on some peace of paper for $20, and you have to remember, they're homeless with a kid, they aren't in a position where they should be picky, Most people here with a waifu don't have to worry about money, they don't have to dig in dumpsters behind stores hoping to find something that isn't rotten for their next meal, people here don't know what it's like to sleep on a park bench every night in the cold (expect for stilts). I'm just saying, you should try to remember their position, to us $20 isn't much, but for a homeless person, it could mean food for a week, and can you honestly say you're willing to starve to death for your waifu's name?
>> No. 3212 [Edit]
>As always, live and let live. Let people come by themselves, they will soon know that it isn't God who gives them medicine but man and his genius, it isn't God who built their home and their car but man and his genius. So on.

Don't count on it. Most people who profess a religion realize that, but they still believe in God (or gods). It fulfills a need a lot of people have for an external source of morals and provides the chance of life after death and reward for living a good life. Not that a homeless couple with a kid should be thinking too much about the afterlife when their current life is shit. I'm pretty sure even a priest would advise them to be more practical.

Still, the host really is a dick. Of all people to corner about their religious beliefs, he picks the most desperate? I know he was trying to make a point, but there are plenty of middle/upper-class self-righteous idiots who deserve this treatment a lot more.
>> No. 3213 [Edit]
If you haven't seen it, you should see Bill Maher's movie "Religulous". It has some pretty interesting stuff (like how Jesus's story isn't original at all) and it's also pretty funny. It kind of overdoes it toward the end though
>> No. 3214 [Edit]
I have no strong feelings about religion. Sage.
>> No. 3215 [Edit]
File 129784872061.jpg - (125.11KB , 500x375 , Gendo and baby Jesus.jpg )
I think we're all missing the true point of this video.
Never nail a hambeast without protection. Or ever for that matter.
>> No. 3231 [Edit]
My 2 cents: religion is a farce, a plague on society and I find it disgusting people can be lead by it. However, I believe everyone has the freedom to do what they want, so long as they do not harm another human being.
>> No. 3233 [Edit]
>so long as they do not harm another human being

Religion does, though. It stands in the way of things like stem cell research, which could save millions of lives. Not to mention the countless wars fought over it through time
>> No. 3260 [Edit]
>> No. 3262 [Edit]
You know the Salem witch trials? Those were a result of the "secular" government. The Church at the time was completely against them. It was the government's courts which ran them, not the churches.

Spanish inquisition? It was a result of the monarchs of the time. The pope tried many times to stop it. He even said the following:
>many true and faithful Christians, because of the testimony of enemies, rivals, slaves and other low people—and still less appropriate—without tests of any kind, have been locked up in secular prisons, tortured and condemned like relapsed heretics, deprived of their goods and properties, and given over to the secular arm to be executed, at great danger to their souls, giving a pernicious example and causing scandal to many.

I'm not arguing for religion as a whole. There are plenty of incidents where a pope or clergyman did something wrong, people love talking about the crusades for example. I'm arguing for the fact that placing the blame on all religion for bad behavior is like placing the blame on all governments every time a any government does something bad, or even a specfic race any time any member of it commits a crime. It's a distinct lack of critical analysis and prejudice which has somehow become acceptable. It's a pretty broad statement I'm not willing to commit to myself. Though, If you feel fine painting immensely large swathes of people with the largest brush possible, I can hardly stand against your religious fervor with any thing so tepid as reasonable discernment.
>> No. 3266 [Edit]
You know, as an atheist, I find fellow atheists more annoying a lot of times.

Seriously. We don't believe in god. You don't need to shout it out to the world. Its annoying when they do it, did you not think it would be annoying when you do it?
>> No. 3287 [Edit]
$20 may not be much, but it could of bought some fucking food. If god is so forgiving, why would you not take that opportunity?

Well, I can say that because I don't really have a solid concept of religion or a higher power, so I'm probably biased.

You know, that's not the first time I heard this this week.

About the witch trials and inquisition.
>> No. 3295 [Edit]
I got to admit, the guy is an asshole. It's like the amazing racist or something; he's trying too hard to be funny and he's trying to push his idea onto the audience too much.

The family is stupid though also; I may be biased when it comes to religion, because I'm not very religious, but crossing out "GOD"; to me doesn't show that you don't believe your god.

For an example, as some anon said here: If someone were to give me a picture of my waifu to burn for 20$; I would burn it. That may sound harsh, but unlike this particular religion, I know my waifu is a non-existant piece of imagination. My love for her still exists and is stronger than anything I can do; and I do believe that she would be happy with me getting 20$.

I know it's harsh but also, think about it this way, if you can handle not getting mad at knowing the fact that there are hardcore rape doujins of your waifu somewhere; you can definitely handle burning a picture of your waifu (for benefits, of course)
>> No. 3300 [Edit]
It's a grey issue, because crossing out the word "God" shows you're rejecting him, even if you just write it again later. However, there's also the old phrase "God helps those who help themselves."

>if you can handle not getting mad at knowing the fact that there are hardcore rape doujins of your waifu somewhere

Who said we don't care
>> No. 3302 [Edit]
To each their own form of ignorance.

Also: Waifu =/= Religion. They are totally different. In most cases; and I don't want to seem like I know everyone's perception of a waifu is; people know that their waifus don't exist.

Religion however, it forces you to believe in God; maybe in the hopes that God will reward you for your belief. If you defy God; however, you will reap the consequences.

If I were given the choice to either cross out a picture or my waifu's name for 20$ I would do it. I'm not rejecting her; I'm just doing it because I know my waifu is a kind person and might actually get mad if I didn't take the 20$ for something as simple and trivial as a picture.

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