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3159 No. 3159 [Edit]
Any Canadian NEETs here? The last time I was able to live a NEET lifestyle was when I lived with my parents, however that isn't possible as it stands. I'm incredibly sick of being an economic slave and existing for the sole purpose of facilitating the spread of money. I want to be able to spend my life reading about technology, watching anime, and stuff that is actually important (e.g. not small strips of paper with illusionary value attached to them).

tl;dr how do I became NEET?
>> No. 3160 [Edit]
Actually, I second this request. I think I'm going to end up without a home soon, so something like this could help me greatly.

Except I'm in the US.
>> No. 3161 [Edit]
This greatly annoys me. I believe people are obliged to at least give back equally what society has spent on raising them. I also think money has a very real, tangible value attached to them insofar as the things they can be exchanged for is concerned, although I agree that many seem to treat it as some sort of god rather than a coupon for exchanging things, which is wrong.
>> No. 3162 [Edit]
Try to get on SSI
>> No. 3165 [Edit]
You could live with a large number of roommates and only work part-time, but that's not truly NEET-level awesome.
>> No. 3167 [Edit]
while you get real things for money it does not reflect the items' value propperly at all.

Trying to maintain the status quo is destructive.

Just my opinion.
>> No. 3168 [Edit]
Canadian here. Your options are slim unless you have some type of disability, meaning something physical or mental like bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, autism or whatever.

I'm on assistance in Ontario due to having really really really really really bad social issues. I have an autistic friend who also receives money too. We both get about 800 a month.

Browse around the provincial or national websites and they should have all the info on what you need to quality (it's a real meticulous process as they want as few people on welfare as possible).
>> No. 3170 [Edit]
You get a job and suck it up

The real world sucks and you have to work, everybody hates their job. Everybody

You can go for disability though

if you find anyone hiring out in the real world let me know ;_;
>> No. 3171 [Edit]
I know. I hate having to pay lots of money for an overpriced trinket that cost only a little bit to make. But what can I do? I hate the status quo, but I don't have the power to change the system. The best option for me, the one with the most net gain and least risk, is to not let it bother me and to just run with it.
>> No. 3173 [Edit]
>meaning something physical or mental like bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, autism or whatever.
>I'm on assistance in Ontario due to having really really really really really bad social issues

I can pull this off. Can you post more details?
>> No. 3174 [Edit]
My social issues are bad and documented enough (saw a shrink as a kid) that I could probably get SSI if I tried, but my family would never approve.

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