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File 12976687881.jpg - (740.78KB , 880x1295 , 28776b97efb75c970f98012de6746ca3.jpg )
3139 No. 3139 [Edit]
Why do we need a bunch of Valentine's Day crap on the front page?
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>> No. 3140 [Edit]
File 12976688498.jpg - (333.79KB , 650x731 , happy.jpg )
To remind you to be kind to your waifu today
>> No. 3141 [Edit]
>> No. 3143 [Edit]
Just today?
>> No. 3144 [Edit]
Its not crap! Its nice!
>> No. 3145 [Edit]
Hi Tohno

Also Valentine's Day is basically a day for flaunting your relationship status and we shouldn't take part in that shit
>> No. 3146 [Edit]
How is it flaunting when we're doing it in private?
>> No. 3147 [Edit]
That's not Tohno, I am.

and hi.
>> No. 3149 [Edit]
no I'm tohno
>> No. 3150 [Edit]
isin't it wunderful
>> No. 3151 [Edit]
OP, you're complaining about waifus and what people do with them on a waifu-centric webpage.

Seriously? Are you going to complain we watch anime next?
>> No. 3153 [Edit]
To be fair, in the west Valentine's Day is a complet joke, it's little more then a day made up by the stores to make people buy trash, and of cource they make people feel obligated to do so, by making women think the men don't love them if they don't by the spoiled undeserving bitch something over priced and shiny, and it's not like guys get anything, not unless you count sex, which has become the driving force for many people on this day it would seem.
As far as normal society goes, it really doesn't seem like "love" has anything to do with Valentine's Day, Just consumerism and fornicating, hardly what I'd call a sweet or love filled day.
But at least our love is true, our waifu's aren't demanding diamonds, and the people here aren't giving gifts in exchange for sex, it's all about love, about expressing ones feelings, about showing that girl you love how much you really do care about her, what the day should be about.
>> No. 3156 [Edit]
File 129771399534.png - (149.40KB , 999x654 , 2011valdaytc.png )

tl;dr version
>> No. 3157 [Edit]
Today isn't just any day, it's a special day reserved for just you and your waifu. Forget everything else all that matters today is love.
>> No. 3158 [Edit]
I never liked this day's crap...
and I mean NEVER.
Then, suddenly: 2D love.
Now I'm OK with dis.
>> No. 3194 [Edit]
Valentine's Day sure does do a good job of making a guy feel like complete crap.

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