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3106 No. 3106 [Edit]
This is a problem I often see on *chans, often perpetuated by new users.

-Someone starts a thread. The main kind of thread which contributes to this are ones which are like "Post your best images pertaining to a particular topic!". Sometimes, threads are made which have one to three pictures saying 'moar' or '* thread!'
-Users from around the net post their interesting pictures
-New users get hooked by the interesting pictures and ask for source
-The thread continually gets bumped by users wanting source and becomes a source request thread rather than an image dumping thread

I think this is mainly due to these phenomena:
-New users don't know how to use source-finding techniques such as typing in the correct Google keywords, using saucenao or e-hentai's image search, amongst other tools
-People are lazy to find source themselves even if they know how to
-People rename files, making it impossible to find source
-The poster doesn't know the source himself
-The poster doesn't include the source along with his post
-People who know the source or have the ability to find it don't do so because they are elitist

I think this problem could be solved if people included source every time they posted an enticing picture where the source is very obscure to find. Also, dissemination of helpful guides which go through source-finding techniques will help new users find source on their own. The net effect of this is that people don't waste time scouring for source, the board doesn't get shitted up as much, and in fact most discussion can interest can be generated for potentially underdiscussed series.
Expand all images
>> No. 3107 [Edit]
I was just talking to someone just to a few days ago about adding links next to image posts that would connect to sites like tineye and iqdb like on easymode.
Think this would help at all? or do you think people who don't know of those sites would never use the feature because they don't know what it does?

On a related note, has souceNAO ever work for anyone else? I've tried dozens of images with them, and never get anything I'm looking for.
>> No. 3108 [Edit]
I find that Saucenao hardly ever works unless its the kind of high quality image you find on *boorus.
>> No. 3109 [Edit]

Not OP

I think it could, if you included something in the rules akin to "Use the SauceNAO, Tineye, etc before asking for source" although a lot of people doing that won't be bothered to read the rules although in that case they could see the buttons and say what? Hence checking it out. Although I've not seen us with this problem as of yet so it would remain largely untested if it cut down on it. An alternative idea I think might help is to perhaps include something like a tutorials and guides section on various things this included. Although there you would have to limit it to specific things or it would just get overcrowded and people wouldn't sift through them. Although you could add it to the rules to "Read and follow 'Finding Sauce on Your Own' before asking for source."

as far as sourceNAO I haven't heard of it until you just mentioned it, but I took a look at it and it seems to be a good place to find new wallpapers.
>> No. 3110 [Edit]
SauceNAO is really useful when looking for Pixiv artists' pages or the source for a CG from an eroge.
>> No. 3111 [Edit]
I just want to vent about this because I've never brought it up before: it really annoys me how people feel obliged to ask for the source of every image ever posted on certain places like 4chan /s/. do you really require a source? why not just jerk off to one of the millions of other females on the internet. its not like you'll give a shit about this 15 minutes from now anyway.
>> No. 3112 [Edit]
I concur. I often see people asking for source on something unremarkable. It makes me think the people asking for it are 13 year olds. But just a heads up, lets not get into a discussion about newfags and the shittiness of 4chan.
>> No. 3113 [Edit]
Some people might have very specific tastes/interests, and might want to see more of something posted in hopes the artist has done more of the same kind of work.

But yeah who cares about 3D crap?
>> No. 3114 [Edit]
Wow its nice to see there are people still innovating in imageboard programming. You don't even know how to program that much, but here you are, advancing the technology and creating useful tools.
>> No. 3122 [Edit]

On top of pixiv, SauceNAO is great for hentai anime frames, and finding the original magazine for a series aswell. OPs image is a great example of an image sourced to pixiv.
>> No. 3123 [Edit]
You could write under the "Supported file types are: GIF, JPEG, JPG, MP3, OGG, PDF, PNG" area something like this

>"Need sauce? install"
>> No. 3124 [Edit]
we can add a button that automatically searches for source next to an image but nobody asks for source here anyways
>> No. 3134 [Edit]
Internet bomb ohoi!

As I see it, many users are satisfied with being ignorant, as long as they know someone else can do it. Analogy: cultural traits have had many women believing that they need a _man_ to fix things, even though they could very well do a better job themselves in fixing those things, we still need a _man_. In turn, the fresh users of the internet needs an internet hero to fix things. Respectable users will be curious to know how one could manage to pull off these internet miracles by oneself. And those who gather experience *should* be able to understand that whining for sauce is not tolerated, at least not as long as attention sick internet heroes restrain themselves from mouth feeding petty amateurs.
>> No. 3136 [Edit]
>Also, dissemination of helpful guides which go through source-finding techniques will help new users find source on their own. The net effect of this is that people don't waste time scouring for source, the board doesn't get shitted up as much, and in fact most discussion can interest can be generated for potentially underdiscussed series.
That's dumb. You're just shitting up the board more by making people who don't know how to use the internet feel comfortably at home.

>Recommendation charts are awesome. They sure fixed those ruddy recommendation threads.
>> No. 4192 [Edit]
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>> No. 4197 [Edit]
How typical. Delete the posts and sweep everything under the rug. It astounds me how tyrannical this place is becoming.

inb4 deleted and banned


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