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3036 No. 3036 [Edit]
Are you trying to better yourself in any way right now? Doesn't matter how small since any betterment is better than none at all.

Mine are:
- No computer past 12 o'clock at night. I may be an unemployed piece of shit but I can at least keep a somewhat normal daily rythm. Internet's still gonna be there tomorrow.
- Study some Chinese and some German every day so I don't get rusty.
- Finish the games I have before I buy new ones.
>> No. 3038 [Edit]
i want to have good stamina and for the past few weeks have been jogging in the park behind my house. this is the only aspect of myself that i have consistently and tangibly done things to improve myself. i'd like to improve myself on, say, my sleeping schedule, talking skills, anxiety, studying and eating enough, but i dont actually 'do' anything to improve them.
>> No. 3044 [Edit]
I'm trying to lose weight
>> No. 3045 [Edit]
I've been trying to go to bed earlier so I'll have more time to study for my classes when I wake up.

Unfortunately that's not going so well as I've been staying up all night practicing my programming lately.
>> No. 3046 [Edit]
- Get up earlier. I'm doing okay on this but I still need to be more consistent and roll back the time I get up a little more.
- Actually practice my instruments instead of just writing stuff out in MIDI.
- Limit my drinking to only a little bit per night, if at all. No more hangovers.
- Use tooth-whitening stuff more regularly.
- Spend more time on hobbies (music, games, anime, VNs, etc.) and less time checking message boards and other things (all the posts will be there tomorrow).
>> No. 3047 [Edit]
Dust and clean my room more.
Be less depressed.
So far neither are working.
>> No. 3061 [Edit]
I've been trying to go see a psychiatrist. I'm a low level shut-in, and I am deathly afraid of phones, so this is tough. My mom isn't on the ball very often, and my dad is worthless.
>> No. 3067 [Edit]
Just trying to go back to a normal sleep cycle, get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Staying up until 2-3 am browsing the internet, watching movies and playing video games for months at a time really started to mess with my mind after a while. Taking early morning classes is at least forcing me to sleep at a normal schedule.
>> No. 3068 [Edit]
I know how you feel. The one time I brought up the subject to my mom she told my dad about it, and he got mad at me.
>> No. 3078 [Edit]

I tried that but it just made me stay up into the day or get minimal sleep.
>> No. 3080 [Edit]
I intend to start getting to the gym and drink less. I'm a mess psychologically and that's not going to change, but at least I can do something about my physical health.
>> No. 3082 [Edit]
I have spent the past 7 years doing NOTHING but waking up, eating some food, browsing the internet and watching the news on TV. I told myself I will change this year (like all years), but it's already into February and I have not taken any initiative.

I guess the best I can say is, I try to wake up earlier, but I end up staying up late no matter what so I just end up with less sleep, and fall asleep at random times throughout the day.

I've taken an attempt to stop smoking weed all together, just because it makes me so lazy. I'm doing well but still get high during the week. I find myself drinking the nights I don't smoke any weed, so.
>> No. 3085 [Edit]
I have tried to reset my sleep schedule multiple times this year and failed completely. Now I am worse that i've ever been. My usual time for going to bed is nearing 12pm, and seems to be getting later each day. Maybe I will end up sleeping later and later until I am back to a normal time to sleep.

I never answer the phone anymore. Even on the occasions where i'm the only one in house, I just can't. Can't remember the last time I did answer one. Same with the door for deliveries and such, which is even worse because the person is actually there and can see me.
>> No. 3089 [Edit]
I'm going to start selling my inheritance soon. I got a ton of highly collectible dolls from my grandmother upon her passing two years ago, about $10,000 worth.

I'm going to get back on my Japanese and maybe pick up German or Russian.

I'm going to do something worthwhile when I am on my computer.

I am going to [gasp] get a license or a job, or get a job and an apartment close to it so I don't have to drive, since it scares the shit out of me.

I am going to start putting together a decent set of Bundeswehr and Wehrmacht uniforms and do a real re-enactment.

I will spend my money more wisely when I start making it again.

I will stay with my interests and collecting, and start up my figma and nendoroid collections I have been fantasising about.

I will make a good shelving unit for my collections.

I will get in back in contact with more people after all this, since I suddenly will be more interesting.
>> No. 3091 [Edit]
I need to lose some weight. That's my goal. Apart from that, I just need to keep practicing.
>> No. 3092 [Edit]
Finish my community college by the end of 2011 to transfer. im taking 16 credit hours now but theyre mainly 'soft' courses like history et all

Learn random shit off the internet.

Learning cryllic alphabet and japanese vocabulary and some Russian words.
>> No. 3095 [Edit]

You're using "et al." incorrectly sir, it refers to people. Et cetera is more appropriate.
>> No. 3471 [Edit]
How are you guys doing on what you said?

- I am getting up earlier (not perfect but better than I used to be with it).
- I quit drinking entirely.
>> No. 3472 [Edit]
I've lost 9 pounds
>> No. 3474 [Edit]
I have started taking generic brand children's vitamins daily. Sometime's it's tigers, and sometimes it's elephants.
>> No. 3476 [Edit]
I've been able to trick myself into going to bed earlier by turning off my light sooner. Weird, really. I guess my body just thinks "sleep time" after enough time without the light on has passed?
>> No. 3478 [Edit]
Anon should never drink, smoke, or do drugs. The Internet is enough of an addiction. Plus shit's too expensive in the long run.
>> No. 3480 [Edit]
I've cut down on drinking to just a little. I find if I stop altogether my caffeine consumption shoots way up, like I'm making up for it. I'd stop using both but without them I can't bear to go outside or deal with people at all.

I also need to start going to the gym, but I just keep putting it off.
>> No. 3481 [Edit]
Stop drinking so much pepsi and get back into drinking more green tea

I'm actually starting to loose energy from drinking pop and feeling like shit after a single glass.. So I think I'm finally working that out
>> No. 3482 [Edit]
Yeah, I definitely can't drink soda anymore, it makes me feel like shit. I stick to coffee these days.
>> No. 3483 [Edit]
That sounds dangerous. I guess as long as you don't take them on the same day, so that the elephants get digested before the tigers find them, it won't be a problem.
>> No. 3484 [Edit]
>Finish the games I have before I buy new ones.

Have you finished FFXIII before buying a new game? I guess you didn't.
>> No. 3485 [Edit]
I'm eating like crazy and working out a bit in my room each night so I won't be so damn thin. I'm also forcing myself to go out more by buying video games by myself and offering to pick up some groceries for my parents. I still suck at talking to people, but it helps a bit.
>> No. 3486 [Edit]
You should buy a pair of adjustable barbells it's a good investment in any exercise routine. Sometimes there is no gym nearby so its a good alternative provided you stick with it. They also don't take up much space and do a big help in helping to get in shape. You don't necessarily need to pay for a high priced gym membership to stay healthy.
>> No. 3489 [Edit]
>You don't necessarily need to pay for a high priced gym membership to stay healthy.

I disagree. You absolutely positively don't need a damn gym membership. You can just go to the park or the woods or the streets and exercise. Go out and jog, and explore the area! Get some sunlight! Do chin-ups and leg raises on the monkey bars! If you're socially anxious, go at night or in the early morning- I'm sure many of us are nocturnal. Buy some cheap weights, don't worry old ones weigh just as much as new weights and cost a fraction of a gym membership. I don't understand why people pay through the nose to stay cooped inside a building to exercise. Actually, scratch that, I think I know why- its so people can strut their stuff, wear revealing clothes that show off their body and flex their muscles in the mirror. Gyms are more like fashions shows than places to exercise.
>> No. 3490 [Edit]
>its so people can strut their stuff, wear revealing clothes that show off their body and flex their muscles in the mirror.
Anyone who cares about looks while working out in the gym is a fag. These people are fags.
The best thing about gyms for me is that they help me concentrate on excercise and nothing but. Sure, I could do most things I do there here at home. But I won't. I'm a lazy undisciplined fuck who needs help to concentrate, and I've come to terms with that.
>> No. 3491 [Edit]
Ah, well I concede that that is a good reason to go to the gym. It would have the same effect as going to a library to study. Unfortunately, depending on what gym you go to, you may either see a lot of fags or a lot of very serious muscled up intense dudes.
>> No. 3492 [Edit]
You want to work out? Do this:

1. Squats
2. Pull ups
3. Deadlifts
4. Cleans
5. Bench press

That's it, you've got best work out ever, don't spend money on weights and all that crap, isolation moves like curls are probably one of the most useless things you can do, except if you want to lose time and money of course. Doing something like yoga or stretching moves to the side also helps greatly.
>> No. 3493 [Edit]
Also swimming! If you swim constantly at least 3 days week for a good portion you will never ever have a problem with extra weight so I recommend it too. I live 20 min away from the ocean so thats my favorite thing to do, whether there or at a pool. Hey its a fundamental skill to know too I think. Or just playing sports in general like basketball is good, just show up at any park and play some games. I think you'll like exercising if you do something that you like rather then killing yourself at gym. As long as you some sort of physical activity rather then stay indoors you'll feel better too. Start small and good luck.
>> No. 3494 [Edit]
I'm trying to eat less garbage. I'm of about average weight currently but it seems small amounts of fat are beginning to accumulate around my areolas. Hopefully this alone will stop my tits from becoming even puffier. I refuse to exercise at this point but may resort to it if things are looking bleak.
>> No. 3500 [Edit]
Some men just genetically get man-boobs even if they're skinny. Im assuming you're a man.
>> No. 3501 [Edit]
Clearly you are a little girl going through puberty. It's perfectly natural
>> No. 3530 [Edit]
Looking at it this way I no longer feel as bothered about the situation. Perhaps I should reconsider my position on the matter and grow some breasts!
>> No. 4015 [Edit]
I've been trying to procrastinate less.

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