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File 129714523395.jpg - (247.32KB , 1637x1022 , shiny haunter.jpg )
3000 No. 3000 [Edit]
So, Tohno-chan, what are you afraid of? Seriously afraid of, I mean.

I won't make fun of you, or laugh at you, no matter how out there it may seem. Share with your brothers.
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>> No. 3001 [Edit]
And my apologies for the choice of picture. It was all I had on hand, and with it being a ghost type and all...

I guess I could of looked up a picture of a spider or something, but that might be bad if some of you are actually afraid of them.
>> No. 3002 [Edit]
Spiders, to the point where I'm afraid to play games which feature spiders as enemies. Also social contact, of course
>> No. 3003 [Edit]
-Deep water (the ocean and lakes)
-organic looking holes, patterns of holes (not sure how to explain this really, but you've probably seen photoshops of shit like this)
-children and teenagers
-Operating vehicles (still can't drive. actually, i never even learned how to ride a bike)

And of course, being in public/talking to people. But that's almost a given.
>> No. 3004 [Edit]
Oh yeah, I'm afraid of driving too. Whenever I was forced to drive in diver's ed in high school I felt completely drained when we got back to the school.
>> No. 3005 [Edit]
>> No. 3006 [Edit]

>i never even learned how to ride a bike

I thought I was alone with this.
I gave up on it when I was a kid, and my sister wanted to teach me all the time, but people in the street watching a teenager learning how to ride a bike? Too embarrassing for me.

It also stopped me a lot from socializing and being with my friends back in the days.
>> No. 3007 [Edit]
I kind of wish I had the luxury of choosing, since my mom forced me how to learn a bike. I still remember the day when my clothes were dirtied, my hands skinned, and my eyes red from crying after falling off of my bicycle for the nth time, all the while my mom was yelling at me to get back on the bike again.

In any case, on the topic at hand, I don't think I'm afraid of anything that might be considered odd by the average person. I am a little creeped out by holes and deep water, however.
>> No. 3008 [Edit]
I'm horrified of physical pain; I won't do anything if I think there's a high chance of me getting hurt. Which is weird, because I'm good at dealing with pain if I actually do get hurt.
>> No. 3009 [Edit]
File 129715286422.jpg - (48.49KB , 328x475 , rulesofattraction_dvd.jpg )
Luckily I don't have any phobias but I strongly dislike razors and wrists/arteries. Seen one too many detailed suicide scenes.
Movie related.
>> No. 3010 [Edit]
When I was 7 to 8 years old I had extreme phobia. I was terrified of the dark and scary films scared the shit out of me. I literally couldn't pee, take a shower or brush my teeth without constantly looking behind me to see if there were devils creeping up on me. Why do I always have these kinds of problems persist for years? My parents never help me at all. Anyway..

Now I'm scared of nothing, except for two irrational phobias:
1. 'Black title screens with a voice over it', sort of like the type warning a tv viewer about mature content, there will be a black screen with text on it and a serious voice reading whats on the screen. My heart suddenly jumps, my eyes widen and I have to mentally tell myself not to run out of the room. I think this may be connected to a frightening event Ive long forgotten, which has permanently planted a tumour into my subconscious. This fear is geting better over time.

2. Gristle: as I child I was once eagerly looking forward to eating fried rice with pork pieces in them. When my mum finished making, I put a scoop in my mouth and bit down.. On a piece of gristle. CRUNCH. Ever since that event I dry-heave whenever I bite down on some gristle, and having to eat fat and sinew is an uphill battle of trying not to puke. The reason why Im so skinny is because I avoid meat, because I hate sinew. Well, besides my depression hampering my appetite that is. Anyway, like the other irrational phobia, its getting better over time, and now I can quietly spit the piece of sinew onto a tissue and block my mind from concentrating on the sinew enough to keep eating. As for the not eating enough problem, Ive thought of a solution. Eggs are protein, but don't have sinew don't they?
>> No. 3012 [Edit]
why dont you just eat meat without fat and gristle and sinew?
>> No. 3013 [Edit]
File 12971588267.jpg - (118.43KB , 846x476 , 1232281495278.jpg )
Two things:

- Fear of heights on buildings I can't trust
- Fear of not being able to breathe, especially on very confined spaces
>> No. 3017 [Edit]
Thanks for asking.
* Poverty.
* Being molested or otherwise abused by women.
* Dogs.
* Loneliness.
* Going insane.
* Power tools.
* Running out of time.
>> No. 3019 [Edit]
1. Photorealistic maps. Like those maps they create from composite satellite photos.

2. Pictures of huge, looming planets/stars. I just can't look at them. Presumably I'd have a similar fear of looking at or being around actual planets if I were out in space near one.

I'm pretty sure these are connected, and I have no idea why I'm afraid of either of them. The really weird thing is I've always had an interest in space, astronomy and all that. I don't get it.
>> No. 3020 [Edit]
I hate the feel of paper and chalk
>> No. 3021 [Edit]

Those are two very odd things to be fearful of. Interesting.
>> No. 3026 [Edit]
I'm not sure if it's exactly a fear, but I get really uncomfortable hearing about medical issues, things like cancer and diseases. It's because I'm a hypochondriac so I dislike thinking about stuff like that.
>> No. 3031 [Edit]
-Meeting new people
-Making people angry
-Having to be around people
-Medicine, I believe this is tied to as a child having a disease called ITP, which should have killed me but it didn't. Wish it did at times. I had to be in the hospital for months at a time without being able to do things I liked to do like play outside/play with legos and the like, perhaps its what caused a downward spiral of staying inside since I had to do "safe" activities like video games.
>> No. 3035 [Edit]
I hate bridges. Can't stand them. Ever since I was a kid I hated them because I always thought that the time I go on one is the time it crumbles and assists in my early death. Heights as well. I am okay with most other things though.

In terms of my schooling and work, It's not really that I am afraid, but I really dislike deadlines. The feeling of a looming deadline really stresses me out, so much so that I don't get any work done since I am too busy stressing about not getting any work done. The same thing happens when I take tests. It kind of sucks.
>> No. 3086 [Edit]
Bugs, especially really fast ones like spiders.

Also new places and being around people, although those may just be a given considering this board.
>> No. 3097 [Edit]
Of course I've also got the normal fears like meeting new people or being in a social environment. I was just thinking of my irrational ones. At least it makes sense to be afraid of snakes or spiders.

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