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File 129713359350.jpg - (1.61MB , 1920x1200 , This is my cat.jpg )
2994 No. 2994 [Edit]
Hello /ot/, how many of you guys have animals? Which ones do you have? What quirks do they have? Do you actually like them?
Picture related. My cat. He weaves around my feet and bites me if he is annoyed. He also lies on my stomach and watches animu with me at night. I love him, even though he is a total ass.
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>> No. 2995 [Edit]
Most cats are asses. I still love mine, though.
>> No. 2997 [Edit]
I have a cat, hes my best friend. I also like dogs but I can't be assed to take care of one properly. Don't want to go outside for it to poo, and I don't want it stinking up the carpet. We mostly lay around being lazy together.
>> No. 2999 [Edit]
Cats can definitely be assholes, but they can also be pretty loving.

When they aren't manipulating your fucking head off.

I have two cats and a dog. Although one cat went outside and vanished, so I guess it's one cat and one dog. Both of which have been with me for years.
>> No. 3023 [Edit]
I have one cat. I had two, but he died of diabetes a couple months ago.
>> No. 3024 [Edit]
File 12972013621.jpg - (129.63KB , 500x333 , Budgerigar-Parakeets-Pet-Bird.jpg )
I do not, but I hope to have my very own Japanese bird someday.
>> No. 3025 [Edit]
Will it be cute?
>> No. 3027 [Edit]
File 129721124817.jpg - (1.02MB , 2576x1920 , HPIM2679.jpg )

Well ok he's more like 13~14 years old now. Though he can be such an attention whore at times.

I think the more important question would be will it cook pasta?
>> No. 3028 [Edit]
I got an adorable little pit bull puppy.
>> No. 3029 [Edit]
Fuck sorry for hueg res, had to borrow parents camera and forgot to set it to a reasonable resolution
>> No. 3032 [Edit]
File 129723364970.jpg - (158.30KB , 1017x476 , dogs.jpg )
I have a dog (female left), wich I... well... love, I'd say. She came to our house when I entered college, wich was about 8 years ago (I didn't got my degree, just yet).

I'd actually have 2 dogs now, but the cute little pal on the second pic got real sick and died in middle january. He was with us only for a month, but it was really sad all the same; I tried my best taking care of him, but he couldn't recover (he couldn't even eat so I could feel each of his bones, trembling in my arms, when trying to rehidrate him and give him his medication). I just really liked him (probably a bit like I feel towards Key's cute dying deres... doesn't matter). I was the one who had named him: Andrei, in honor to Tarkovsky.

Anyway; he was a good dog.
>> No. 3033 [Edit]
File 129724720414.jpg - (174.52KB , 1088x816 , DSCF1222.jpg )
i have a cat i found one night while walking home from dennys
>> No. 3034 [Edit]
File 129725306963.jpg - (40.32KB , 483x604 , dog.jpg )
Look at that smug expression. That damn cat knows he's awesome.
Sorry about your dog, man. I know that feel though since I kind of went through a similar thing. My sister had a dog (pic related) and she was hit by a car at about 5 months old. She didn't die from that, but 2 months later, she died of bleeding in the brain because of that crash. It sucks.

Your cat now owns that mouse. If you try to get it, you will lose your hand. Nice V by the way.
>> No. 3037 [Edit]
Probably around 10 animals in the house but two cats you can probably call mine.

One that's been around for probably 8-9ish years, it just never leaves my room and takes up my space in my chair then I do. Another one that just got randomly picked up from a foster home or something, I swear its the most loving cat you'll ever meet. Also in my room for most of the time, also cleverly named Moe by my nephew
>> No. 3039 [Edit]
i have some fish. well, theyre my brother's actually. some orandas.

i used to have some birds. quails and zebra finches. in hindsight, they must have been insane. also i caught a rabbit once, and it made its home in my backyard, nibbling on grass and weeds. it dug a huge hold under my tree, ostensibly to live in it, and when it finished it suddenly disappeared and i never saw it again. did it run away? did it get eaten by a cat? to this day i do not know.
>> No. 3051 [Edit]

That sucks, I can't imagine what I'd do if my cat died. I had a dream he died once and when I woke up I freaked out looking for him and was so relieved when he came to me after calling for him.

If something happened to him I'd probably end up killing myself.
>> No. 3063 [Edit]
I have two cats and a dog. Originally we were supposed to get a mother and female kitten pair, but the mother kept kicking the shit out of the dog so we asked if we could exchange her for one of her other kittens. It was a shame too, because she was so nice to humans.

I love both of my cats though, the female is absurdly active and is constantly outside hunting birds, while the male is a lazy fatass who just sleeps on my lap all day.
>> No. 3467 [Edit]
I think tomorrow I am going to get a parakeet. I wandered into the pet store today to see what birds they had and they're adorable and brightly coloured so that should be great.
>> No. 3510 [Edit]
My cats have brought in two birds so far today. One dead, one not quite so dead. My neighbours next door down has a bird feeder thing in their garden, they spend all day sitting next to it murdering everything that lands. I wonder if my neighbours know.
>> No. 3538 [Edit]
File 129907015033.jpg - (504.36KB , 813x2037 , 1264647194728.jpg )
Your cats are trying to say something to you. That almost dead one was their method of torture. Perfect for torturing their dear owner. I'd sleep with the light on from now on if I were you.
>> No. 3542 [Edit]
My sister bought a kitten two days ago, and I realized... I like old cats.
Kittens are annoying. They scream, they bite, they scratch, and they are hard to hug due to their small size.
>> No. 3543 [Edit]
Anyone who hates kittens deserves to be punched in the throat.

Including people with allergies.
>> No. 3544 [Edit]
File 129908802042.jpg - (565.91KB , 768x1024 , freddie begging for spaghetti.jpg )
My dog acts pretty damn weird sometimes (which is understandable because he was apparently abused by a previous owner), but I love him.

He spends most of the day lying around on the couch and barking at anything/anyone he isn't used to. He's also camera shy, so this is one of the few pictures I have of him.
>> No. 3552 [Edit]
I can't understand people who love animals to such extremes.

Animals are not sentient, they are like little C++ programs, little machines, who cares about them.

You should care more about beings who can actually think and feel. Like your fellow human beings.
>> No. 3553 [Edit]

Huh, write that again, but this time in /mai/.
>> No. 3554 [Edit]
I personally care more about 2D girls than animals. That probably means I'm insane but there you go
>> No. 3555 [Edit]
And I thought most waifus were girls, humans, just in 2D.

Silly me.
>> No. 3556 [Edit]
>they are like little C++ programs, little machines, who cares about them
perhaps the same could be said of all living organisms
>> No. 3557 [Edit]

>they are like little C++ programs, little machines

That's a waifu.
If I say my cat loves me, and has a human personality, you can't deny it either.
>> No. 3558 [Edit]
Brohnos... you are all so close-minded lately.
What happened to that "nothing is true, everything is permitted" mentality?
>> No. 3559 [Edit]
I'm sorry, but you, sir, don't know what a waifu is.
>> No. 3560 [Edit]
My little kitten has grown older and she has gotten into heat now, very annoying. Need to get her fixed now.
>> No. 3563 [Edit]

I got my cat fixed (who is a boy) the other day, just picked him up today and he hasn't seemed to change much besides being a little sleepy from the anesthetic still.
>> No. 3564 [Edit]
I have a cat to kill off mice. It seems to be working pretty well.
>> No. 3570 [Edit]
>they are like little C++ programs
I totally see where you're coming from, but man, that's cold.
>> No. 3573 [Edit]
Yeah, I have one cat who's about 5 or 6 years old now. She lays around on anything that's soft and warm, and never really bothers anyone. She's scared of my mom, though. Don't really know why.
>> No. 3575 [Edit]
>You should care more about beings who can actually think and feel. Like your fellow human beings.
>your fellow human beings.

You do know where you are, right?
>> No. 3663 [Edit]
Because they make great companions.

Seems pretty simple to me, especially on an imageboard with people such as ourselves.

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