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File 129704819249.jpg - (92.31KB , 600x832 , sad_explorer_frog.jpg )
2979 No. 2979 [Edit]
So, how does it make you feel?

I know most of us are reclusive, frail, shy, antisocial beings but if you were strong and genki, would you have liked to explore Earth and/or space? Do you regret being born on this day and age?
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>> No. 2980 [Edit]
I'll explore the earth anyway!!
>> No. 2981 [Edit]
I could always explore the internet. About the only thing I'd explore since I hate leaving my house. Though I suppose exploring space would be interesting, makes me flirt with the thought of being all by myself in space without people to bother me.
>> No. 2982 [Edit]
I'd like to explore Earth alone.

Not in one of those stupid guided turistic trips.
>> No. 2983 [Edit]
I don't think I'd have explored earth even if I was born a few hundred years ago, it's not like every single person living back then got to do so.
and just like with exploring space, it's probably limited to only people with tons of money.
I doubt even 500 years from now, people will have personal space ships, and even if they did, it would still take hundreds of years to get anywhere.
>> No. 2984 [Edit]
Unless scientists can somehow break the speed of light, then nobody will really get to explore the galaxy.
>> No. 2985 [Edit]
Exploring the Earth back in the past sounds romantic and all, but considering how you'd probably spend 90% of the time doing nothing but looking into the open sea and end up dying of scurvy/cholera/etc, it sounds like a pretty shitty thing to do.

As for exploring the space, it's hard to say since it's impossible for any of us to assess the positive and negative aspects of such a career. But even so, I'm pretty sure it'd be another one of those jobs that sounds more glamorous than it actually is.

If there's anything I regret about being born in this age is the fact that I won't get to experience all the futuristic technology that'll be sure to come in the next 200 years.

But overall, I'm pretty happy to have be living right now.
>> No. 2986 [Edit]
File 129705483726.png - (46.78KB , 774x509 , 1297033226913.png )
Feels indifferent.
>> No. 2987 [Edit]
I'd rather just reread Moby Dick. Never before have I felt so adventurous.
>> No. 2988 [Edit]
You were born too late, you will never experience scurvy or get accused of being a witch and lit on fire ;_;

You were born too early, you will never fly to Europa in a cramped spacecraft and have to eat dehydrated chicken for two years ;_;
>> No. 2989 [Edit]
File 129706487166.jpg - (65.33KB , 500x500 , album-life-in-1472-the-original-soundtrack.jpg )
feels pretty good dude
>> No. 2991 [Edit]
We all know that traveling on those frigates sucked noodles but few people seem to know how much space travel sucks. I'd say the fifth and second entry on this list is the stuff many never consider.
>> No. 2992 [Edit]
Everytime I see a 'which era would you like to live in?' thread I can't help but think that we're most likely better off than anybody before us. So traveling to the past doesn't really appeal to me all that much.*

On the other hand, if I could choose I'd probably prefer future over present day. All the technological development I won't ever see, it's such a shame. Oh well.

I think we were born in a somewhat interesting time period as some of us didn't have access to computers since early childhood (well, I guess I sort of did), much less the internet (this is also true for me, I got my first 56kbps modem when I was around ~12). The generations of the (late) 90s and 00s will be spoiled with it from the very beggining and I think the change is already noticeable. Of course, that's the kind of thing I'd rather not see but in the end I'm too curious to completely turn my gaze away from it.

*The only exceptions to it is a rather short time period after WWII. I'm currently reading Eden Express by Mark Vonnegut and damn, what a great book it is. I was aware of it for quite some time now but I never fully realized how appealing the hippie way of life is to me (well, at least some aspects of it, I guess fellow brohnos know what I don't like). And even if it would somehow horribly fail I don't think I would be that much worse off than I am now.
>> No. 2996 [Edit]
File 129713708785.jpg - (535.35KB , 800x3700 , 1262098025148.jpg )
Many parts of the worlds oceans are still unexplored, imagine what some of the creatures living at those depths must be like.
>> No. 2998 [Edit]
Yeah, I think the ocean will be the next open frontier.

People often forget about it, but there really is so much possibility of life down there.
>> No. 3011 [Edit]
Haha, that article is funny. Thanks.
>> No. 3018 [Edit]
>imagine what some of the creatures living at those depths must be like.
Blind, albino and boneless.
There, I summarised every creature that can live that deep.
>> No. 3022 [Edit]

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