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File 129670391416.jpg - (572.47KB , 4288x2929 , 1259381507547.jpg )
2926 No. 2926 [Edit]
We've recently found out that there could be a million Earth-like planets in the sole Milky Way galaxy.

Now, a species from another planet has advanced so much it controls a sizeable part of a tiny fraction of the Milky Way. Their technology has advanced tremendously and they are no more organic beings. It allows them to travel almost at the speed of light and live for ever. However, this technology is very resource costly. They are a peaceful species that have behind its existence a billion year history. Yet one day, they find a planet called Earth. They decide to eliminate all humans.

Homo Sapiens just went extinct in the blink of an eye and no one in the universe knows we ever existed because they were the very first to reach us.
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>> No. 2927 [Edit]
Is there a 2nd post coming up or is that it?
>> No. 2928 [Edit]
File 129670453879.png - (531.57KB , 425x523 , i_dont_get_it--atelier_rorona.png )
Wait a second. If humans all went extinct, then how come I can still read this topic?
>> No. 2929 [Edit]
File 129670455841.jpg - (39.17KB , 184x184 , cig.jpg )
Easy come easy go
>> No. 2930 [Edit]
Your thoughts on this possibility.
>> No. 2931 [Edit]
>They are a peaceful species
>They decide to eliminate all humans
>> No. 2932 [Edit]
I wouldn't care. I want to die anyway, and getting vaporized by aliens sounds like a cool way to go
>> No. 2934 [Edit]
I knew someone would point that out.

It would be just a one time kind of thing, you see. No one would ever know so it doesn't mean they didn't spare other inhabited planets they found or that that they are brutal and war driven. They just wanted to experiment or perhaps have Earth's resources for them. There could be a lot of scenarios.

We expect that species who have such technology to have this kind of intelligence, greater sensibility and awareness and whatnot.
>> No. 2935 [Edit]
I dont think you understand what peaceful means
>> No. 2936 [Edit]
The aliens would probably operate under some philosophy that we couldn't comprehend, and vice versa, the aliens would probably not comprehend such concepts like 'peaceful'. They might vaporise us instantly without second thought. They might just leave us the fuck alone, like how a human leaves an insect on the side of the road alone. They might capture us all and from now on raise our species in in special 'torture cubicles' for all eternity, because their religion needs pain to fuel their god. At any rate, I want us to be the ones who are more technologically advanced when/if we meet the aliens. If its the other way around, we are completly at their whims (I read from an interesting poster that the likelihood of us being within 1000 years of technological progress when/if we meet is almost zero, so it'd be 'nuclear weapons vs sponges' rather than 'lasers vs machine guns'.
>> No. 2937 [Edit]
Well no shit there could be a million life-sustaining planets out there. The Milky Way is composed of billions upon billions of stars, many probably having planets, and there has to be a bunch more that got lucky. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we discover life on a distant planet.

also this >>2931
>> No. 2938 [Edit]
File 129671364188.jpg - (135.94KB , 850x600 , touhou beach.jpg )
What if the aliens looked like this?
>> No. 2939 [Edit]
Why is Reimu naked and what is Nitori supposed to be?
>> No. 2940 [Edit]
Reimu can't afford a swimsuit.
>> No. 2941 [Edit]
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>> No. 2942 [Edit]
File 129671739187.jpg - (56.24KB , 575x742 , reimu has grass.jpg )
>> No. 2943 [Edit]
File 12967190864.jpg - (7.37KB , 252x176 , 1296705535004.jpg )
>> No. 2945 [Edit]
I wouldn't mind though it contradicts itself in them being peaceful. Though they could see us as "beyond help" and "put us out of our misery" in which case I can't say I would blame them for doing such.


that was a good doujin.
>> No. 2948 [Edit]
Im no astrobiologist. I think due to just how massive the universe is, there is bound to be a number of intelligent lifeforms out there. The problem is, however, is that is the frequency high enough so that we are close enough to a planet that supports intelligent life to be able to meaninfully contact with them? Even at light speed it may take millions of years to get there.
>> No. 2951 [Edit]
In that case they'd be the most morally superior pricks in the galaxy. Not that it would matter much once we're turned into a bunch of loose atoms.

When I think of how more advanced aliens would treat us, I consider how we'd act if we were in their place. Most likely we would make contact with the aliens for peaceful purposes, assuming we had a way of communicating with them. Eventually we might find some resource of theirs we'd want, or we might just start to settle on the planet to compensate for overpopulation, and we'd end up driving them into resistance or wiping them out. So they'd probably do the same to us.
>> No. 2952 [Edit]
also. The galaxy is pretty fucking unimaginably huge and there aren't that many stars out there like the Sun that have all the perfect conditions for sustaining intelligent life: the right size and brightness, a wide enough habitable zone for the planet to orbit in so it doesn't get frozen or scorched, and preferably a single star (though I've heard it's possible for binary stars to support life-bearing planets as well.) All this puts the Sun in pretty small category. There probably is life out there, but they won't reach us unless they're really goddamn advanced and can travel hundreds of light-years without much of a sweat. And if they can do that, and they do reach us, there wouldn't be any point in resisting them if they wanted to kill us all for whatever reason. So I just wouldn't worry about it.
>> No. 2960 [Edit]

I have a feeling humanity will be dead by then, a bit of a strange dream I once had regarding it. I think people may find interesting.

I dreamed that the earth had no natural light--the skies were cloudy and only gave a dim illumination, the soil was charred black. There were remnants of a civilization scattered about with semi-restored cities, all that remained were robots doing what they had been programmed to do, clean up duty, fixing things, etc. There was one "intelligent" robot that looked like a little girl all alone that knew the world was annihilated by war and wandered the earth endlessly alone. Walking along it began to rain and the robot-girl walked into the entrance of a cave and began to weep. Then there was a bunch of light from above outside the cave, she looked out and saw an alien space ship. Confused she waled towards it and some humanoid-like aliens looked at her and said "You're not alone anymore" a part of the sky parted and was blue again--the aliens took the girl and flew off of earth.

For whatever reason since having such a dream I cannot shake the feeling thats what earth will become. Perhaps subconsciously it is me saying I find this world a barren wasteland and wish someone would come take me away.
>> No. 2961 [Edit]
Wow that was a beautiful dream and a beautiful story. Screen-capped.

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