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File 129657955171.jpg - (142.25KB , 600x600 , freeze.jpg )
2859 No. 2859 [Edit]
Anyone else getting hit by the huge snowstorm in the US? It's so bad that my father (a professional truck driver) had to come home from work early, ditching the car in the process. He says he has never seen snow so bad. It's the kind of snow that would trap people in a mansion murder mystery.
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>> No. 2860 [Edit]
File 129658211827.jpg - (266.11KB , 990x660 , bp30.jpg )
Is that a good or a bad thing?

I wish we had one of those snowstorms, nothing ever happens here. So bord.
>> No. 2861 [Edit]
Yeah, getting quite a lot of snow where I'm at. A lot of people seem to hate it but for me, it won't make much of a difference to my life so I'm hoping it'll snow even more.
>> No. 2862 [Edit]
It's a good thing as long as the power doesn't go out.
>> No. 2864 [Edit]
Hasn't hit Chicago suburbs yet, but my dad might come home early since he works 50+ miles away from home, and we're fueling up our generator in case the power goes out.
>> No. 2865 [Edit]
Yeah having the roads covered with over a foot of snow doesn't matter to me because I don't go anywhere. The only downside for me would be worrying because my father would be driving on it, but he's already said he's staying home until it clears up.
>> No. 2871 [Edit]
I've only seen snow once in my entire life.

Damned Buenos Aires.
>> No. 2877 [Edit]
It's starting to hit the middle of Texas.

I hope it snows this year. Maybe I'll even step outside and take a walk around the neigborhood if it does.
>> No. 2878 [Edit]
I'm currently enjoying a snow day here in Nebraska. I'm hoping it keeps up so I can get tomorrow off to.
>> No. 2879 [Edit]
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All of the big snowstorms burying the country in four to five feet of snow have passed by my area this year, meanwhile everyone a few hours up north is getting hit hard.

It's weird, but it doesn't matter either way to me. To be honest I don't care much for snow anymore, it just creates more work that I don't want to deal with.
>> No. 2880 [Edit]
I wish I was still in school so I could really appreciate the snow giving me days off. Right now snow is just gives me something different to see when I look out the window
>> No. 2892 [Edit]
File 129660267060.jpg - (508.00KB , 675x1024 , touhou1237691571773.jpg )
snoe snoe kyun!

Yeah, lots of snow here. Not as much as some places but they're declaring "snow emergencies" all over.

Being snowed in is the perfect way to bypass being pestered about not going outside.
>> No. 2893 [Edit]
It's times like this I wish I had a camera. The snowdrifts in my backyard look really pretty right now
>> No. 2894 [Edit]
We got snow a couple weeks ago, but now it just looks dreary outside.
>> No. 2907 [Edit]
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Started coming down at 1:00, and the winds picked up a few hours later. Currently 8:45, and we're almost halfway to the predicted 12 inches, Add in error for the fast this is from a second story overhang and we're at about 8 inches. Weather channel always blows the weather predictions way out of proportions.

But the cool thing is that with the wind, the snow is like a foot and a half in the landscaping, but like a half a foot on our driveway.
>> No. 2910 [Edit]
Meanwhile, on the other side of the earth in Australia, we're having a blisteringly hot week. Usually the double brick walls of the house i'm in insulats us from the outside heat and keeps us cool inside, but right now its freaking hot as hell, thats how bad it is. Step outside and a gust of hot air like a fart hits you in the face.
>> No. 2911 [Edit]
I wouldn't have noticed it. I haven't seen the sky for about 5 months now
>> No. 2913 [Edit]
File 129661901676.jpg - (134.32KB , 1280x1024 , DCFC0003.jpg )
Scratch that. In the time between these 2 posts, the additional 6 inches fell. I would have posted a pic but my camera crapped out and my spare can't do closeups. Also can't really see it cause shitty camera, but that arrow is the 2 foot marker.
>> No. 2915 [Edit]
Snow is gay.
>> No. 2916 [Edit]
They closed school last Thursday when it snowed a foot in one night. It was awesome; I don't know they last time I had a snow day.
>> No. 2917 [Edit]
It stopped snowing where I live but it's not going to melt for at least a week
>> No. 2922 [Edit]
Power went out twice already for me (midwest/indiana) though I suppose it is some good since I didn't have to go to class yesterday and besides not wanting to go out I din't have to take the test I really needed to study more for.

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