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File 129657207155.jpg - (13.50KB , 600x400 , Twitter_4.jpg )
2853 No. 2853 [Edit]
Do you use Twitter? If yes, who are you following?
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>> No. 2854 [Edit]
File 129657335040.jpg - (1.10MB , 1700x2339 , Nicholas Cage doll.jpg )
I don't use it but I follow Spoony. The guy's content has been on a steady decline since 2009 though.
>> No. 2855 [Edit]
A few let's players, a couple pokemon sites (serebii and bulbapedia), walfas, mlg, and LoL.
>> No. 2856 [Edit]
None, I don't see the appeal.

Maybe I'm too old already.
>> No. 2858 [Edit]
>> No. 2863 [Edit]
No, but if I were more fluent in Japanese, I'd probably be following all the mangaka I love.
>> No. 2881 [Edit]
Actually, I just remembered I DO have a twitter account!/CreeperGreen
>> No. 2883 [Edit]
>> No. 2885 [Edit]
I can never understand how social networking sites work and who is replying to who
makes me feel like an old man
>> No. 2889 [Edit]
Reading Japanese on Twitter is a nightmare. Complete lack of context and slangy grammar throws me off.

I follow some Twitter accounts (MangaGamer, a couple bands and a friend), but I would never use the service without any real purpose.
>> No. 2890 [Edit]
File 12965992827.jpg - (61.18KB , 550x544 , he.jpg )
>Complete lack of context and slangy grammar

So it's exactly like english twitter then
>> No. 2906 [Edit]
I started one and posted noteworthy events of my mundane life, such as my masturbation habits. It quickly became a pain to keep tweeting so I stopped around the time a couple random people started following me.
>> No. 2908 [Edit]
I made an account once, hoping to keep in contact with some friends I made on an IRC channel. I never actually used it, though.
>> No. 2909 [Edit]
>> No. 2912 [Edit]
>> No. 2914 [Edit]
I follow a few people I find interesting, mainly artists and a few people I've met from various MMO's. Other than that I don't use it for much.
>> No. 2918 [Edit]
As my professor once said "The root word for twitter is twit."
>> No. 2923 [Edit]
No, why would I?

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