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File 12965107245.jpg - (12.85KB , 150x150 , ghastly.jpg )
2799 No. 2799 [Edit]

Are we allowed to talk about this?
Expand all images
>> No. 2800 [Edit]
Closer to Facebook than Amezou or Ayashii world. Fuck this.
>> No. 2801 [Edit]
And not a single fuck was given this day.
>> No. 2802 [Edit]
"we collect everything members do and let people see it but it's totally anonymous!!!!"
>> No. 2804 [Edit]
Just moot being a colossal faggot as usual.

One hope is that it will draw away the normal infestation that brings popularity to 4chan with their bullshit. Although I assume all the decent users that used to browse /a/ and /jp/ have long left by now.
>> No. 2807 [Edit]
File 129651582341.jpg - (12.48KB , 590x132 , irony.jpg )
This will probably be the typical user
>> No. 2810 [Edit]
File 129651885264.jpg - (20.81KB , 298x411 , 1282124004019.jpg )
>> No. 2811 [Edit]
That actually seems A LOT better than the average 4chan user.
>> No. 2812 [Edit]
File 129651934232.jpg - (12.65KB , 278x278 , 1294354080355.jpg )
>Just moot being a colossal faggot as usual.

Pretty much the first thing that popped into my mind.

It's all been said before on /tc/. He's set his hungry gaze towards the world of social networking, and there's no turning back.

>“This is just the kernel of the long term vision, Canvas is all about collaboration” he says. “Canvas is all about discovery, sharing and play.”

What a fool. Wouldn't surprise me if he starts making the front page on magazines like Wired.
>> No. 2819 [Edit]
File 129652389171.jpg - (57.00KB , 429x410 , 1262493361801.jpg )
I knew this was going to be normalfag memeshouting pandering shit but dear god it looks worse than I originally imagined it as. moot is one of the few people I would take down with me when I finally get up the nerve to kill myself.
>> No. 2820 [Edit]
a guy who names himself "niggers" and tells someone else to grow up sounds about par for the course to me
>> No. 2822 [Edit]
Tohno, I know you are reading this!

We need a fucking board specific for 4chan! Look at /ot/, LOOK AT IT!

We should name it /moot/ or something.
>> No. 2823 [Edit]
I don't think so. This thread isn't even about 4chan, really. It's about an upcoming, probably awful new site
>> No. 2824 [Edit]
>> No. 2826 [Edit]
Sure, this is normalfag shit, contrary to the original "point" of 4chan, etc.

But moot is by no means a villain. I feel happy for him, that he has the chance to be noticed and funded. In the end, he's just another weeaboo nerd like us, who happened to stumble into making a popular site when he was just a teen.

There's no way in hell I'd ever use Canvas (I rarely even go to 4chan anymore), but I honestly hope it suceeds. It's ridiculous to hold ill will to a normal guy who, for better or worse, made a site that defined a good portion of my life.
>> No. 2827 [Edit]
>In the end, he's just another weeaboo nerd like us

Actually I think he grew out of that
>> No. 2828 [Edit]
He was sort of forced to, I imagine.

4chan was supposed to become so large. /b/ wasn't supposed to be the huge unwieldy monster it became.

Over the course of the site's history, he's had to make nothing but "bad or worse" decisions. Satisfying an awful, awful userbase like 4chan and especially /b/ is impossible, but he tries his best. The guy isn't even a genius, he just stole another board's format. But he tries.

Whether he grew out of it or not is irrelevant. He was that way once.

And now he's in control of the largest board on the internet, something that's put him in debt and probably nearly in prison, but also on top of the TIME influential persons list.

I doubt he wants any of this, but when these things are presented to you, you have to make a choice. And if someone wants to write an article about you, or invest in you, you'll probably take it.
>> No. 2829 [Edit]
>4chan was supposed to become so large.

Shit, meant WASN'T supposed to. Seems obvious but don't want some asshole calling me out based on a typo.
>> No. 2830 [Edit]
Maybe we could have a single thread for it and other 4chan/moot related talk?
I really don't think we need a whole board just for talking about why we dislike 4chan, what's wrong with it and so on.
>> No. 2831 [Edit]
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>> No. 2832 [Edit]
File 129653764051.jpg - (79.16KB , 661x972 , canv.jpg )
Some guy with beta access on /jp/ is posting pictures and it is literally just /b/ with twitter/facebook buttons
>> No. 2833 [Edit]
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>> No. 2834 [Edit]
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>> No. 2835 [Edit]
File 129653805787.jpg - (300.98KB , 1152x1820 , 1296537247869.jpg )
>> No. 2836 [Edit]
I'm sure "sideways blue couch with :3 on it" will become's first big meme
>> No. 2838 [Edit]
It's funny how he's trying to not connect it to 4chan, what with the cute little emoticons and shiny buttons, and yet the entire user base is going to be /b/. You can't say moot doesn't try; he just doesn't succeed.
>> No. 2839 [Edit]
should be "MY CHAN HEAVY" how the fuck can you write that caption and not think of that?
>> No. 2840 [Edit]
>In the end, he's just another weeaboo nerd like us
>> No. 2841 [Edit]
If there's something has to do in order for it to become successful, it must become creative, funny and witty. So far, it isn't.
>> No. 2842 [Edit]
Since it's users will be vapid, borderline retarded facebook users I doubt it will even come close to being any of those things
>> No. 2845 [Edit]
Haha, well, it's an imageboard for normalfags so that can be expected.

I guess this is moot's attempt on separating two distinct internet userbases -- the Normals and the Nerds.

Normalfags ruin everything. I dunno but for some reason, the Western-influenced internet can't keep normalfaggotry out of websites supposedly catered to nerds. Take NND, for an example. Most of its content is dedicated to otaku and it's doing a good job keeping normalfaggotry out. Same with 2ch and 2chan. It is as if these three are created just for the nerds. 4chan at first was following this, that is until people began waving their e-peen and decided to get 4chan a new name. This hunger of recognition is what pulled 4chan down. By being recognized, a lot of normals flooded the site and have taken over it since. NND and 2ch didn't need recognition at first. 2ch didn't need to invade other websites to be recognized. NND strived on original content unlike the abomination that is Youtube.

For to be truly successful, it must tread NND's path. It must generate interesting content from users.
>> No. 2846 [Edit]
In western society being a "geek" is hip right now. Unfortunately their definition of geek is having a zelda background on their myspace page or whatever
>> No. 2847 [Edit]
>In the end, he's just another weeaboo nerd like us
>he's just another weeaboo
>> No. 2848 [Edit]
In this thread: Everyone hates on moot, everyone also makes unsourced claims about moot.
>> No. 2857 [Edit]
He just ripped off the 2chan design. He'd have to be a weeaboo to know about it in the first place.
>> No. 2866 [Edit]
We was when he was a teenager, which is when he created 4chan.
>> No. 2867 [Edit]
*He was
>> No. 2868 [Edit]
My initial reactions are this: is worst than I expected. From the looks of things, it's a hybrid of tumblr, facebook, myspace, and flickr. While may add sections for specific topics such as anime, technology, video games, cosplay and such, for all intents of purposes is /b/ without the true freedom /b/ provides.

In addition, it's worse because it requires of all things: Facebook connect. I predict that this will require a login as usual.

The next step is for moot to phase out of


Never heard of it, what does the initials mean
>> No. 2870 [Edit]
Nico Nico Douga
>> No. 2872 [Edit]
File 129658755169.jpg - (106.69KB , 600x467 , My world is changing.jpg )
I hate all these baby's first photomanipulating sites. Usually they just add an impact font with a black stroke. Oh, and a big fat watermark for advertisement.
Is it really that hard to fire up the ol' photomashop?
>> No. 2873 [Edit]
Oh god this. Image macros are already played out as hell, and seeing a memgenerator watermark or what have you on them is the saddest thing.
>> No. 2874 [Edit]
He may have been a weeaboo, but not anymore. Hell, he's throwing out the old site and starting from scratch, even designing it as a facebook addon. The new site has no trace of weeaboo anywhere.
>> No. 2875 [Edit]
I remember someone saying moot said in a Q&A thread that if he were to make 4chan today he probably wouldn't include any anime/japan related boards. I haven't seen that myself, but it wouldn't surprise me. Anyway, that probably means canvas won't have those things
>> No. 2876 [Edit]
>Is it really that hard to fire up the ol' photomashop?
For normals, yes.
>> No. 2882 [Edit]
these are the whiniest fucking threads on the board. you act like you're entitled to something from moot and he's forcing you to visit his new site. it's pathetic
>> No. 2886 [Edit]
Old site as in 4chan?
>> No. 2887 [Edit]
He always was pretty normal. I think part of the reason moot created /jp/ was to make a board for random so wacky Japanese stuff (instead of Touhou and VNs as it really was.) Even then he bitched and moaned about those subjects being popular and how it was "unfortunate" that they had to be on the site.

I haven't gone back to 4chan in a while now though, so I couldn't care less what moot does. If he really enters the mainstream and makes money off this thing, good for him I guess. seems sort of dumb though.
>> No. 2891 [Edit]
I try to read every impromptu Q&A thread he has and I've never come across him saying anything like that.
>> No. 2898 [Edit]
File 129660576785.png - (9.53KB , 100x48 , lol wtf.png )
>> No. 2901 [Edit]
>> No. 2902 [Edit]
I was almost surprised at the idea of moot nixing 4chan, then I remembered that moot's a normalfag now and he doesn't give a shit about his old userbase anymore.
>> No. 2903 [Edit]
I agree, these threads bring out the worst in people. People aren't even making proper arguments, they're just whining about moot, making claims which they think are true.
>> No. 2904 [Edit] is just a risky setup he's taking because he got some investment money from a couple guys who've seen moot speak at some lectures. I don't know if they're expecting it to some how make money but I don't think it will unless they just fill it with ads.

Based on what's surfaced the site is just an amalgamation of Tumblr and the idea of creating internet memes, rather than cloning 4chan itself. People simply post an image, and others alter it. From what I can tell the userbase is so far a vocal minority who are envisioning some type of superior 4chan where famous content will end up being created. The rest are just a bunch of idiots who are posting completely awful Photoshops of really stupid stuff.

I suspect it will either die or not really get that popular in the end just because it seems kind of irrelevant. Most memes and other aspects of internet culture don't really stem from any specific place. We already have hundreds of massive online communities - be them games, images boards, forums, social networking websites, newsgroups, IRC - that influence what you know as the internet, why do we need another one?

moot also never really created anything when he started 4chan either, so whether this succeeded is a guess. Long ago he had a guy named shii configure Futaba for him, set up a quick board and after many openings, closings and domain changes it spawned into what you know as 4chan today.
>> No. 2905 [Edit]
4chan was always pretty awful for the most part, you just never noticed it back then. now its original userbase has grown out of it and become haters. whatever. its just stupidity on a slightly larger scale because the internet has become a more important part of peoples lives over the last few years.
>> No. 3014 [Edit]
Moot's "old userbase" has mostly moved elsewhere by now, so he'd be abandoning very little by removing 4chan. Honestly, I hope he does.
>> No. 3015 [Edit]
Even if moot removes 4chan from the internet, we'd have to see the results of his actions. It's highly likely that moot won't remove 4chan because 4chan and his newfag lovers are his cash cow.

For one thing, we'd see a massive exodus of users from /a/ and /jp/ coming into /tc/ if moot were to remove 4chan.
>> No. 3016 [Edit]
I doubt that would happen. There is still a large userbase that matured out of /b/ that go to the other imageboards on 4chan unrelated to anime: Such as for cooking, cosplay, comic books, television and film, #DCG and such. 4chan has effectively destroyed their use of regular western forums.

That should be the real question you should be asking. Where would the other people go?

(inb4 they make their own chans)
>Even if moot removes 4chan from the internet, we'd have to see the results of his actions.

You don't have to, it will be the biggest diaspora ever recorded on the internet. /b/tards will try to intergrate their /b/ shit while on other chans.

>For one thing, we'd see a massive exodus of users from /a/ and /jp/ coming into /tc/ if moot were to remove 4chan.

That's if they find /tc/ at all.
>> No. 3030 [Edit]
They'd find it and try to troll, it's just a question of whether they'd get away with it. I doubt it; we're pretty tight here and have good moderation.
>> No. 3093 [Edit]
native ebonics speaker here, that phrasing works as well
>> No. 3094 [Edit]
Japanese imageboards are popular as hell in japan and get articles written on them on the same level that US media writes about youtube memes et all

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