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File 129649722174.png - (37.79KB , 510x160 , demandProgress.png )
2788 No. 2788 [Edit]
So it seems the northern half of the American continent is trying to limit how much you can use the internet. As people who use the internet regularly, I bet you would be opposed to this.



This thread could also serve as a discussion on the topic, or if your country is doing the same and you have a link you'd like to share, post it as well.
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>> No. 2789 [Edit]
I hate America.
>> No. 2790 [Edit]
Fucking Lieberman.

From a press release:
>The threat of a catastrophic cyber attack is real. It is not a matter of “if” an attack will happen; rather it is a matter of “when.”
Fear mongering lines like this instantly set off my bullshit detector.
>> No. 2791 [Edit]
has an internet petition ever done anything? Also I hate to say it but as long as the average person can access their stupid facebooks and youtubes then they aren't going to care at all about any of this.
>> No. 2792 [Edit]
I do to, and I LIVE in this shithole.
>> No. 2793 [Edit]
I get really worried about things like this because the internet is my whole life, and if it's taken away from me then I have even less of a reason to live than I do already
>> No. 2794 [Edit]
You mean half of USA, not half of the American continent.
>> No. 2795 [Edit]
Um, Canada ain't part of the USA brah. North America includes USA and Canada.
>> No. 2796 [Edit]
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I think we all know who's truly responsible for this.
>> No. 2797 [Edit]
I think he's making a joke
>> No. 2798 [Edit]
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Only political party I really care about.
>> No. 2803 [Edit]
nobody wants to take away your internet. did you even read the article?,2817,2376888,00.asp
>> No. 2808 [Edit]
I don't think you understand how much is wrong with that article. The US government wants to censor the Internet and your access to information.
>> No. 2817 [Edit]

>Fear mongering lines like this instantly set off my bullshit detector.

Agreed, I saw in a documentary a year or so back about the security of the US. It's laughably bad--many times because they network shit that doesn't need networked together. Do we really need the mainframe to be connected to the internet so on break our employees can check their facebook? no, thats not impor- oh wait thats the most important thing in the world!

Reportedly the ex-head of security left saying that "The US is taking over the internet" and that "he will not dirty his hands in this affair". With the explosion of media attention wikileaks has and the increased volume of leaks I am highly suspicious that the US is running it now, the same could be said for pulling strings on 4chan to blow up the "anonymous" bullshit. Creating two big bad "internet terrorist" groups will allow them to rally public support to censor the internet or enforce greater control. Call me crazy for saying as such and ask me for proof, but remember, do you have proof that it's not happening? No one but those directly involved at the top of the chain would know for sure, and they might not know all the details. Could also be playing a role in egypts fiasco although I don't see what they could be doing yet.

If anyone has anything to help back my speculation on such up I would much appreciate it if you linked me to it.
>> No. 2849 [Edit]

Haha, oh wow.

This terrible!
>> No. 2850 [Edit]
we've had that in new zealand since forever
it really isnt that bad
>> No. 2852 [Edit]
Internet caps are bad and you should feel bad.

A lot of European countries had caps when xDsl first appeared but the movement is now towards unlimited bandwidth. Belgium was one of the recent countries to get rid of it for instance.

Also, that argument of imposing caps so that everyone can get better internet is obviously bullshit because not everyone is using the network at the same time, even in the evening when things can get congested I really doubt that it's much of an issue for the backbones. Cisco unveiled last year a router that can handle 322 TB/s which is huge, this thing could probably handle the entirety of China streaming Youtube vids.
>> No. 2884 [Edit]
why should I feel bad
I was born in a country with bad internet plans?
people talk about it like it's the end of the world
>> No. 2888 [Edit]
>this thing could probably handle the entirety of China streaming Youtube vids.
Yeah, I guess it could.
>> No. 2933 [Edit]
No, he's right. While internet caps are inconvenient for the most part, it's easy to limit yourself and only download what you need, then go crazy with the remainder at the end of the month. That's what I do, usually. I am hoping Australia takes away capped plans, but to be honest, I am not holding my breath
>> No. 2947 [Edit]
agreed. my cap is 30 gig (uploads+downloads) and I dont have that much trouble with it.

I can see it being a problem if youre trying to legally access high definition content (and it isnt unmetered like some stuff is depending on your ISP). with digital distribution becoming more popular its stupid to be moving backwards on this issue.
>> No. 2949 [Edit]
Ingoing the kids who sit on youtube all day er day watching HD stuff, the plan really hurts businesses

Its also the fact that we've always been uncapped and they just want to cap it now just to make money, which is more or less fine given our world but fuck I"m already overcharged as it is. 75 a month for shit download/upload

But I guess we're still slightly better then a third world/developing country!.. Canada standards are quite low
>> No. 2950 [Edit]
>Tories to overrule CRTC on Internet data caps
>The Harper government will overrule a recent decision by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission that effectively kills unlimited Internet-pricing packages — unless the telecommunications regulator backs down first
>> No. 2953 [Edit]
As far as caps go, I wouldn't mind it. I download maybe 10GB a month, and I could just wait until the end of the month to download the full shows that have already been completed.

Still, I didn't notice a single thing about limiting the Internet under normal circumstances from that article.
>> No. 2959 [Edit]
I live in the UK and have an 'unlimited' plan, which translates to 110gb/month with an angry letter and 1mbps speeds at peak if you go over the cap. I go over this nearly every month (usually around 200gb), although I don't really give a shit about the throttling seeing as peak times end at midnight and I wake up at 9pm-11pm.

I absolutely couldn't live with anything under 100gb/month.

For the sake of Canadian brohos, I hope this doesn't happen.
>> No. 2978 [Edit]
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I've been reading a bit on the Canadian situation and from what I've gathered Canada only possesses two major ISPs, Bell and Videotron. Smaller unlimited ISPs (like Distributel) have to rent the phone/cable network from Bell/Videotron.

It's a kind of oligopoly where these two companies make use of lobbies to not lose market shares. What happens is high prices and bad network infrastructures. Canada's network needs to be able to absorb the arrival of IPTV and HD content and it clearly doesn't (bad pings and latency). With just two major companies that don't make each other any competition, things won't simply move on.

The thought of having to use cable internet is frightening furthermore. These things were available here for some time (some still do) and I'm glad we shifted towards DSL and are now installing FTTH and WiMax a bit everywhere. Internet needs to be free and available for all. Although with FTTH I can already feel like we will be limited to 10MB/s instead of the 1GB/s or even 100MB/s. One must also say that population density is crucial for the infrastructures to be profitable, which is also the reason why US and Canada were so slow in adopting xDSL and Japan and South Korea always had the fastest internet.

If I got something wrong feel free to point it out.

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