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File 129646720043.gif - (10.89KB , 397x385 , bad-posture.gif )
2769 No. 2769 [Edit]
Does anyone have tips for good posture? And while we're at it, posture thread.

For me, I've been having a 'crane neck' which started in my first year of high school. It looks like the posture of the man in the bottom left corner. Its very ugly and interferes with breathing. The effect of this bad posture is most obvious when I go jogging, because the muscle on the back of my neck can't absorb the shock and it aches a lot afterwards. I have an engineering physics teacher with a bad case of this, and I don't really want to look like him in the future.
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>> No. 2771 [Edit]
File 129647014575.jpg - (33.72KB , 512x384 , 1294107249195.jpg )
I think I'm rapidly developing the condition you're speaking of. Does having this make you look as horribly gimped as you seem to be suggesting?
>> No. 2773 [Edit]
File 12964709325.jpg - (68.98KB , 600x450 , God Snake.jpg )
Only thing I've trained myself to do is to not have my legs crossed and not rest my face on any of my hands. Both feet firmly on the ground is the way to go
>> No. 2774 [Edit]
I think what kind of chair you have is important.
The one I have now has left me something like the guys are the right side of that pic, after my old one bent to the side after jumping onto it to hard, I decided to get a new one, and buy the best one they had, which was something like $100 at the store I went to, and man do I regret it, the pins holding the side in place would fall out a lot and the sides where what held the back up, then the pin/screw broke inside the hole to where I couldn't get it out, so the back wasn't supported at all, I've tried tying some cable around the bade and the Handel, but it just keeps braking the cables, add onto that the fact the pin that holds it upright in place of recline mode slips out all the damn time, so one can easily fall back on this thing..
anyway, it makes it hard to sit up strait in this chair, though I still try by just avoiding the back.
so yeah, I'd say a better chair would make the world of difference for ones posture, I'm sure they have affordable chairs out their that are made for correcting ones posture, there must be.
>> No. 2775 [Edit]
did you get sick of all those images saying "uncross your legs..."?
>> No. 2776 [Edit]
File 129647155416.jpg - (133.90KB , 400x561 , Franken Fran.jpg )
Guilty as charged. Maybe there is nothing wrong with having your legs crossed at all, but I've gotten used not to now.
>> No. 2777 [Edit]
There isn't, it's very common, and that's the point, The person posting them knows most people are doing it, it's not to say it's bad, just trying to mess with your head a bit, I guess in a way kind of like ____ is watching you masturbate.
>> No. 2782 [Edit]
It does. I didn't want to start the thread with a horrible picture of a bad-postured guy because I know people among us don't like seeing 3D. You can probably look on Google easily enough.
>> No. 4374 [Edit]
Do pull-ups and sleep on your back. It's better if you get a pillow that forms to your neck.

Use this website to help you:

I got my bar at walmart for 10 bucks. Goes right in my doorway.

Also, you just have to fix your posture whenever you think of it.

This too. Your setup makes a big difference. Don't skimp on your chair and desk.

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