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File 12962582318.jpg - (74.57KB , 346x480 , 1295153688611.jpg )
2724 No. 2724 [Edit]
Does anyone here have an aversion (preferably a taste aversion) to something?

I've always had a taste aversion towards shiitake mushrooms. I'm generally okay with most kinds of mushrooms, but not the shiitake mushroom. They have this odd smell, I can't describe it, but I just can't eat it. If it weren't for the taste, I'd eat it, but the taste is just unbearable. It's a mix between bitter and earthy. I don't know if I'm hypersensitive to the taste or not, but I could sense if something is cooked with those mushrooms. Even if I couldn't see it or if I could remove it, I could still sense that disgusting smell. Even the aroma of it makes me cringe and if I had to eat it, it'll be hard to swallow it because I dislike the taste. I think I've had this aversion ever since I was five.

I mean, I've tried to overcome this aversion, and it still happens. I thought to myself, "Well, they're fresh, and they don't smell bad when they're not cooked, so I might as well listen to them and give it a try." I was dead wrong. Still hated that smell, especially when it's well, just there, whether it's cooking or reconstituting under water. I just suddenly feel nauseous even thinking about its smell or taste. I'm just hypersensitive to its repulsive taste. I don't know whether I have a genetic physiological reaction to it or not, because I never recalled those things ever making me sick. It's just that they're disgusting and I don't know why people actually like those things.
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>> No. 2725 [Edit]
I'm a really picky eater. When my mom makes roast there is just something about the taste that makes me want to vomit, and I have no idea what
>> No. 2726 [Edit]
I have a taste aversion to M&M's, strangely enough. I got extremely sick when eating some back in elementary school while on a field trip. I ended up vomiting in front of everyone and crying, it was quite embarrassing. Now whenever I try to eat just one, I can feel this odd sick sensation in my sinuses and I start to get head sick. It's really odd and I can't really explain it.
>> No. 2728 [Edit]
In a non-taste context, at one point in a high school language class, the teacher played records of children singing songs in Italian for the class, and I had to cover my ears because it was so terribly awful to me. I actually looked a little bit like Mio in the OP picture.
>> No. 2732 [Edit]
There's a dish my family often makes that I can't stand. I grew up eating Arabic food all my life and I like almost all of it, but I can hardly be in the same room as foul, a bean dish that looks like, smells like and has the texture of vomit. It's sort of like the Arabic version of natto.

If you're interested:
Its long and ancient history doesn't make up for how much I fucking hate it.
>> No. 2733 [Edit]
I'm a Korean and I hate 95% of my culture's dishes, especially kimchi (I can't even stand looking at it) which I ended up vomiting after being forced to eat it once. I guess it's god's idea of a cruel joke.

I'm just glad I get to eat Western food now at college.
>> No. 2735 [Edit]
I've only found one person in my life who is a pickier eater than me (though he's kind of a nut, so it doesn't matter). My diet can basically be summarized as bread and/or cheese in various combinations; my favorite food is macaroni and cheese, for example.

And pickles make me throw up.
>> No. 2736 [Edit]
someone I know irl wont eat pizza with the base sauce on... just bread and cheese
what a faggot
>> No. 2737 [Edit]
Mustered, even the smell of it is revolting to me, I gag and want to vomit if I eat anything with it.

There's a long list of foods I can stand, but Mustered is at the very top.
>> No. 2738 [Edit]
Can you even call that a pizza?
>> No. 2740 [Edit]
I don't think so. How does that even work?
>> No. 2741 [Edit]
so the guy is essentially left with just cheese-bread?
>> No. 2744 [Edit]
I've always been a picky eater. I'm missing out on so much, but I can't help it.

And not just with tastes, textures play a very large part for what I like and don't like.
>> No. 2745 [Edit]
File 129630589822.jpg - (12.54KB , 420x768 , milk-bottle.jpg )
I can't stand milk. It's not lactose intolerance or anything like that because I can still eat cheese, ice cream and various other milk based products. There is just something about plain milk I can't stand, it even grosses me out watching other people drink it.
>> No. 2746 [Edit]
Chicken Noodles. They have a very distinctive foul smell, and I throw up if I eat them. Put me off eating any kind of noodles, too.
>> No. 2748 [Edit]
Fish. I hate fish, or pretty much any kind of seafood. My parents keep making it because it's apparently good for you, but I only eat a little then snack on other stuff later on.

Except tunafish for some reason...
>> No. 2749 [Edit]
What, they don't make tuna fish? That's weird, because tuna has the most neutral flavor of pretty much all seafood. I hate every kind of seafood I've tried, but once I had no choice but to eat grilled tuna, and it was fine; like white meat chicken.
>> No. 2750 [Edit]
File 129633173324.jpg - (23.13KB , 256x320 , chocolate milk.jpg )
How do you feel about chocolate milk? I can't stand plain white milk either but I have no problems with flavored forms of the beverage.
>> No. 2751 [Edit]
I know what you mean about texture. I love the taste of steak, but chewing into fat makes me gag
>> No. 2754 [Edit]
Nope, they never made it. Through, when I say tunafish, I'm talking about that canned stuff that you can make sandwiches with. I'd imagine that a whole fish wouldn't be that much different though.
>> No. 2755 [Edit]
I stopped eating fish when i was a teenager
my mom got me to take fish oil pills because apparently you needed it for your brain and i wasnt eating fish, well my brain seems to be doing perfectly fine without them
>> No. 2756 [Edit]
No, it's pretty different. The uncanned kind of tuna good seared, and it's got a different taste and texture from other fish I've had. But then I like fish, so you have a different opinion about it.

I like the canned stuff too, though. All chopped up with mayo and green onions.
>> No. 2757 [Edit]
*is good seared
**you probably have a different opinion

fish is clearly not helping my brain be any less stupid, contrary to reports
>> No. 2763 [Edit]
Me again. My mom just made some chicken, and the taste was very similar to the roast (as in, vomit inducing) so I guess it might have something to do with the stove itself. Is there anything that could be? I'm also the only one who seems to notice the taste
>> No. 2767 [Edit]
Perhaps it goes away after cleaning the stove.
>> No. 2768 [Edit]
It's going to be hard to convince my mom to clean it since they don't even believe there's a weird taste. Maybe there's really not and there's something wrong with me ;_;
>> No. 2784 [Edit]
Try cleaning it yourself. I think it definately might be some crapy residue in the oven.

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