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File 129625283796.gif - (476.76KB , 500x280 , fan.gif )
2715 No. 2715 [Edit]
Would you buy a fan like this?
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>> No. 2716 [Edit]
Hipster fan (meaning it costs too much for what it's worth) that makes too much noise. No.
>> No. 2717 [Edit]
It's a fan?
>> No. 2718 [Edit]

I personally wouldn't buy one since the only reason I even have a fan is to provide background noise so I can sleep. I don't need some future space fan to do that
>> No. 2719 [Edit]

It's the exact opposite to me, I love the wind but the damn noise won't let me sleep.
>> No. 2721 [Edit]
I actually saw one of these at the meijers where I live. I sorta noticed that no buffeting thing they mentioned, but I really don't care. a fan is a fan. if it moves air i'm happy.
>> No. 2729 [Edit]
even though I know this wouldn't happen I can't shake the feeling that if something went in the out end of the fan it'd explode for some reason.
>> No. 2730 [Edit]
Do people actually care enough about how their fan works? A fan is a fan is a fan. I don't want to pay money for some hipster fan that'll come out of 'fashion' within a few years.
>> No. 2731 [Edit]
wow, so that's what that thing was?
yeah sure, it seems really cool.
...not that cool.
>> No. 2734 [Edit]
Watch the "Research balloon" video on Dyson's website. That is as good a reason as any to buy one.
>> No. 2742 [Edit]
>>2734 shoot balloons?

I'd like to think there are much cheaper ways of moving balloons from point a to point b then to set up rows with dozens of these things costing thousands of dollars.
>> No. 2743 [Edit]
Wasteful it may be, but that was damn entertaining to watch.
>> No. 2761 [Edit]
I wish to have these fans in my house, along with those windows that turn opaque when you press a button, roombas, sex robots and any other impractical piece of technology that may have once been featured in a Wired article. And at the end of the day, I will look at all of the useless objects that I have placed in my home and think "this must be what they call the American dream!"

I will then go on to die in an electrical fire caused by wiring useless electronic goods into useless outlets; all connected to an even more useless breaker. And I won't regret a thing.
>> No. 2779 [Edit]
I have one of these fans.

They're very noisy. (´・ω・`)
>> No. 2780 [Edit]
Aren't they supposed to be quiet?
>> No. 2781 [Edit]

The fan in them is a lot smaller, so they have to spin a lot faster.
>> No. 2783 [Edit]
No. Also I don't use a laptop for taking notes, just a pad and pen. If things were up to me, I wouldn't even have a fridge, I'd have a box covered in water to keep food cool using evaporative cooling, and I would live in a van. Cheap phillistines unite!
>> No. 2785 [Edit]
Can you still die if you leave these on overnight like with regular fans? It looks like it might not chop up oxygen molecules like other fans.
>> No. 2787 [Edit]
I swear to god, that is the by far the most retarded urban legend I have ever heard of. Goddamn Koreans.
>> No. 2813 [Edit]
I saw one of these recently at a store. It was probably expensive..
>> No. 2818 [Edit]
They're pretty expensive compared to normal fans, and since they both accomplish the same thing it's probably not worth it
>> No. 2895 [Edit]
The fuck are you talking about?

My fans are constantly running and I'm still alive.
>> No. 2896 [Edit]
>> No. 2897 [Edit]
File 129660560913.png - (251.36KB , 1030x656 , youre already dead.png )
>> No. 2899 [Edit]
He's being sarcastic. I hope.
>> No. 2900 [Edit]
Dammit Korea.

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