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File 129622325855.jpg - (227.98KB , 700x565 , bike.jpg )
2706 No. 2706 [Edit]
Would you ride this bike?
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>> No. 2707 [Edit]
>404 page not found
>Still listed
Dammit site, stop tricking me.
>> No. 2708 [Edit]
maybe the bokubike to the upper left

also: they still make handelbars and brake handles like that? last time we went into a bike shop to get my mom's old street bike fixed, they said they didn't make those type of brake handles anymore.
>> No. 2710 [Edit]
I would if I can keep the bike.

So cute.
>> No. 2711 [Edit]
No because I'd have to go outside to do that.

I would if I could ride it in my backyard though.
>> No. 2714 [Edit]
I haven't been on a bike in years
>> No. 2720 [Edit]
I don't have enough swag to ride that bike.
>> No. 2722 [Edit]
if it wasnt a girls bike and it didnt have curved handlebars I would totally ride it. cycling is the best.
>> No. 2723 [Edit]
i just noticed this: the bokubike is a male's bike, and boku is a bit of a tomboy and refers to herself in the masculine form.
>> No. 2727 [Edit]
Look at it as a project; some guy probably thought it would be cool to put his waifu on that old, ugly bike no one use - et voila!

To answer OP Q: I wouldn't ride a bike unless it was like that one.
>> No. 2752 [Edit]
File 129633200824.png - (630.61KB , 810x810 , 1293860586116.png )
>> No. 3724 [Edit]
File 129971062999.jpg - (119.32KB , 640x480 , 1276108344_86664097.jpg )
How about this car?

I wouldn't.Since I don't have a driver's license.
>> No. 3725 [Edit]
If it has more than 500 horses, yes.

Though I'd have to replace the wheels, those tiny tires ride like shit.
>> No. 3728 [Edit]
File 129971918446.jpg - (22.16KB , 200x200 , cyberpunk cloud stife yelling.jpg )
yellow green orange with bling SCRAPER BIKES IS ON THE SCENE
>> No. 3730 [Edit]
File 129972330750.jpg - (30.28KB , 440x295 , trabant sedan.jpg )
Would you drive this car?

I would.

I have a fetish for iconic pieces of shit. If it had an anthro character I would be in heaven.
>> No. 3731 [Edit]
I would. I would love to pretend to be Mr Bean.
>> No. 3732 [Edit]
I...I never learned how to ride a bike....

Slap on some training wheels and sure i would.
>> No. 3733 [Edit]

>I...I never learned how to ride a bike....

That's cool Brohno. Same here.
>> No. 3736 [Edit]
Both of you. My backyard. Now.
I'll hook you both up with your waifu bike of choice if you manage to learn how to ride in under a week.
>> No. 3746 [Edit]

Oh but I don't really mind. Also, it's not like I'm willing yo voluntarily leave my apartment.
>> No. 3747 [Edit]
quite the offer, and i would accept if it wasnt know.
>> No. 3855 [Edit]
I find racing style bikes (with those handlebars) hard to handle, so no.
>> No. 3861 [Edit]
But crouching down makes you more aerodynamic!
>> No. 3909 [Edit]
yes I would. It'd be fun to bike in the ghetto and see how the niggaz react with that bike. Heck it'd be fun to take that on the METRA or El lines and see random people stare at the bike.

my local bike shop which is 'family owned' has those handlebars and whatnot there. But they have some old bikes too.

I do.....I think.

if I had my license.

I think the people who did that are Polish - note the Polish name on the boku bike.

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