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File 129601125475.jpg - (81.21KB , 437x230 , okay.jpg )
2667 No. 2667 [Edit]
Dear /blog/,

Yesterday I was taken to the hospital because my balls hurt. They swelled up so bad, I couldn't walk. When I got to the hospital, there were lots of people saying that there were bomb blast victims confined in there, but I don't give a shit because I'm in excruciating pain too. Most of them are dead anyway.

The doctor came to me and said my hernia got worse and I need an operation. I couldn't speak because if I try any effort to speak, the pain worsens. They told me tell will try to bring my balls back to normal, so I shrugged and gave them the go. First, they put dextrose syringes on the back of my hand. It's not painful. What's painful is when they put pain relievers into the tube. The pain drew into my veins it's painful... and relieving. I kinda like another shot of that stuff again. But when I was thinking that I fell asleep.

When I woke up, it's already morning. My balls still ache, but they're not swelling anymore. I can walk a bit normally now. The doctor told me that I should get a surgery soon. But going through surgery means I'll have to use my money which I saved up for figs and vidya. My health insurance only covers around a quarter of the expenses. I still haven't applied for the government's health care program to get free health care (though they must think I'm completely poor before they give it to me. Fuck them.)

So yeah, cool story. Just have to blurt it out. And yeah, having someone die beside you is an otherworldly experience. I just don't know how to look at life anymore.
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>> No. 2668 [Edit]
I think I heard of that. A hernia where your colon nudges its way into your nutbladder. I guess it's the best kind of hernia.

The hernia surgery will mean you'll have less pain and hospital visits to distract you from your fig newtons and video games. Consider it an investment.
>> No. 2669 [Edit]
what bomb?
>> No. 2670 [Edit]
My balls hurt sometimes for seemingly no reason. It could be cancer or something but I don't really care
>> No. 2671 [Edit]
i think that happens to everyone
>> No. 2672 [Edit]
Usually my left nut descends lower than the right one. Occasionally the tendons suspending my left nut will be tenser than normal, so my two nuts sit next to each other, and they would knock against one another when I walked.
>> No. 2673 [Edit]
They say that's pretty normal.
>> No. 2674 [Edit]
then wear briefs so they stay in place

or is that bad for your nuts, elementary school confuses me
>> No. 2675 [Edit]
I hate the constriction. Started wearing boxers in grade seven, never looked back. I remember vividly the constant picking my sweaty genitals when I wore briefs.
>> No. 2676 [Edit]
briefs were invented by a man-hating woman
>> No. 2677 [Edit]
>But going through surgery means I'll have to use my money which I saved up for figs and vidya.

Bro I hope you're not thinking of waiting with the operation to save your money for the figs...
>> No. 2678 [Edit]
Well, I'm thinking of applying for government health care. The problem is, in order for me to get free health care, I have to show the evaluators that I'm so poor that I cannot afford health care using my own money. But if they were to evaluate me now, I'd just probably get 30% of my hospital bills paid bu the government because of my property. I just cannot say I bought them through lunch money.
>> No. 2679 [Edit]
dude, spending that money on the operation is much better then saving it for figs and videya. if you die you'll never be able to appreciate the figs, and you can always pirate the videya
>> No. 2680 [Edit]
So, when you watch Hidamari Sketch you get a hernia AND a heart attack. That is just cruel. Funeral directors will have a field day if we ever get season 4.
What do you mean when you say boxers? Are we talking the satin ones or that boxer-brief hybrid?
>> No. 2681 [Edit]
Boxer shorts made from cotton.
>> No. 2688 [Edit]
They are always the best one. They have the sense of freedom of satin boxers but also the security of cotton briefs. Comfy and easy to wear.
>> No. 2689 [Edit]
>when you watch Hidamari Sketch you get a hernia AND a heart attack.

totally not worth it
>> No. 2778 [Edit]
File 129647338312.png - (177.62KB , 600x450 , 1295269622571.png )
Dear /blog/,

I heard from my cousin after four long years. I went to his house to run some errand and he's there fiddling with the TV's remote. He's the one who introduced me to anime, well not really. He's still into the things that kept us together when we were still younger -- MTG, mecha and shounen anime, video games and toku. Well, I'm much worse than him as I'm more into 2D now. If I look at him now, he's /m/ and I'm /jp/. He asked me how I was doing. He heard that I was taken to the hospital, is all. I'm kinda okay. Just trying to suppress my movements and emotions so my balls won't swell again. Apparently, I cannot laugh, shout, jump, etc. as they greatly affect my condition. Okay, enough of that.

He was eager to show me the MTG cards he bought online. He just got back to playing again and asked me to build decks. I'm not really playing anymore but I'm still updated with new expansions. His loot was quite impressive to say the least. I didn't care anyway. Then he brought up video games. MvC3. Reliving the old days where we screwed each other at fighting games. It's like as if he's trying to keep me in the conversation. Not that I lose interest right away, I just don't like being there. When I told him to get MvC3 so we can play together. He suddenly told me it's impossible because he's planning his wedding and he's gonna need money.

Planning his wedding. Well, he's 29, has a stable job and a cute 3DPD. I'm not even shocked. I just realized that we were getting old. I jogged my memories of the people I knew. I remember them having 3DPDs, partying, and flirting. Some of them are already married. Most of them busy with their jobs. I once asked an acquaintance of mine how it feels to have a family and be a father. He can't explain it. But looking at them, I have mixed feelings. I really dunno how to feel.

I also remember rejecting their offers to go out. I'm not a heavy drinker, but I'd rather drink somewhere quiet by myself than be noisy somewhere else.

Are all of these really part of growing up?
>> No. 2815 [Edit]
The meaning of "growing up" is like the meaning of life. There's no one true meaning, but most people feel compelled to come up with an answer. And sometimes people seem to decide that for any answer to be satisfactory, it has to be the one true answer, so they judge people who do not share that answer. Like religion, love, hobbies, tastes, etc. Some people are open-minded and some refuse to be.

You'll find conflicting, contradictory opinions on it all over the place. Take someone like your cousin with a career, marriage, etc. Add a pet (like a dog) into that equation and there will be people who call him immature.

Maturity means nothing, just do what is good.
>> No. 2920 [Edit]
You aren't doing all the things that society deems necessary to live a healthy normal life. Among the many things you feel is nonconformity, and conformity is something hardwired into being human as a means of survival. Naturally you're going to feel uncomfortable not going with the supposed flow.

Pretty much this. There's no real reason to spend however many years you have in life to worry over what's correct and what's incorrect. Cast off your simple worries. Yes, as you grow up many people you know will find themselves "moving on." Pretty much all of my closest friends are heading in that direction and it also makes me despair a bit. Whatever, though. I'm not them, and I'm not saying this in a negative or a positive way. I'm just going to cast off all the expectations of myself implanted by others and relish the ones that I really know to be true to my heart.

Live happily. Do whatever you feel like doing, but within reason so as to maintain that happiness and do your best to not make other people sad.

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