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File 129583699429.jpg - (93.06KB , 1024x494 , 4chanjanitor.jpg )
2618 No. 2618 [Edit]
Not usually the one to post something about 4chan, but i saw this.

Think it'd help any at all?
Probably not, though i'm mildly tempted to apply for /a/ since i have nothing better to do and it'd be nice to get rid of some of the shit like KoG's spamget bullshit.

Keep it civil people, i know how many of you get pissed off over anything 4chan. If you can't be civil, don't post. I'll delete the thread myself in a couple days once the applications and stuff are over anyways
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>> No. 2620 [Edit]

I would apply /jp/ and try my best to restore the old glory, but it probably won't work, since the userbase's quality decreased too much.
>> No. 2622 [Edit]
Well I'd like to apply...but I know I'm too lazy to mod that place all the time now. If I was younger/more involved in 4chan i would. now i dont want to get sucked into /b/, /adv/, or /soc/ ad the last two have taken up the mantle of /r9k/
>> No. 2623 [Edit]

No one can be sucked back at /b/ if they are already out of it.

I could understand /a/ or /v/, but /b/? It's just plain stupidity, and no janitor could fix that.
>> No. 2624 [Edit]
There was a time I would have loved to be a /jp/ janitor, but the mods/moot would wind up making my job too hard by inciting raids (the puddi thing, for example), so I have no interest in doing so anymore. Plus I don't want to be forced to interact with those people
>> No. 2626 [Edit]
/b/ isn't even applicable for janitor anyways. Probably because moot is on there so much and the fact he'd get spammed worse with apps if it was (would be funny though)
>> No. 2629 [Edit]
Maybe if it were for mod I would.
>> No. 2630 [Edit]
As long as moot actually hires around 5~10 janitors for each board that are fairly spaced out in terms of time zones, I honestly think it'll help immensely considering that 4chan's staff is actually very very very small considering its huge userbase.

Of course, I'm certainly not suggesting that 4chan will suddenly become good again mainly because of userbase quality decay. Even if you delete all the "rule-breaking content," you're still left with retarded/immature discussions that are "technically on-topic." Most of the times I've facepalmed on /a/ isn't from the getspam/tripfag drama/other off-topic threads, but from the sheer stupidity and immaturity found in legitimate on-topic posts.

I just hope that the new janitors won't get disinterested and quit when they realize how tedious the job is, though it probably won't be as bad as when I was once the janitor.
>> No. 2631 [Edit]
Old janitors are all being promoted to moderators, which is good, plus the application submission period will only be open for a few days. I suggested something similar to what he's doing now in an older thread on Tohno-chan.

It's funny how the application form hasn't changed since janitors were first introduced back in 2006 or 2007, although I can't think of anything to add to it. I'm surprised dis is an applicable board to apply for as a janitor. I had no idea janitors even patrolled the text boards.
>> No. 2636 [Edit]
I know. I used a macro to spam copypasta in a thread until it reached 999. And as you might have guessed, its the 'I like Konata' thread on the anime textboard.
>> No. 2644 [Edit]
File 129588554227.jpg - (37.88KB , 747x156 , I am insane.jpg )
>> No. 2645 [Edit]
4chan is dead cause. Why even make thread of 4chan?
>> No. 2647 [Edit]
File 129590103574.jpg - (95.89KB , 400x366 , Oldfags-hate-me-Newfags-defend-me.jpg )
I applied for both /a/ and /v/. I figure even if moot does not want to do anything pro-4chan, I might as well try.
Also in complete Hippocratic action towards the anonyous part of *chan culture, the application asked for your real first name.
>> No. 2652 [Edit]
not even bothering. 4chan is a shithole and the only thing that's gonna help it is another 100 mods that aren't shitheads. maybe even a new admin...

it's been said before, all the good /jp/ and /a/ posters have left already. what's left is shit.
>> No. 2656 [Edit]
Reasons why I'm not applying:
-Too lazy to write nice application
-Don't want to sacrifice huge amounts of time, all I want is to be able to delete shitty threads when I see them.
-I think I would go insane from having to read and delete shitty threads all the time.
>> No. 2658 [Edit]
I would never waste my time - as much of it that I have - to modding 4chan. It would be unforgiving and I don't see the point. What do I care whether /a/ is shit or not?
>> No. 2701 [Edit]
Yes, I applied, but not to /jp/ since moot can't decide on what the board is for.

Time isn't even an issue for me, but asking someone to stay tethered to a computer while on duty is a complete joke. It's phucing 2011 already. What they should do is develop an add-on for mobile devices, which would make the job much more manageable.
>> No. 2702 [Edit]
I don't understand why anyone would apply for a board other than /jp/ since that's probably the most salvageable board
>> No. 2703 [Edit]
I also applied, but only because with how much I bitch about things there I would feel like an even bigger faggot if I didn't.

Also, the notice is gone, Surtic, didn't you say you would delete the thread after it was over?
>> No. 2704 [Edit]
Becoming a janitor there will never change what the place has become, you can delete posts and threads all day everyday, but people will still keep making bad threads and posts.
It's just a waste of effort.
>> No. 2709 [Edit]
I did not bother applying as well. Even if you become a janitor in hopes to become a full "team" member (read: moderator), the reality is that in order to become a moderator, moot has to know you. Basically the entire thing is a social contest on how much you willing to suck up to him in order for him to befriend you.

Basically, he befriends janitors he personally knows as moderators. That's why he took two years for the old janitors to become new moderators.
>> No. 2712 [Edit]
He only makes normals janitors. As a result, 4chan is going to be even worse than it is now.

I never bothered signing up because it'd be a waste of time.
>> No. 2713 [Edit]
>Basically the entire thing is a social contest on how much you willing to suck up to him in order for him to befriend you.

I don't see how you could assert such things unless you were a former janitor or mod yourself.

>He only makes normals janitors

Moot may be a normalfag but that doesn't mean he wouldn't make some shut-in a janitor. In fact, it'd make more sense to hire a shut-in considering they have more time to keep the spam out.

Also, this thread is unneeded now, Surtic. It'd be best to just delete it.

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