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File 129566746363.jpg - (485.89KB , 1023x922 , us_japan.jpg )
2538 No. 2538 [Edit]
Would you move to another country, Tohno-chan?
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>> No. 2539 [Edit]
83% less likely to get aids?!
>> No. 2540 [Edit]
if you moved to japan you'd be just as much of a loser there as you are in your home country
>> No. 2541 [Edit]
But at least I'd be a loser in Japan, uguu~
>> No. 2542 [Edit]
Yes, to Finland if I could. Would buy own little cabin somewhere in Lapland, chop wood during wintertime, raise reindeer for meat. Then likely just sit in a sauna and drink vodka ;_;
>> No. 2543 [Edit]
This is a really interesting site. You'd probably always fine some better statistics and some lower ones with whatever you compare your country to. Apples and oranges.
>> No. 2544 [Edit]
I don't think I care about any of these stats they use except for life expectancy and wages.
>> No. 2546 [Edit]
I want to be one of those rich white guys who retires at 30 and moves to Thailand
>> No. 2547 [Edit]
Good choice, Thailand has a very active and undetectable child sex ring there.
>> No. 2589 [Edit]
File 129573597737.jpg - (34.37KB , 470x323 , corea.jpg )
>spend 99.87% less money on health care
Fuck yes! North Corea best country in world!
>> No. 2590 [Edit]
Anywhere that has weed legalized.
>> No. 2591 [Edit]

Argentina does, and I still don't like living here.
>> No. 2592 [Edit]
File 12957458584.jpg - (143.52KB , 730x537 , Northkoreabestkorea.jpg )
>> No. 2600 [Edit]
yeah, but look at all those other percentages. you'd be making 84.92% less money. and I doubt they have internet over there.

i was thinking of posting that same image. beat me to it
>> No. 2601 [Edit]
File 129578505238.jpg - (59.42KB , 1082x540 , usht.jpg )
I don't really live in Haiti.
>> No. 2609 [Edit]
Nice find but I dislike how 'on average' is never ever mentioned after any of those stats. I mean yeah, sure, it's obvious but I'd still rather have it there.

I think I'd like to move to Norway. Or maybe Faroe Islands. Both seem like a nice place to live. But I know that even if I moved there I would still be myself and thus I'd be just as unhappy as I am now.

But as I said, it's a nice find and I'll be sure to waste some time comparing countries, even though it's pointless.
>> No. 2643 [Edit]
File 129588406019.jpg - (41.74KB , 465x384 , polska.jpg )
>yeah, but look at all those other percentages. you'd be making 84.92% less money. and I doubt they have internet over there.

Your point good. I try Poland then.
That feel when Poland is largely better than home country.
>> No. 2646 [Edit]
Uh. Somethings not right with that site. It says I would make less money in both the UK and Canada than I would in the US.
Nobody in my town has a job.
>> No. 2649 [Edit]
This site probably uses per capita GDP figures, so that would mean US per capita income is a little higher than it is in the UK or Canada. But if you live in an especially depressed part of the country of course it won't feel that way.
>> No. 2664 [Edit]

Funfact: apparently, the 'that feeling' meme originates from polish imageboard (although some argue it comes from krautchan's /int/ but pretty much everybody agrees Poles started it). I just felt like pointing it out since it's a somewhat amusing coincidence.
>> No. 2665 [Edit]
File 129597288630.gif - (10.23KB , 646x817 , 1295627879004.gif )
>> No. 2666 [Edit]
Oh, I always wondered how that originated.
>> No. 2698 [Edit]
File 129615815376.png - (7.70KB , 400x400 , epic feel guy.png )
this isn't a story i enjoy telling, but here goes anyway. in summer 2009 krautchan's /int/ board was a slow moving relatively civilized place. it had 7 threads per page and 7 pages and it usually took about a week for a thread to 404. people discussed things, generally asking people in other countries about this or that bit of minutae which was different from their homeland, there was a lot of language study as well and history discussion. then this polish kid showed up and started spamming moronic threads and generally being a retarded ITG & attention whore , so this british guy first started having some fun with the guy, mimicking him and whatnot and then he invented the polandball comics as another way to make fun of this polish guy who was called wojak because wojak is a brand of beer, its pretty much the bud light of poland or maybe a bit more lowbrow. after polandball , krautchan's /int/ board became wildly popular, the post counts started going up like mad, they've actually been doubling every three months and polandball was created at the end of august 2009, so thats 2^5 by now. wojak was lost in the flood of polandball popularity and nobody would pay attention to him. after a few months of being ignored, wojak took a drawing from whatever the fuck the polish imagebaord was before tapchan (i forget), which was and started posting "that feel when no GF" threads about 50 times a day. after a few weeks of doing this, people stopped just ignoring wojak and stated to make funny variations on the drawing and this is how the "that feel" "meme" was started.
>> No. 5591 [Edit]
WTF is this? Using less electricity, oil and spending less on health is BETTER? This is leftist cheguevara bullshit.
>> No. 5593 [Edit]

Forgive me if I got it wrong, but I thought spending less on healthcare was the conservative right, while the left wanted to spend more on healthcare, and ensure everyone got some.
>> No. 5605 [Edit]
At least in the US, the right wants everyone to pay out of their own pocket for health care (more individual cost, less government cost) and the left wants the government to pay for health care (less individual cost, more government cost). The latter is much cheaper overall when you look at the percent of GDP a nation spends on health care, which is probably why all of the other first world countries do it that way. Japan has universal health care, and as you can see cheaper health care, which is why they're dirty commies.
>> No. 5611 [Edit]
I've not been to a dentist in at least 16 years. My teeth are killing me, and they have grand canyon sized cavities, but the dentists I've looked up in this country want on average $1,000 up front before they even look at me, before I even say what's wrong if anything.
Good old US of A.
>> No. 5666 [Edit]
I didn't go to the dentist for like 5 years but then one of my parents got a job that had dental insurance, and I was still in college so I got covered too. Luckily I had only developed one cavity but I should've had my wisdom teeth out a few years earlier so when I finally had them pulled it was a lot worse than normal.

Also I had to jump through a lot of hoops to make sure the insurance actually paid for what it said it would. Anyone who thinks a health care system based on companies that make their money by not providing you services after you pay them is good is seriously stupid.
>> No. 5667 [Edit]
File 130351187963.jpg - (187.52KB , 1337x907 , meh.jpg )
I still wouldn't move to the US.
>> No. 5682 [Edit]
File 130355831651.png - (92.71KB , 471x701 , Untitled.png )
>> No. 5685 [Edit]
Magyar vagy?
>> No. 5770 [Edit]
>> No. 5774 [Edit]
File 13037771411.png - (239.56KB , 977x773 , Screenshot-1.png )
I'd rather live there regardless.
>> No. 5778 [Edit]
File 13037909623.jpg - (52.22KB , 517x464 , gloriusiceland.jpg )
Fuck yeah, Iceland.
>> No. 5779 [Edit]
File 130379749014.png - (83.62KB , 500x407 , usGermany.png )
Notice how the amount of extra free time corresponds exactly to how much lower the income is.
>> No. 5850 [Edit]
File 130398159330.png - (93.24KB , 470x386 , japan sweden.png )

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