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File 129566052541.jpg - (24.23KB , 704x400 , 1294957679200.jpg )
2530 No. 2530 [Edit]
I just realized that Alexander the Great conquered and ruled a good chunk of the world when he was my age and I... I have done nothing.
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>> No. 2532 [Edit]
File 129566100441.jpg - (15.33KB , 180x200 , mugi huff.jpg )
You made this thread!
>> No. 2533 [Edit]
Do something then.
>> No. 2534 [Edit]
Yeah, but to be fair Megas Alexandros was a war god.
>> No. 2535 [Edit]
if i remember correctly alaxander the great was born into royalty, so he was forced to so.
>> No. 2536 [Edit]
I have nothing to contribute to society, and I'm ok with it.
>> No. 2537 [Edit]
Conquering the world is overrated. It involves killing a shitload of people and enslaving a shitload of non-dead people. You are probably a better person than Alexander the Asshole.
>> No. 2545 [Edit]
I never minded that feeling. The feeling that I never did anything with my life - Why should I? My life has never contributed anything to me, why should I contribute anything to it? Long live aimlessness.
>> No. 2548 [Edit]
Alexander the Great is in the top .0001 percent of people who've had an effect on history. He was a military genius, a born leader and as >>2537
says, a great butcher of humanity. Don't compare yourself to Alexander.

Also, Alex drank himself to death in his early 30's, so that's something else to consider.
>> No. 2549 [Edit]
File 129568606325.jpg - (82.41KB , 380x380 , 1266619721831.jpg )
if you want to have an effect on history just become like that cray youtube guy who shot that senator or whatever. good luck.
>> No. 2551 [Edit]
yeah, inheriting sole leadership of the worlds greatest military and economic power allows you to do all sorts of cool stuff, i bet he got mad pussy too...but i got to watch the haruhi movie. they didn't even have moe back in his days, his life sucked compared to ours
>> No. 2559 [Edit]
Yeah he got his best friends..let's say 'boypussy' alright.
>> No. 2561 [Edit]
File 129570107777.jpg - (116.31KB , 392x437 , Franky.jpg )
I don't get the fear of not being remembered after you die. If it was good enough for 99.99999999999999999999999% of humanity, it's good enough for you.
>> No. 2562 [Edit]
File 12957032534.jpg - (412.68KB , 2546x2016 , Konachan_com - 04595 andou_mahoro andou_minawa and.jpg )
>Alexander the Great conquered and ruled a good chunk of the world
Just think how much needless violence and suffering he's responsible for. You are better than that, and that's great.
>> No. 2563 [Edit]
File 129571400269.png - (100.20KB , 279x303 , Adolf_Hitler.png )
Then strive to become the next Stalin or Hitler. The world needs one, OP. Best of luck.

Tip: to gain political power, exploit the outrage of the people more than their fear. Only use fear after you're in power.
>> No. 2564 [Edit]
File 129571447233.jpg - (704.66KB , 1390x1937 , 3689f89379fbac29f3097a72d14bf6c6.jpg )
>The world needs one
Why? (pic unrelated)
>> No. 2566 [Edit]
File 129571503258.jpg - (25.72KB , 400x311 , faggots.jpg )
Because when it becomes acceptable to look like this (see picture), then you know it's time for genocide on a scale never before seen.
>> No. 2569 [Edit]
No wonder the terrorists want to kill us
>> No. 2571 [Edit]

Makes sense. Maybe that's why the terrorists hate the 'western world'.
>> No. 2575 [Edit]
I'll never understand those weird slit glasses.
>> No. 2576 [Edit]
someone famous wore them so they must be cool!!!!
>> No. 2639 [Edit]
Yo don't diss Brokencyde they straight up ballin nigga
>> No. 2640 [Edit]
You wish you were as musically talented as Brokencyde! You're just jealous!!!
>> No. 2641 [Edit]
File 129587646626.jpg - (88.39KB , 450x540 , 9878185.jpg )
You know, your picture doesn't suit the tone of what you said. But it was funny thinking about it, so well done.
Brokencyde seems to follow me to every website I go. Oh joy.
Oh >>2530, If it's any consolation, you may not have done as much as Alexander the great, but you are still doing a lot more than quite a large amount of people. In fact, I would even say that in retrospect, you are doing rather well for yourself.
>> No. 2642 [Edit]

Hohoooo! Is funny because you are troll!

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