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File 129556321476.jpg - (178.46KB , 900x900 , AHAHAHA__OH_DESIRE_by_Chamao.jpg )
2498 No. 2498 [Edit]
What feels better, buying a lot of cheap crap, or buying an expensive, flashy, one-purpose item that will probably be cheaper in the future?
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>> No. 2500 [Edit]
buying nothing
>> No. 2501 [Edit]
File 129556487646.jpg - (9.33KB , 322x321 , 1292320188931.jpg )

Buying flashy, one-purpose items that were expensive before.
>> No. 2503 [Edit]
It's hard to say without knowing what the items are. The "flashy one use item" could either be a really nice sandwich or a free week's stay in Tokyo's best hotel.
>> No. 2504 [Edit]

Not one-use, one purpose.

For example, lot of cheap crap can mean: a poster for your room, cheap headsets, fixing your psp's broken screen..

An expensive one purpose item can be... I don't know, a new video card for the PC?
>> No. 2568 [Edit]
Buy a large hammer and smash things with it.

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