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2476 No. 2476
A television news programs wants to make a special episode reporting on an increasing trend of social shut-ins among young males. They request permission to interview and take some footage of you; in return you get reimbursed with five-thousand dollars.

Would you let them do it and broadcast it to the world?
>> No. 2477
I don't think so. Maybe if they hid my face and changed my voice and didn't show my name. Having people from school find out what a loser I've turned into is one of my biggest fears. $5,000 isn't worth that level of shame and embarrassment.
>> No. 2478
Sure, as long as they actually report things as they are and not in a sensationalist kind of way.

Which is probably impossible so no, I guess I wouldn't.
>> No. 2480
Not at all. Five thousand dollars isn't enough to become an object of public derision and a laughingstock on national television.

I don't care what the people from my school think about me though. They can all fuck off.
>> No. 2481
For how much money would you do it for then?
>> No. 2482
This. As long as they hid EVERYTHING, I would be ok with it.

And even if they did report it in a sensationalist sort of way, I would be using the money to fund this life-style, so fuck them.
>> No. 2484
For enough that would let me live well for the rest of my life without ever having to worry about something like getting embarrassed on TV.

There's no way you'd ever get paid that much for something like this, though, and even if you did they'd definitely show your face at the very least, since it's a "human interest" story and hiding your identity would make it less effective.
>> No. 2487
I agree. If I'm ever going to deal with anything humiliating then I'd better get enough money for me to say "who gives a fuck I'm rich now"
>> No. 2493
five thousand dollars? Id do it for fifty
>> No. 2505
Depends on how bad I need the money, now, no. In two weeks when I find out my parents have probably fucked their finances (and hence the ~$2000 they owe me) over again I'd be heavily considering it.
>> No. 2506
This, though maybe fifty isn't enough. $5000 would let me live comfortably for a short while.
>> No. 2507

I mean: $5000 for doing nothing? of course I'd do it.
About some people probably recognizing me, or any concern about the producers manipulating footage, biasing things and misinforming people or anything, I honestly don't give a flying fuck.
>> No. 2508
Why would I care if people hate me or ridicule me?
I don't go out so why would I care?
>> No. 2510
Add a 0 to the end, hide my face/name/voice and sure.

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