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File 129540021044.jpg - (20.50KB , 261x299 , mikuru question.jpg )
2448 No. 2448
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>> No. 2450
File 129540189179.jpg - (495.19KB , 585x382 , wormhole.jpg )
Too complicated for me to understand. Seems like it could happen under extremely rare conditions and it seems it would only be possible in one direction, meaning past -> future.

Although something similar was discovered some years ago, where you can transfer the state of an atom through a shortcut in space to another atom many lightyears away. I could probably copy myself to some galaxy billions of years away. That'd be pretty neat but I would have no interest in doing it because my copy is simply not me.
>> No. 2451
File 129540461572.png - (114.36KB , 359x559 , 1273286436396.png )
Physics was never my strong point.
>> No. 2452
sorry to go off topic, but I think this thread would got on /mt/ no?
>> No. 2453
I'd like to discuss this heavy stuff, but I haven't studied physics beyond grade 12, and thus anything I say about it will just be full of crap and likely wrong.
>> No. 2454
Imagine four balls on the edge of a cliff...
>> No. 2461
File 12954278244.png - (437.73KB , 640x427 , Hoverboard 1.png )
Why are we wasting time on this when 2015 is just around the corner?! There better be hoverboards or there will be blood.
>> No. 2462
Yeah, and why the hell do I still have to tie my own shoelaces.
>> No. 2463
File 129542972077.jpg - (34.40KB , 428x378 , Super-Z_Strap.jpg )
You don't, man.
>> No. 2464
File 129543011833.jpg - (39.70KB , 210x150 , 75702_MOKA.jpg )
I haven't used those in years.
>> No. 2465
These aren't really ideal for running though...
>> No. 2467

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